Jie Zheng1, David Muccigrosso1, Xiaodong Zhang2, Hongyu An1, Andrew R Coggan1, Charles F Hildebolt1, Chandu Vemuri3, Patrick Geraghty3, Mary K Hastings4, and Michael J Mueller4
1Radiology, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO, United States, 2Radiology, Peking University First Hospital, Beijing, China, People's Republic of, 3Surgery, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO, United States, 4The Program in Physical Therapy, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO, United States
The objective of this study was to develop a
non-contrast MRI based oximetry approach to assess the skeletal
muscle microcirculation in diabetic and healthy feet. In both healthy and subjects with diabetes, the
feasibility of the foot oximetry was examined when the subjects were at rest and during a toe-flexion isometric exercise. The
percent difference in the areas of the oxygen extraction fraction within the 0.7
– 1.0 range between rest and exercise was significantly different between healthy
subjects and subjects with diabetes. This is the first MRI foot oximetry developed for assessing
regional skeletal muscle oxygenation.Objective
Foot ulcer healing is of particular clinical
importance because foot complications,
such as ulceration, are the leading causes of hospitalization
in patients with diabetes Mellitus (DM).
One key prognostic factor that is currently lacking
in diabetic foot care is an
accurate indicator of the local micro-vascular bed basal flow (skeletal muscle
perfusion) and responsiveness (skeletal muscle oxygenation) to help guide
diagnosis and intervention.
The purpose of this project is to develop and evaluate an MRI based foot oximetry
for assessing the microcirculation in foot skeletal muscle, at rest and during
The method was used to
calculate tissue oxygen extraction fraction (OEF) with the magnetic
susceptibility effect on deoxyhemoglobins.2,3. Briefly speaking, a multi-slice 2D triple-echo asymmetric
spin-echo sequence was implemented to acquire source images.
With varying time offset τ from TE/2 , a special transverse relaxation rate R2’
(= R2 – R2*) with a decay time of 2τ can then be calculated as:
R′2=43λ×△χ0×Hct×OEF×Ya×B0 (1)
Where λ is the blood volume
fraction containing deoxyhemoglobin, representing tissue venous blood volume; Hct
is the fractional hematocrit; B0 is the main magnetic field
strength; △χ0 is 0.27 ppm. Both R′2 and λ can be calculated by asymmetric spin echo
signals as a function of τ.4
MRI oximetry study protocol
healthy volunteers (72 ± 3 years, 4M) and 5 subjects with DM (Type I or
II, 65 ± 4 years, HbA1c = 7.2 ± 1.8%, 4M) without documented history of peripheral artery disease were
scanned for the measurement of foot OEF. All
imaging sessions were performed on a 3.0 T Trio Siemens whole-body MR system. The
subjects lay supine on the MRI table with their right feet inside a head coil (receiver only). Subjects
were instructed at rest or to contract their intrinsic foot muscles to flex their toes at
the metatarsal phalangeal joints.3
After the scout imaging, three-slice oximetric imaging was performed at
rest and started at 30 sec after the start of toe flexion (Figure 1 a).
The imaging parameters for oximetry measurements were:
TR = 4 s; FOV = 340 x 255 mm2; matrix size = 64 x 48
and interpolated to 128 x 96; slice thickness = 8 mm; total acquisition = 3 min
48 s.
Image processing and data analysis
An OEF map of each slice was first created using custom-made software. 5 A
maximal intensity projection map was then obtained from the three OEF
maps. This
projection image was further processed for angiosomes. i.e., the
entire foot area (excluding the
calcaneal region) was classified into angiosomes based on four different OEF
ranges: 0 ≤ OEF ≤ 0.3; 0.3 < OEF ≤ 0.5; 0.5 < OEF ≤ 0.7; 0.7 < OEF ≤ 1.0 (Figure 1 b). Each
region’s area is calculated as a percent of the total area.
1 lists areas in percentages for foot OEF in 4 different ranges at rest and during
the toe exercise, as well as the percent differences of these areas between two
states. For the first three ranges in which foot OEF was less than 0.7, there was
no significant difference observed in these parameters between healthy subjects
and subjects with DM. However, this percent difference of foot OEF within the 0.7 – 1.0 range was significantly
larger in healthy subjects than in subjects with DM (8 ± 4 % in healthy vs. -4
± 4% in DM). Box
plots are presented in
Figure 3 shows the foot oximetry angiosomes in a healthy subject and a subject with DM.
Discussion and conclusion
the first time, absolute tissue oxygen extraction fraction was measured in the foot
at rest and during a toe flexion exercise. The
most significant finding is that changes in foot OEF from rest to toe exercise
were significantly different between healthy and DM in the area of 0.71-1.0 range in the foot oximetry angiosomes.
Due to the
heterogeneity of diabetic foot ulcers, as many as 54% of foot ulcers cannot be simply
categorized to a specific angiosome due to dual blood supplies. 6 Our
foot oximetry allows for direct determination of the low- or high-
oxygenated regions that may be supplied by one or more pedal arteries. This approach may be more appropriate for patients with DM
because impaired local microcirculation is common in DM.
No acknowledgement found.References
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