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Towards high temporal resolution Creatine Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (Cr-CEST) during plantar flexion exercise: Preliminary results at 7T
Esaú Poblador Rodriguez1, Marek Chmelík1,2, Vladimír Mlynárik1,2, Siegfried Trattnig1,2, and Wolfgang Bogner1

1High Field MR Centre, Department of Biomedical Imaging and Image-guided Therapy, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Christian Doppler Laboratory for Clinical Molecular MR Imaging, Vienna, Austria


Once the technical limitations are cleared, Cr-CEST could replace 31P-MRS, becoming a powerful tool for assessment of treatment outcomes and diagnosis of muscular disorders, due to its superior spatial resolution and sensitivity. Phantom measurements show how Cr concentration and pH are linearly correlated with CEST contrast maps. The preliminary in-vivo measurements, with a time resolution of 13.1s per repetition, produce an enhancement of gastrocnemius muscle of 12% during plantar flexion exercise. However, a further increased time resolution is anticipated for dynamic studies, close to those routinely used in dynamic 31P-MRS.


Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) is a relatively newly developed contrast mechanism which allows to measure small amounts of metabolites with enhanced sensitivity.[1]

Creatine (Cr) is an endogenous metabolite with Amine protons (-NH2), which resonate around 1.8ppm downfield from the water resonance. It is one of the major metabolites involved in muscle (skeletal and myocardial) energy metabolism, which can be altered in different disorders.[2]

The Creatine Kinase (CK) reaction is the most immediate mechanism to regenerate ATP (adenosine triphosphate), illustrated by:ADP+PCr+H+CKCr+ATPDuring muscle contraction phosphocreatine (PCr), which is storage of cellular energy, is converted into free creatine (Cr) to maintain ATP, the supply of the energy currency, on a constant level.

Phosphorous MR spectroscopy (31P-MRS) is nowadays the gold standard for dynamic studies on muscle energy metabolism. However once the technical limitations are cleared, Cr-CEST could replace 31P-MRS, becoming a powerful tool for assessment of treatment outcomes and diagnosis of muscular disorders, due to its superior spatial resolution and sensitivity.


CEST Imaging: Performed on a whole body 7T MR Magnetom system from Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany with a 1H 28-channel knee coil from QED, Mayfield Village,Ohio,USA. CEST images were acquired with five Gaussian saturation pulses of 100ms each separated by a 31ms delay and amplitude B1=3.0T for phantoms and 0.8μT for in-vivo with a Turbo-FLASH readout.

Phantom Design: Five different concentration ratios between PCr and Cr (100%-0%, 75%-25%, 50%-50%, 25-75% and 0%-100%, pH=7) were prepared in PBS (Phosphate Buffered Saline) solution and 100% inorganic phosphate (Pi) in distilled water with a total concentration of 50mM. Six different pH solutions were also prepared (7.2, 7.0, 6.8, 6.6, 6.4, 6.2, [Cr]=50mM). All samples were kept in plastic sealed syringes immersed in a cylindrical bottle filled with tap water. Phantom sequence parameters: Slice thickness=8mm, GRE flip angle=5º, readout TR=650ms, TE=1.5ms, field of view=180x180mm, matrix=64x64.

Dynamic experiment: A pneumatic MR-compatible ergometer (Trispect, Ergospect, Innsbruck, Austria) was used for plantar flexion exercise to exercise gastrocnemius muscles. The exam consisted of 2min of rest, 6min of exercise at a pedal pressure of 1.8bars and 4min of recovery (total of 60 repetitions).

Volunteer calf muscle sequence parameters: Slice thickness=8mm, readout TR=3.4ms, TE=1.4ms, field of view=140x140mm, matrix=64x64, each spectrum was acquired every 13.1s.

CEST Z-spectrum Acquisition: Range covered over ±3.5ppm in steps of 0.11ppm (63 points) for phantoms and ±2.8ppm in steps of 0.47ppm (13 points) for in-vivo measurements, relative to bulk water resonance.

CEST Asymmetry ratio: Spectra were normalized with a non-saturated signal (S0) using the equation: CESTasym=Ssat(ω)Ssat(+ω)S0 where the chemical shifts -∆ω and +∆ω correspond to the integration ranges ±[1.4ppm-2.3ppm] and ±[1.5ppm-2.1ppm]. B0 inhomogeneities were normalized as described in [3].


Phantom spectra and CEST asymmetry ratios in Figure1 show how CEST peaks behave for different ratios between PCr and Cr, as well as for tap water and Pi when pH is constant.

In-vivo spectra and CEST asymmetry ratios in Figure4 show a CEST effect of ≈12% along the gastrocnemius muscle and ≈7% in soleus at 1.9ppm during plantar flexion exercise. CEST ratios of ≈6% and ≈4.5% were measured in gastrocnemius and soleus at resting state.

The CEST-maps presented in Figure3 show how the contrast evolves for different metabolites concentration and pH emulating different instants within exercise (increasing Cr concentration and decreasing pH). Figure4 illustrates the correlation of (a) metabolites concentration and (b) pH with CEST contrast.

The preliminary in-vivo CEST map presented in Figure5 shows the CEST enhancement during exercise compared with the resting state.


CEST contrast increases in-vivo from 6% to 10% due to exercise (Figure1) around the Cr resonance frequency (1.8ppm) in the principle muscles involved in plantar flexion exercise, soleus and in particular the gastrocnemius muscle.

In phantom studies free Cr achieved 4-times higher CEST contrast compared with PCr (Figures.2,3&4) for a fixed pH=7.

The CEST contrast ratio is linearly correlated with Cr concentration (around 0.6% per mM), the other metabolites present had no considerable contribution due to their much slower exchange rate.[4] There is also a linear relation with pH in the physiological ranged with a slope of 6.2% per pH unit at 7T. Phillip Zhe Sun et al. also found a Cr-CEST dependence of 2% per pH unit at 3T and 8% per pH unit for 9.4T.[5]

Motion artifacts are a limitation that will have to overcome for reliable quantification of dynamic exams.


This study shows the feasibility to map Cr-CEST contrast in-vivo with exercise. However, a further increased time resolution is anticipated for dynamic studies, close to those routinely used in dynamic 31P-MRS.


My gratitude to Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB) for the grant “Jubläumsfond” #16133.


1. van Zijl, P.C. and N.N. Yadav, Chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST): what is in a name and what isn't? Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2011. 65(4): p. 927-948.

2. Kogan, F., H. Hariharan, and R. Reddy, Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) Imaging: Description of Technique and Potential Clinical Applications. Curr Radiol Rep, 2013. 1(2): p. 102-114.

3. Poblador_Rodriguez, E., Creatine CEST In Human Muscle, in Department of Signals and Systems. Division of Signal Processing and Biomedical Engineering. 2015, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. Master Thesis in Biomedical Engineering, EX068/2015

4. Haris, M., et al., Exchange rates of creatine kinase metabolites: feasibility of imaging creatine by chemical exchange saturation transfer MRI. NMR Biomed, 2012. 25(11): p. 1305-1309.

5. Sun, P.Z., et al., Investigation of optimizing and translating pH-sensitive pulsed-chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) imaging to a 3T clinical scanner. Magn Reson Med, 2008. 60(4): p. 834-841.


Figure1: (a) Fitted Z-spectra and (b) corresponding asymmetry plots for 50mM solutions: 5 samples with PCr and Cr ratios:100%-0%, 75%-25%, 50%-50%, 25-75% and 0%-100% at pH=7 and a 6th sample with 100% Pi. 5 Gaussian RF saturation pulses of 100ms each separated by a 31ms delay and B1=3.0µT were applied.

Figure2: (a) Phantom containing syringes with 50 mM solutions of PCr and Cr (100%-0%, 75%-25%, 50%-50%, 25-75% and 0%-100% at pH=7) and 100% of Pi. (b) Phantom containing syringes of Cr solution in PBS (50mM) with pH of 7.2, 7.0, 6.8, 6.6, 6.4 and 6.2.

Figure3: Plots of the average change CESTasym ratio [%] corresponding to ROIs within each sample for (a) different metabolite concentration and tap water and (b) different pH values of 100% Cr solution. Total concentration of metabolites of 50mM. Integration range within ±[1.5ppm-2.1ppm].

Figure4: (a) Fitted Z-spectra and (b) corresponding asymmetry plots for medial gastrocnemius (G1 to G4), lateral gastrocnemius (G5 & G6) and soleus (G7) muscles during exercise. Saturation was applied with 5 Gaussian RF pulses of 100ms each separated by a 31ms delay and with amplitude (B1) of 0.8uT.

Figure5: Creatine CEST contrast maps for (a) resting state and (b) during exercise, where gastrocnemius is enhanced. Saturation was applied with 5 Gaussian RF pulses of 100ms each, 31ms delay between them and amplitude (B1) of 0.8uT. Integration range for Asymmetry analysis within ±[1.4ppm-2.3ppm].

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)