purpose of this study was to quantitatively compare various diffusion
parameters obtained from monoexponential, biexponential, and gamma distribution
models in differentiating vertebral lesions
in human subjects. All MR parameters, except for ADCfast
and frac > 3, were significantly different between normal bone marrow and
lesions. Water molecular diffusion parameters may provide additional
information and improve the differentiation of spinal lesions compared with
conventional diffusion parameters. This also refers to differentiation of
malignant lesions from acute spinal fracture, in which both PG (D) calculated
from gamma distribution model and perfusion fraction f of the biexponential
model proved to be useful.Intruduction
isotropic apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) obtained from diffusion-weighted
imaging (DWI) with a monoexponential model may not be able to accurately
reflect water molecular diffusion in vivo due to influence by the
microcirculation of blood in capillaries
1. The purpose of this study was to quantitatively
compare the potential of various diffusion parameters obtained from
monoexponential, biexponential, and gamma distribution models in differentiating vertebral lesions
in human subjects.
Materials and Methods
Theoretical Background:
The ADC value was
calculated using a monoexponential model as follows:
S(b)/S(0) = exp(-b·ADC),
where S(b) represents
the signal intensity in the presence of diffusion sensitization, b, and S(0)
represents the signal intensity in the absence of diffusion sensitization.
Three parameters: perfusion
fraction (f), pseudo-ADC (ADCfast), and true ADC (ADCslow),
were calculated using biexponential intravoxel incoherent motion analysis1:
S(b)/S(0)= [f·exp
+[(1 - f )·exp(-b·ADCslow)].
The GDM assumes a continuous distribution of diffusion coefficients, P(D). The DW
signal can be written as follows:
(1) S(b)=∫P(D)exp(−bD)dD
The gamma distribution function,
PG(D) has been suggested recently2:
(2) PG(D,\kappa,\theta)=D^{\kappa-1}\frac{exp(-D/\theta)}{Γ(\kappa)\theta^{\kappa}}
where Γ is the gamma function, θ
is the scale parameter of the same dimensionality as the diffusivity, and κ is
the shape parameter. Replacing P(D) in Eq. (1) by PG(D) in Eq. (2), gives the
following expression for the DW signal attenuation:
The excess kurtosis K
of the diffusion probability distribution function
(PDF) can be calculated as:
(3) K=\frac{\mu_{4}}{\mu_{2}^{2}}-3=\frac{12t^{2}(\kappa^{2}\theta^{2}+\kappa\theta^{2})}{4t^{2}\kappa^{2}\theta^{2}}-3=\frac{3}{\kappa}
where μn is nth moment of the
MRI examination:
DW images of the 73 subjects’ lumbar spines
were categorized as follows: patients with normal bone marrow (n=43), patients
with acute spinal fracture (n=11), and patients with malignant spinal tumor (n=19;
multiple myeloma, 8; lymphoma, 3; chordoma, 2; acute lymphocytic leukemia, 2; metastatic
tumor from lung cancer, 4).
MRI examinations were
performed on a 3T system (Ingenia; Philips Healthcare) equipped with the
anterior coil and the integrated posterior coil. Single-shot DW EPI with 9
values (0, 40, 80, 140, 200, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000) on 3 orthogonal axes were
performed with the following acquisition parameters: TR/TE =8000/84 ms, FOV=
35×35 cm2, matrix size 192×192, in-plane voxel size 1.8×1.8 mm2,
slice thickness 4 mm, number of slices 11, slice gap 1 mm, factor of 3 SENSE on
the phase direction, and 1 average.
Image data analysis:
Mean signal intensity was calculated by
placing operator-determined regions of interest (ROIs) within the malignant spinal
lesions or within the bone marrow (BM) of an acute vertebral fracture or within
normal BM for each b-value in each subject. Signal intensity values for BM were
calculated as the mean value obtained from the L1 to L3 vertebral bodies for
normal subjects.
For each of subject, ADC, f,
ADCfast, ADCslow, scale parameter θ, scale
parameter κ, the area fraction of D < 1.0mm2/s (frac
<1), the area fraction of D > 3.0 mm2/s (frac >3), PG(D)
and K, calculated from the GDM, were measured using
equations (1-3).
Statistical analysis:
Parameters of the 3
groups (i.e., normal-, fracture-, and malignant groups) were compared by the
Kruskal-Wallis test. Multiple regression analysis was performed to identify the
potential association of diffusion model parameters for differentiating BM diseases
and receiver operating characteristic analyses were then performed.
Results and discussion
1 summarizes the MR parameters for the 3 groups. All MR parameters, except for ADCfast
and frac > 3, were significantly different between normal BM and lesions. Perfusion
fraction f, scale parameter θ, and PG (D) proved to be useful for the differentiation
of malignant lesions from acute spinal fractures.
Multiple regression analysis demonstrated that
the perfusion fraction f (P=0.03) and and PG(D)
(P=0.02) contributed to the risk for malignant spinal lesions.
Areas under the curve (AUCs)
were 0.727 for PG(D) (sensitivity: 84.2%, specificity: 63.6%), and 0.703 for perfusion
fraction f (sensitivity: 68.4%, specificity: 81.8, Fig. 1).
A meta-analysis in 2008
concluded that the capability of ADC to distinguish benign fractures from pathologic
fractures was dependent on signal intensity in a fractured vertebra on DWI3.
In this study, perfusion fraction f and PG(D) were shown to be useful for
differentiating benign fractures from malignant spinal lesions. They had
similar AUCs for differentiation, but these 2 parameters might be regarded as
complementary regarding sensitivity and specificity.
molecular diffusion parameters may provide additional information and improve the
differentiation of spinal lesions compared with conventional diffusion
parameters, which would be helpful in improving therapy strategies and prognoses.
This also refers to differentiation of malignant lesions from acute spinal
fracture, in which both PG (D) calculated from GDM and perfusion
fraction f of the biexponential model proved to be useful.
No acknowledgement found.References
1. Le Bihan D, Breton E, Lallemand D, et al. Separation of diffusion and
perfusion in intravoxel incoherent motion MR imaging. Radiology 1988;168(2):497–505.
2. Oshio K, Shinmoto H,
Mulkern RV. Interpretation of diffusion MR imaging data using a
gamma distribution model. Magn Reson Med Sci. 2014 13:191-195.
3. Karchevsky
M, Babb JS, Schweitzer ME. Can diffusion-weighted imaging be used to
differentiate benign from pathologic fractures? A meta-analysis. Skeletal
Radiol. 2008 Sep;37(9):791-795.