Elisabeth Klupp1, Dominik Weidlich2, Thomas Baum2, Barbara Cervantes2, Marcus Deschauer3, Hendrik Kooijman4, Ernst J. Rummeny2, Claus Zimmer1, Jan S. Kirschke1, and Dimitrios C. Karampinos2
1Neuroradiology, Technische Universität München, München, Germany, 2Radiology, Technische Universität München, München, Germany, 3Neurology, Technische Universität München, München, Germany, 4Philips Healthcare, Hamburg, Germany
There is a growing interest for applying T2
mapping for non-invasively tracking inflammatory changes in patients with neuromuscular
diseases. T2 has been traditionally quantified using multi-echo spin-echo (MESE)
sequences with known problems related to the refocusing pulses in presence of
B1-inhomogeneity and slice profiles effects. The present work proposes the
combination of an adiabatic T2-preparation with 3D TSE for B1-insenstive T2
mapping. The proposed method is compared with 2D-MESE and 3D-MESE, in terms of
reproducibility on T2 quantification and sensitivity to B1 effects, in the
thigh musculature of ten healthy subjects.Purpose
Edematous alterations and fatty infiltration
of skeletal muscles are main characteristics of neuromuscular diseases. Both
pathologies increase the total muscle T2 relaxation-time
1-3. T2 has been routinely quantified by
multi-echo spin-echo (MESE) with known problems related to the refocusing
pulses in presence of B1-inhomogeneity (3D-MESE) and additional slice profiles
issues (2D-MESE)
4. An adiabatic BIR-4 RF pulse previously
used for generating T2-weighted contrast
5 and recently adjusted with gaps (modified
6 can be alternatively used for B1-insensitive
T2 mapping. In addition, presence of fat within muscle can influence T2 quantification
7. Purpose of this work was to compare a newly
developed T2 mapping-sequence (T2Prep-3DTSE) with 2D- and 3D-MESE regarding T2 values,
influence of B1-field and proton density fat fraction (PDFF) on it as well as
reproducibility in thigh muscles of healthy subjects.
Ten young and healthy subjects (age: 27.2±1.7yrs,
BMI: 22.9±4.3kg/m², n=5 male) with no history of diabetes, neuromuscular
disorders and Quadriceps muscle injuries were recruited.
MR measurements: The bilateral thigh muscles were scanned on a 3.0T system
(Ingenia, Philips Healthcare) using anterior and posterior coil arrays. The FOV
was centered at the femur mid-length using greater trochanter and tibial
plateau as anatomical landmarks7. T2 mapping was performed using 2D-MESE,
3D-MESE and T2prep-3DTSE. Three subjects were scanned three times to assess the
reproducibility of the three methods. The T2prep-3DTSE used T2 preparation
based on a modified BIR-4 RF pulse, where two gaps with equal duration were
introduced to achieve a module with variable TE (Fig. 1). For the MESE-sequences
standard implementations were used. SPAIR was used for all sequences. The
common sequence parameters were: FOV = 42×26×12cm3, TR/TE = 1.5 s/20ms and
acquisition voxel = 2×2×4mm3. The TSE sequence had a TSE factor = 50
and T2Prep durations of 20/40/60/80ms. In MESE sequences echoes have been
acquired in 10ms steps. Additionally, B1-map was acquired with dual TR method,
B0- and PDFF-maps were measured based on a 6-echo gradient echo sequence.
Data analysis: Data at the same echo times for all three T2 mapping
sequences was fitted by a 2-parameter fit. The first echo was excluded for MESE
data. B0 and PDFF maps were determined based on a signal model accounting for
the multi-peak fat spectrum and single T2* decay effects. Two muscles (Rectus
femoris, Vastus lateralis) of the Quadriceps muscle, mainly affected in
neuromuscular disorders, were selected. ROIs were drawn manually in the
interior of these muscles avoiding vessels and fasciae. To assess reproducibility
errors of the different T2 mapping-sequences, root mean square coefficients of
variation (RMSCV)8 were computed. T2 values
of the different T2 mapping sequences were compared and correlations were
calculated between T2 values and PDFF and B1.
Representative T2 maps and the respective
B1-map are shown in Fig. 2. When the B1 error was large, T2 was significantly higher
with the MESE-sequences compared to T2Prep-3DTSE (arrow in Fig. 2). When the B1
error was small, T2 values from 2D-MESE were higher than T2 values from 3D-MESE
and T2Prep-3DTSE (circle in Fig. 2). Significant differences between T2 values
of T2Prep-3DTSE and T2 values of 2D-MESE respectively 3D-MESE were found in all
four muscles with the lowest values for T2Prep-3DTSE (p<0.05; Fig. 3). No significant correlations were found between PDFF
and T2 values. The left Rectus femoris muscle showed the highest variance of T2
values (T2Prep-3DTSE: 30.94±1.28ms, 3D-MESE: 41.7±7.8ms; 2D-MESE: 36.6±2.4ms) and
B1-field (54.1±15.6%) with RMSCVs: T2Prep-3DTSE: 1.7%; 3D-MESE: 19.9%; 2D-MESE:
1.8% (Fig. 4). Significant negative correlations between T2values and B1-field
were found in the left Rectus femoris muscle for 3D-MESE (r=-0.86, p<0.001) and 2D-MESE (r=-0.54, p=0.033), but not for T2Prep-3DTSE (p=0.71; Fig. 5).
Discussion & Conclusion
The results show a low reproducibility of the
T2 values measured by 3D-MESE. Both, T2 values of 3D-MESE and 2D-MESE are
strongly affected by an inhomogeneous B1 field. MESEs suffer from the presence
of stimulated echoes, induced by B1 effects (2D- or 3D-MESE) and slice profile
effects (2D-MESE). Recent work has shown that the application of extended phase
graphs can compensate for stimulated echoes due to B1 effects in MESE-based T2
9. However, MESE can lead to T2
overestimation in fatty infiltrated muscles (see subcutaneous fat region; Fig.
2), whereas T2prep-3DTSE leads to T2 values in subcutaneous fat in the same
range as healthy muscle (Fig. 2). The remaining fat signal after SPAIR in the
three sequences requires further investigations. In conclusion, we proposed the
use of a B1-insensitive T2-prepared 3D TSE for robust muscle T2 mapping and
showed that the proposed method gave reliable and reproducible T2 values in the
thigh muscles of ten healthy volunteers.
The present work was supported by Philips
Healthcare and the European Union (ERC-StG-2014 iBack).References
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