Michael Carl1, Yajun Ma2, Graeme M Bydder2, and Jiang Du2
1Global MR Applications & Workflow, General Electric, San Diego, CA, United States, 2University of California San Diego, San Diego, CA, United States
In this work, we used a stimulated echo
prepared diffusion 3DUTE sequence to image the posterior cruciate ligament.
Volunteer scans in the knee were performed. We found that stimulated echo based
diffusion weighted 3DUTE MR imaging can be used effectively to achieve useful
b-values in short T2 MSK tissues. This initial proof-of-principle study shows
good quantitative agreement with clinical EPI diffusion sequences.Introduction
Diffusion weighting is
a valuable source of contrast in MRI applications throughout the body. However
the conventional spin-echo based approach results in moderate to long echo
times (TEs) which creates a problem when imaging tissues with short or
ultrashort T2s. It is possible to achieve diffusion weighting with steady state
sequences allowing access to tissues with short T2s (1-4), but a problem remains
with short or ultrashort T2 tissues. One approach is to use the magic angle
effect to prolong the T2s of tissues but this has a limited range of
applicability (5). A third approach is the use of ultrashort TE sequences with
stimulated echo diffusion preparation. This potentially allows acquisition of
signals from ultrashort T2 as well as sufficient diffusion weighting mainly
during the mixing time between the second and third 90ยบ pulses (see Fig.1) while
the magnetization is stored along the z-axis. In this work, we used a stimulated
echo prepared diffusion weighted UTE sequence and tested this in-vivo.
Scans of a normal volunteer knee were performed using an 8-channel knee coil with a center
out 3D Cones (3D UTE) acquisition on a 3T GE HDxt clinical MR scanner. To facilitate quantitative
comparison, additional scans were performed with a clinical diffusion
sequence. Diffusion weighting was applied perpendicular to the imaging slice with
b-values ranging from 0-250 s/mm
2. ROI measurements were performed in
muscle, fat, and the posterior crucial ligament (PCL). In addition, clinical fat suppressed EPI
diffusion weighted scans were performed with similar scan parameters.
Fig.2 shows several 3DUTE images at various
b-values. The corresponding ROI decay curves are shown in Fig.3 and show good
agreement between the clinical EPI and 3DUTE sequences for muscle. Additionally,
ROI data was obtained for the UTE sequence in the fat signals and in the PCL.
The measured diffusion coefficient for muscle using the EPI based clinical
sequence was D* = 1.3*10
-3 mm
2/s, while the values for the
UTE sequence for muscle, fat, and PCL were D* = 1.2*10
-3 mm
D* = 0.45*10
-3 mm
2/s, and D* = 0.21*10
-3 mm
Stimulated echo based
diffusion weighted 3DUTE MR imaging can be used effectively to achieve useful
b-values in short T2 MSK tissues. This initial proof-of-principle study shows
good quantitative agreement with clinical EPI diffusion sequences.
No acknowledgement found.References
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