Open MRI of FAI: Reader agreement of a new method for quantifying femoroacetabular clearance for hips in an impingement posture
Lawrence L Buchan1,2, Honglin Zhang1,2, Mark Harmon3, Elaine Ni Mhurchu3, Morgan Barber4, Shannon Jennifer Patterson5, Jacek Kopec4, Hubert Wong6, John Esdaile4, Jolanda Cibere4, Charles R Ratzlaff4, Bruce B Forster3, and David R Wilson1

1Orthopaedics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2Centre for Hip Health and Mobility, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 3Radiology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 4Arthritis Research Canada, Richmond, BC, Canada, 5Vancouver Coastal Health, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 6University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada


In this study, we describe a novel open MRI method for evaluating femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) in subjects with and without symptomatic FAI. First, we acquired images of subjects in postures suspected of inducing impingement using a T1-weighted gradient echo MR sequence. Second, readers measured β-angle to quantify clearance between the femur and acetabulum. Reader agreement for β-angle was equivalent or better to agreement when measuring α-angle, a similar structural measure. The open MRI method has the potential to assess functional relationships between the femur and acetabulum that otherwise cannot be assessed with closed-bore MRI scanners and conventional imaging protocols. This approach may be useful in addressing fundamental questions in FAI.


Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) is a pathomechanical process in which bony deformities cause hip pain and potentially osteoarthritis (OA).1 However, a high proportion of hips with FAI deformities do not develop pain or OA,2–6 indicating that the biomechanics and pathophysiology of FAI are not fully understood.7

Open MRI represents a promising direction for exploring the FAI mechanism because the open configuration allows imaging of hips in the postures suspected of inducing impingement.8 Also, recent work in cadavers established that open MRI measures of impingement relate to contact mechanics,9 demonstrating the potential for direct imaging to explore the biomechanics of FAI.

Further study of FAI requires a validated, quantitative method for assessing the relationship between the femur and acetabulum in postures suspected of inducing impingement. Our objectives were: a) to describe a non-invasive, quantitative method for imaging the FAI mechanism in vivo; and b) to evaluate the reliability of this method.


We included 63 unilateral hips for this study (Table 1) from a random population-based sample of 700 subjects and grouped each hip as symptomatic FAI, asymptomatic FAI, or control. We defined FAI using α-angle above 55° on Dunn view x-ray, centre-edge angle above 40° on A-P x-ray, or cross-over sign.10 Pain was defined using physical examination by 9 clinicians.11

We assessed impingement using a 0.5T upright open MRI scanner (MROpen, Paramed; Genoa, Italy), that allowed imaging of participants in functional postures. We placed a 1-channel RF send-receive coil around each subject’s study hip and then positioned the hip in an anterior impingement posture of 90° flexion, internal rotation, and adduction (Figure 1). With hips positioned in an anterior impingement posture, we acquired images using a T1-weighted gradient echo sequence (256x256 matrix; 220x220mm FOV; 12 slices; 5mm thickness, 1mm gap; 1 excitation; 12ms/333ms TE/TR; 60° flip angle; 2min 13sec scan time) through the femoral neck axis, orthogonal to the femur’s coronal plane.

We quantified clearance between the femoral head-neck junction and the acetabular rim for each hip using Wyss’ β-angle12 (Figure 2), a measure shown to be related to force on the acetabulum in hips in an impingement posture.9

We evaluated inter-reader agreement of the β-angle measurement protocol for two readers (MSK radiology fellows). Images were read in a randomized order with the reader blinded to all subject data. To establish a baseline, we conducted a training session where the two readers and an experienced MSK radiologist read 15 pilot images by consensus. We then evaluated intra-reader agreement of one reader who repeated the readings for a random subset (21 images) after four weeks. We reported inter- and intra-reader agreement using both root-mean-square (RMS) β-angle error between trials and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC, two-way random single measure) for each group. Readers also measured the α‑angle (widely used in studies of FAI) to establish baseline angle measurement errors.


For β-angle measurements, both the inter- and intra-reader RMS errors were less than 3° and ICCs were greater than 0.9 for all hips (Table 2) as well as for each subgroup (FAI+pain, FAI-pain, control) (Table 3). Agreement was not affected by the presence of FAI or pain. In comparison, for α‑angle measurement, the inter- and intra-reader RMS errors were 1.9-2.5° higher than for β-angles, while ICCs were less than 0.9.


This study established that reader agreement for β-angle in an impingement posture is at least equivalent to the α-angle reader agreement on the same images, and equal or better than α- and β-angle agreement reported in FAI literature13,14. The key advantage of this open MRI method is that β-angle is a functional measure that depends on both anatomical structure and joint position, allowing readers to identify how close the femur is to impingement against acetabular chondrolabral structures.

One application of the β-angle in the impingement posture is to identify if hips have an 'impingement sign' (defined as β < 0°; found to be associated with abnormal joint mechanics9). Given that the mean β-angle in the impingement posture was -9.9° for cadaver cam hips,9 our finding of an RMS error of less than 3° for β-angle in vivo suggests that the impingement sign definition will be robust.


The β-angle can be measured in an impingement posture in an open MR scanner with comparable reliability to measurements of α-angle. Our findings support use of the open MRI protocol to assess functional relationships between the femur and acetabulum that cannot be assessed with current conventional imaging protocols. This open MRI approach has the potential to address fundamental questions in FAI.


Canadian Institutes for Health Research, Centre for Hip Health and Mobility, Arthritis Research Centre of Canada, and the Investigations of Mobility, Physical Activity, and Knowledge in Hip Pain (IMPAKT-HiP) team.


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2. Audenaert EA, Peeters I, Van Onsem S, and Pattyn C. Can we predict the natural course of femoroacetabular impingement? Acta Orthop Belg. 2011;77: 188–196.

3. Hartofilakidis G, Bardakos NV, Babis GC, Georgiades G. An examination of the association between different morphotypes of femoroacetabular impingement in asymptomatic subjects and the development of osteoarthritis of the hip. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2011;93(5): 580–586.

4. Jung KA, Restrepo C, Hellman M, et al. The prevalence of cam-type femoroacetabular deformity in asymptomatic adults. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2011;93(10): 1303–1307.

5. Hack K, Di Primio G, Rakhra K, Beaulé PE. Prevalence of cam-type femoroacetabular impingement morphology in asymptomatic volunteers. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2010;92(14): 2436–2444.

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7. Ganz R, Leunig M, Leunig-Ganz K, Harris WH. The Etiology of Osteoarthritis of the Hip: an integrated mechanical concept. Clin Orthop. 2008;466(2): 264–272. 8. Yamamura M, Miki H, Nakamura N, et al. Open-Configuration MRI Study of Femoro-Acetabular Impingement. J Orthop Res. 2007;25(12): 1582–1588.

9. Buchan LL, Zhang H, Konan S, et al. Open-MRI measures of cam intrusion for hips in an anterior impingement position relate to acetabular contact force. J Orthop Res. Online 08 Sep 2015: DOI 10.1002/jor.22999.

10. Ratzlaff CR, Zhang C, Korzan J, et al. The validity of a non-radiologist reader in identifying cam and pincer femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) using plain radiography. Rheumatol Int. Online 03 Oct 2015: DOI 10.1007/s00296-015-3361-7.

11. Ratzlaff CR, Simatovic J, Wong H, et al. Reliabilty of Hip Examination tests for Femoroacetabular Impingement. Proc 2012 World Congr Osteoarthr. 2012; 12-A-457-OARSI.

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Table 1: Descriptive statistics of the study sample (n=63).

Figure 1: A participant positioned at 90° of hip flexion, internal rotation, and adduction, in order to achieve a posture suspected of inducing anterior femoroacetabular impingement.

Figure 2: (A) The β-angle, as defined by Wyss et al12, depicted on a pilot image of a cam FAI hip in the supine position. The dotted arrow connects C, the first deviation of the femur from a femoral head circle, to hc, the femoral head centre. The solid arrow connects D, the acetabular bony margin, to hc. The angle between the two lines is defined the β-angle. (B) The β-angle on a pilot image of the same hip in an anterior impingement posture.

Table 2: Inter- and intra-reader agreement and error for the entire group.

Table 3: β-angle reader agreement by subgroup - symptomatic FAI (FAI + pain), asymptomatic FAI (FAI – pain), and control.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)