Feasibility study of interleaved multi-nuclear acquisitions on a 3 T clinical NMR scanner without hardware modifications
Alfredo Liubomir Lopez Kolkovsky1,2, Benjamin Marty1,2, Eric Giacomini1, and Pierre G Carlier1,2

1NMR Laboratory, Institut of Myology, Paris, France, 2NMR Laboratory, CEA/DSV/I2BM/MIRCen, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France


NMR allows to investigate multiple aspects of physiological parameters like regional perfusion, blood and tissue oxygenation, intracellular pH or high-energy phosphate metabolism. In the past, interleaved multiparametric multinuclear dynamic NMR imaging and spectroscopy of skeletal muscle was developed on prototype scanners. Here we evaluated an interleaved pulse sequence combining the NMR acquisition of a 1H image and 31P spectrum on a clinical system without any hardware modifications from the customer. Having the possibility to run interleaved multinuclear sequences on unmodified clinical systems will greatly facilitate simultaneous measurements of tissue perfusion, oxygen content and mitochondrial ATP production in clinical research studies.


NMR allows to investigate multiple aspects of physiological parameters in vivo such as regional perfusion, blood and tissue oxygenation, intracellular pH or high-energy phosphate metabolism. Classically, NMR acquisition schemes rarely explore more than a few biological parameters which are often measured in separate experimental sessions, adding experimental variability1 on biological processes which are already multifactorial2,3. The benefit of interleaved multinuclear dynamic NMR imaging and spectroscopy has been demonstrated and exploited for decades, but only on modified prototype scanners4-8. This has limited the impact of such an approach in spite of the wealth of additional information it brings on muscle physiological and biochemical regulation1,4,9-11. With the latest hardware configuration available on advanced commercial scanners, obstacles have been lifted. Here we evaluated an interleaved pulse sequence combining the NMR acquisition of a 1H image and 31P spectrum in a clinical system without any hardware modifications done by the customer. T2* changes induced by the blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) response as well as the phosphocreatine (PCr) and inorganic phosphate (Pi) concentrations were monitored during and after exercise in the calf muscle.


Experimental Setup

Two healthy male subjects (29±1 years old) participated in this study. The protocol was approved by the local ethical committee. NMR examinations were done on the right calf muscle. An amagnetic pneumatic ergometer interfaced with LabVIEW (National Instruments, Austin, Texas, USA) was used during plantar flexions (starting resistance 70 N, 10 N increase every 90s).Experiments were done on a 3-T/60-cm bore Siemens Magnetom Prisma MR system (Siemens Healthcare, Erlagen, Germany) equipped with the multi-nuclear option. Contrary to previous models from this constructor, the 1H and X-nuclei RF channels are separated, allowing an independent reception for each nucleus. A dual-tuned 1H/31P flex transceiver coil was used (RAPID Biomedical GmbH, Rimpar, Germany). The coil was wrapped around the calf with the 11-cm-diamater surface 31P coil facing the gastrocnemius muscle.

Interleaved NMR

Muscle BOLD response to exercise and energy metabolism was studied within the same paradigm by interleaving a 31P MRS non-localized acquisition and a GRE MRI module within a single repetition. A data set was generated every 3 s over a total scan duration of 15 mins. Exercise began after 1 min and lasted 5 mins (1/3 Hz pedaling frequency). Each data set consisted of a 31P MRS spectrum (0.5-ms-long square pulse, 0.2 ms acquisition delay, 1024 complex points, 4 kHz Bandwidth) and a T2*-weighted 1H Fast low-angle shot (FLASH) image (10 mm thickness, 256x64 matrix size, 1.5x1.5 mm in-plane resolution, 330 Hz/Pixel). Images were acquired with alternating TEs (= 5, 15, 25 ms).

Data Analysis

The raw interleaved data was first exported and then separated and reconstructed into imaging and spectroscopy data sets using in-house Matlab routines (The MathWorks, MA, USA). No motion correction was applied. 31P spectra were zero-filled to 2048 points and zero- and first-order phase corrections were applied. Normalized concentrations were obtained by integrating the area under the curve of PCr (0±0.45 ppm) and Pi (5±0.45 ppm) and dividing them by the PCr integral at rest. T2* maps were estimated from each consecutive set of 3 images and were fitted with a 2-parameter monoexponential function. Average T2* values were measured over two regions-of-interest (ROI) in the gastrocnemius muscle.


Figure 1 shows a single 31P spectrum. Figure 2 shows the evolution of PCr and Pi during the experiment, depicting a depletion of PCr to 55% at the end of the exercise. Figure 3 displays the time courses of the average T2* values in the internal and external gastrocnemius, increasing from 25.2 ms at rest to 26.4 ms and 27.7 ms during recovery, respectively. Figure 4 shows T2*-maps before and after exercise, evidencing the solicited muscles during plantar flexions.

Discussion and Conclusion

A 1H/31P interleaved pulse sequence was developed on a modern clinical scanner without the need of hardware modifications from the customer. Although the sequence was relatively simple, no major obstacles are foreseen for future extensions including ASL perfusion, 1H spectroscopy of deoxymyoglobin, lactate editing or localized 31P MRS. Motion correction13 and cardiac triggering14 could in principle also be included to improve perfusion measurements quality during exercise.

The necessity of hardware modifications4-8,12 has severely hampered the diffusion and exploitation of multiparametric acquisitions techniques by specialists of muscle physiology and metabolism as well as by clinical investigators, despite the numerous possible applications8-11. Having the possibility to run synchronous multinuclear sequences on unmodified clinical systems is expected to accelerate and encourage their inclusion in clinical studies as well as in providing new insights into muscular energy regulation processes.


No acknowledgement found.


1. Carlier PG, Bertoldi D et al. NMR Biomed. 2006; 19:954-967.

2. Toussaint JF, Kwong KK et al. J Appl Physiol. 1996; 81: 2221–2228.

3. Gillies RJ. NMR in Physiology and Biomedicine. Academic Press: San Diego, CA, 1994.

4. Thulborn KR, Soffe NF and Kadda G. J Magn Reson. 1981; 45: 362-366.

5. Brillaut-Salvat C, Giacomini E et al. NMR Biomed. 1997; 10(7): 315-323.

6. Meyerspeer M, Schmid AI et al. ESMRMB (2015); 504.

7. Brillaut-Salvat C, Giacomini E et al. Cell Mol Biol (Noisy-Le-Grand). 1997; 43(5): 751-762.

8. Meyerspeer M, Krssák E et al. MAGMA. 2005; 18(5): 257-262.

9. Baligand C, Wary C et al. NMR Biomed. 2011; 24(3): 281-290.

10. Duteil S, Bourrilhon C et al. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2004; 287: R 1441-1449.

11. Wary C, Nadaj-Pakleza A et al. NMD. 2010; 20(8): 548-558.

12. Kaggie JD, Sapkota N et al. ISMRM (2014); 3789.

13. Giraudeau C, Knowles BR et al. ISMRM (2015); 541.

14. Wu WC, Mazaheri Y and Wong EC. IEEE Trans Med Imag. 2007; 26(1): 84-92.


Figure 1. Non-localized 31P MRS spectrum acquired from a single data set. Zero-filling, zero- and first-order phase corrections were applied. PCr = Phosphocreatine, ATP = Adenosine-triphosphate, PDE = Phosphodiesters, Pi = Inorganic phosphate.

Figure 2. Signal time courses of PCr (black) and Pi (red) at rest, during exercise (shaded area) and recovery from a single subject. Signal intensity was normalized to the PCr integral at rest. No averaging or filtering was applied on the individual 31P spectra.

Figure 3. T2* time courses from the external (top) and internal (bottom) gastrocnemius at rest, during exercise (shaded area) and recovery. T2* values were calculated from the shown ROIs (red, right images). Each T2* point was estimated from three consecutive data sets, resulting in a temporal resolution of 9 s.

Figure 4. T2* maps(overlaid) measured at rest and during the recovery period where the BOLD contrast was at its highest intensity (504 s). An increase in T2* can be observed in the gastrocnemius muscle. Low signal-to-noise ratio on the anterior side of the leg resulted in overestimated T2* relaxation values.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)