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Isotropic Three-Dimensional T2 Mapping of Knee Cartilage with T2-Prepared Segmented Gradient Echo at 3T
Roberto Colotti1, Patrick Omoumi1, and Ruud B. van Heeswijk1

1Department of Radiology, University Hospital (CHUV) and University of Lausanne (UNIL), Lausanne, Switzerland


An isotropic three-dimensional T2 mapping technique with adiabatic T2 magnetization preparation for T2 relaxation time quantification was implemented and validated at 3T in phantoms and 6 healthy volunteers.


Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative disease of the joint, with an estimated prevalence of 18% in the United States [1], of which progressive cartilage disease is considered to be the most important characteristic. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is considered the gold-standard for the non-invasive assessment of cartilage. Since cartilage degeneration is not reversible, a prompt diagnosis of local damage that precedes cartilage tissue loss is of crucial importance to guide early-stage treatment. The cartilage T2 relaxation time is considered as a biomarker for early cartilage damage and degeneration, as it has been shown to be correlated with changes in several attributes of the extracellular matrix, such as its anisotropy, water content and collagen concentration [2, 3]. Most studies have so far been based on two-dimensional (2D) T2 mapping sequences. However, due to the complex three-dimensional (3D) structure of cartilage, an isotropic 3D acquisition is required I) to perform a high-resolution quantitative analysis of cartilage T2 value in 3D that can be reformatted in an arbitrary direction, and II) to obtain a higher signal-to-noise (SNR) ratio compared to multiple 2D acquisitions and thus a higher T2 precision in T2 determination. In this study, we therefore propose an isotropic 3D T2 mapping technique that consists of separate sequential T2-prepared 3D gradient recalled echo (GRE) images, which allows for co-registration of these separate images to account for motion. This protocol was optimized through Bloch equation simulations and a phantom study, and validated in healthy volunteers.


The pulse sequence consists of a segmented centric GRE acquisition with repetition time TR=4.2ms, echo time TE=1.76ms, 100 k-space lines per segment, segmental acquisition time=700ms and incremental adiabatic T2 preparation (T2prep) durations of 0, 23, 38 and 53ms. Numerical simulations of the Bloch equations were performed using Matlab (The Mathworks, Natick, MA). The goals of these simulations were: I) to find the optimal sequence parameters (RF excitation angle, number of excitations per segment) to maximize the signal per unit of time and II) to determine an empirical T2-fitting offset to correct for T1 relaxation [4] in the following equation:


where S0 is the initial signal when T2prep= 0ms and δ is the empirical offset determined through Bloch equation simulations. To calculate the T2 map, the signal S was fitted with the above-mentioned empirical equation in each pixel. To assess the accuracy of the fixed empirical offset, the T2 map of a custom-built agar-NiCl2 phantom with 3 compartments was acquired with the following additional parameters: adiabatic T2prep, voxel volume= 0.82×0.82×0.82mm3, matrix size= 208×216×112, total scan time=9min20s, RF excitation angle 15°, 2×GRAPPA acceleration. Spin-echo (SE) relaxation time mapping was then used as a reference standard to determine the T1 (1072ms) and T2 (33.2ms) values of the phantom at 3T (Prisma, Siemens Healthcare). Finally, a T2 map of the knee was acquired in 6 healthy adult volunteers (4 right and 2 left, 3 male and 3 female with an average age of 29.5±4.8 years) with the same parameters as in the phantom experiments. Rigid 3D image registration followed by pixel-wise T2-mapping was performed in Matlab and the average T2 in regions of interest was calculated. T2 values were reported as average ± standard deviation over all volunteers.

Results and Discussion

Bloch equation simulations resulted in an empirical offset of 0.003, which was confirmed in the phantom study (Fig. 1). The phantom study furthermore demonstrated a homogenous T2 distribution (T2=34.3±1.4ms) in the compartment with the relaxation times that approximated cartilage (Fig. 1, outer ring), which agreed with the spin-echo reference T2 value (33.2±0.4ms). Similarly, the T2 maps in the volunteers resulted in T2 values of 28.7±4.3ms and 28±2.5ms for tibial and femoral cartilage, respectively (sagittal plane, Fig. 2a, standard deviation within the region of interest less than 15%), which agrees well with the values reported in literature [5]. Moreover, the isotropic 3D T2 mapping technique allowed the quantification of the patellar cartilage T2 value in the axial plane (37.5±2.6ms, Fig. 2b, standard deviation within the region of interest less than 15%). The tibial and femoral cartilage layers could consistently be visualized and T2 value could also be quantified in the coronal plane in all volunteers (Fig. 3, 4).


This study successfully demonstrated that an isotropic 3D T2 mapping is feasible for knee cartilage characterization and results in precise T2 values.


No acknowledgement found.


[1] Lawrence et al., Arthritis Rheum 41:778-799, 1998

[2] Mosher et al., Semin Muscoloskelet Radiol 8(4):355-368, 2004

[3] Kijowski et al., Radiology 267(2):503–513, 2013

[4] van Heeswijk et al., Circ Cardiovasc Imaging 5:1231-1239, 2012

[5] Stahl et al., Eur Radiol 19:132-143, 2009.


Figure1. Comparison between reference-standard 2D spin-echo and isotropic 3D T2-prepared GRE T2 mapping techniques in a concentric phantom. a) A 2D SE T2 map through a 3-compartment phantom in which the relaxation times of the outer layer approximate those of cartilage (T2=33.2±0.4ms). The relaxation times of the other two compartments approximate those of fat and blood. b) Isotropic T2-prepared 3D T2 map of the same phantom, with homogenous T2 values in the outer compartment (T2=34.3±1.4ms).

Figure2. 3D isotropic T2 mapping of knee cartilage. a) Sagittal view of a healthy knee for TET2prep=0ms in which the tibial and femoral cartilage layers can be identified (white arrows), and corresponding T2 map. b) Axial view of the same volunteer in which also the patellar cartilage can also be identified (white arrows). The zoomed-in region demonstrates the accurate depiction of the thin cartilage layer. All views have identical pixel size.

Figure3. Animated coronal slices through the central part of the isotropic imaging volume. 3D animated visualization of coronal slices from a healthy knee for TET2prep=0 ms.

Figure4. Animated coronal slices through the central part of the isotropic 3D T2 map. 3D animated visualization of T2 map from the same imaging volume as Figure 3. The color scale is the same as in Figure 2. This view demonstrates the highly detailed overview of the T2 relaxation time of the entire knee.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)