Kenneth Wengler1,2, Mingqian Huang 2, Elaine Gould2, Mark Schweitzer2, Seth Korbin3, James Paci3, and Xiang He2
1Biomedical Engineering, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, United States, 2Radiology, Stony Brook University School of Medicine, Stony Brook, NY, United States, 3Orthopaedic Surgery, Stony Brook University School of Medicine, Stony Brook, NY, United States
3D-UTE imaging
was utilized to estimate the fast T2* component of ACL after graft repair
surgery. The average fast T2* component in the grafted ACL 3 months
post-surgery for eight subjects is 1.66 +/- 0.4 ms. Two subjects currently have
both 3 and 6 month post-surgery images. The ACL average fast T2*
component went from 2.55ms to 1.81ms at three and six months post-surgery respectively
for the first subject, and 1.39ms to 1.24ms for the second subject. The results demonstrate promise for
3D-UTE T2* mapping of bound water to evaluate ACL repair.Purpose:
The anterior cruciate ligament
(ACL) is an important structure in maintaining the normal biomechanics of the
knee and is the most commonly injured knee ligament. ACL tears are common
injuries in all levels of the athletic population1. Most ACL
injuries (~80%) are complete and require surgical repair. A major concern has
been raised regarding the difficulty of assessing reconstructed ACL grafts
using MRI. Methods based on relative ACL image intensity or proton density is
often inclusive. Graft MRI intensity changes might reflect not only graft
damage, but also neovascularization and matrix synthesis within the graft.
T2*-weighted images has been
shown to be a good indicator of graft function2. However, similar to
other tendons and ligaments, the ACL also exhibits a two-compartment T2* decay
profile. The estimated T2* from single compartment model, or slow decay
component from two-compartment model, is sensitive to effect such as edema or
other factors unrelated to ACL function3,4. The fast T2* (~1 ms)
faction originating from water tightly bound with collagen fibers and other
tendon structure, is potentially a more sensitive indicator of the intrinsic graft
tissue metamorphism. Therefore, an ultrashort echo time (UTE) MRI technique was
used in this ACL study to quantify the changes on the T2* of bound water during
ACL graft incorporation.
MRI of the ACL was performed on a Siemens 3T PET/MRI system
with a twelve-channel knee coil. A total of eight patients undergoing ACL graft
surgery were recruited for this IRB approved study. At this moment, all eight had their ACL imaged at three months post-surgery and two subjects
had their ACL imaged at three months and six months post-surgery. 3D double
echo UTE imaging was performed with the first echo formed at 100, 270, and 500 µs
after non-selective excitation. A spiral out radial projection k-space sampling
strategy was used. Other imaging parameters were: FOV of 160 x 160 x 160 mm3;
voxel size of 1 x 1 x 2 mm
3; TR of 13 ms; flip angle of 15°; total
acquisition time of 2.5 mins for each echo.
Results & Discussions:
3D-UTE images were reconstructed using a regridding
procedure5 adapted for a non-isotropic voxel size. For fast T2*
component calculation an ACL region of interest (ROI) was drawn and the signal
was averaged within the ROI for each UTE image. Figure
1 displays the T2* decay at different TE's, clearly
demonstrating the two-compartment feature. However, due to uncompensated
eddy current effect, and potential delay of readout gradient and ADC timing, it
is un-reliable to combine the data from the first echo (acquired with half
readout k-space sampling) and second echo (acquired with full readout k-space
sampling) for a complete two-compartment model curve fitting. Therefore, the
average signal at each first echo was then fit with a mono-exponential function
to calculate the fast T2* component of the ACL using the equation
Since the T2* of
ligaments is dependent on its relative orientation with respect to the scanner B0
field, only the middle sections of the ACL graft were used for ROI. Across all
eight subjects, the mean ACL T2* of the fast decay component was 1.66 +/- 0.4 ms
at their first imaging visit (~3 month after ACL transplant). Figure 2 shows
the three UTE images acquired six months post-surgery for two subjects. The
average fast T2* component for the ACL went from 2.55ms
at three months post-surgery to 1.81ms at six months post-surgery for the first
subject, and 1.39ms to 1.24ms for the second subject. This confirms the
hypothesis that tissue metamorphism of ACL graft may reduce T2* of the ACL bound
water. It has been studied that the ACL graft undergoes the process of peripheral synovial
vascularization and is on the way to ultrastructural incorporation6-8.
In this study,
the T
2* of the bound water in ACL graft was estimated utilizing a 3D-UTE
technique. Based on limited data, the T
2* for the fast component decreases
between 3 month to 6 month post-surgery. The results demonstrate the promise of
establishing the use of UTE and T
2* mapping of bound water as a
biomarker for the ACL graft incorporation process and prediction of patient
No acknowledgement found.References
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