Associations between quantitative MRI biomarkers in the lumbar spine and pain in chronic low back pain patients with disc degeneration
Volkan Emre Arpinar1 and L Tugan Muftuler1,2

1Neurosurgery, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, United States, 2Center for Imaging Research, Medical College of Wisonsin, Milwaukee, WI, United States


Associations between quantitative MRI biomarkers in the lumbar spine and pain in chronic low back pain patients (CLBP) were studied. These biomarkers are currently being explored as quantitative metrics of disc degeneration. Since most CLBP cases are associated with pathologic disc degeneration processes, these biomarkers might provide clues about the actual source of pain. For analysis, the discs from each subject were pooled from the least to the most degenerated one using a semi-quantitative metric. Results showed that these biomarkers might aid in identifying the source of pain in CLBP patients.

Introduction and Purpose

Chronic low back pain (CLBP) is a major health problem in working age adults. CLBP is usually associated with the degeneration of intervertebral disc, although the disc itself might not be the source of the pain. Despite the prevalence of this problem, the mechanisms of pathological degeneration or how it is distinguished from the normal aging processes is still unclear. One of the reasons is the lack of quantitative and objective diagnostic tools to investigate disc degeneration1 and mechanisms that lead to CLBP. Currently accepted methods generally use qualitative assessment of diagnostic images, which has relatively low sensitivity with limited clinical importance2,3. However, recent studies utilizing quantitative imaging techniques such as DCE-MRI, T1ρ, diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) and T2 weighted (T2W) MRI showed promising results, potentially offering quantitative biomarkers of pathologic disc degeneration4,5.

The goal of this study was to explore associations between such imaging biomarkers and pain. The findings might aid in identifying the potential source of CLBP.


76 adult participants were scanned using a 3T GE MR750 system. The participants were interviewed and their medical charts were reviewed to ensure that other clinical conditions, such as malignancies or bone disease, were not the source of pain. The study was approved by the IRB and written consents were obtained from participants. The subjects with CLBP were administered the Oswestry disability index6 (ODI) questionnaire and their scores were recorded. Control subjects without CLBP were assigned an ODI score of zero. Demographic characteristics of the participants were given in Table 1. During the imaging session, T2W (NnoCLBP=46/NCLBP=30), DWI (NnoCLBP=45/NCLBP=30), T1ρ (NnoCLBP=44/NCLBP=29) and DCE-MRI (NnoCLBP=39/NCLBP=25) data were acquired4,5,7. Images with noticeable artifacts were excluded. Eight biomarkers were derived from the images: disc height index (DHI)5, normalized T2W intensity (nT2W)5, apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC)5, T1ρ7, and DCE-MRI enhancements in four regions of interest (ROI)4. These ROIs were drawn over the cranial and caudal subchondral bone (SB) and cartilaginous endplate (CEP)4 regions, which are critical for disc health. All biomarkers were checked using Hoaglin et. al.’s outlier labeling rule8.

Note that the DHI metric is normalized across subjects, but it also varies with lumbar level within each subject. To minimize that variation, a new biomarker, nDHI, was defined. nDHI is DHI normalized with respect to disc level (L1L2:1.000, L2L3:1.156, L3L4:1.316, L4L5:1.485, L5S1:1.337). These ratios were calculated from 19 healthy participants (Age:29±9y, Female:7, H:67±4inch, W:154±27lbs, BMI:24±4kg/m2) who had no disc degeneration (Pfirrmann grade9≤II).

For analysis, the lumbar discs of each subject were sorted into five pools according to the product of nDHI*nT2W. This multiplication was used as a semi-quantitative parameter to sort the discs according to their disc degeneration level, analogous to Pfirrmann classification9. However, unlike Pfirrmann that uses a universal classification, our pooling was done for each subject individually. The first pool represents relatively the least degenerated disc in each subject, and the last pool represents the most degenerated disc. This sorting scheme was used because we do not know which disc might actually be causing the pain, although current understanding is that the disc with the most degeneration is the most likely culprit. Statistical analyses were performed using IBM SPSS v21. Differences in MRI biomarkers between controls and CLBP patients in each pool were analyzed using a t-test. A statistical significance (α) level of 0.05 was used. The workflow is shown in Fig.1.


By using Hoaglin’s outlier labeling rule, four discs from three participants were labeled as outliers and excluded from analysis. The results of the t-tests were listed in Table 2.

Discussion and Conclusion

The ODI scores from our cohort (44.8±17.6) were similar to retrospective ODI scores reported for chronic back pain (43.3±10to21)6 from 25 different studies. This shows that our cohort was a good representation of a typical CLBP patient population.

It is interesting that the biomarkers from even the “least degenerated disc” in CLBP patients showed significant associations with pain. This might indicate that most lumbar discs of a CLBP patient undergo similar pathological changes. However, one metric stood out among others. The Caudal CEP Enhancement was significantly associated with CLBP only for the most degenerated disc pool, but not others. This might help identify the most likely source of pain, but further studies are needed to validate this hypothesis. As a general trend, ADC and T1ρ demonstrated a tendency of increasing t-scores with increasing degeneration pool and DCE-MRI related biomarkers had a tendency of larger negative t-scores. This pooling approach might also provide a useful means to label potentially problematic discs and endplates.


This study is supported in part by funds from AHW28 FP00002161 and AOSpine Clinical Priority program. We would like to thank Ali Ersoz, Daniel Olson, Adam Pfaller, Judeen Richeen and study participants for their help.


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2. Videman, T. et al. Associations between back pain history and lumbar MRI findings. Spine 28, 582–588 (2003).

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4. Arpinar, V. E., Rand, S. D., Klein, A. P., Maiman, D. J. & Muftuler, L. T. Changes in perfusion and diffusion in the endplate regions of degenerating intervertebral discs: a DCE-MRI study. Eur. Spine J. Off. Publ. Eur. Spine Soc. Eur. Spinal Deform. Soc. Eur. Sect. Cerv. Spine Res. Soc. 24, 2458–2467 (2015).

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6. Fairbank, J. C. & Pynsent, P. B. The Oswestry Disability Index. Spine 25, 2940–2952; discussion 2952 (2000).

7. Arpinar, V. & Muftuler, L. T. T1Rho Measurements in the Intervertebral Discs: Analysis of Reproducibility and Diurnal Changes. in Proceedings of Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 23 1207 (2015).

8. Hoaglin, D. C. & Iglewicz, B. Fine-Tuning Some Resistant Rules for Outlier Labeling. J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 82, 1147–1149 (1987).

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Table 1. Demographic characteristics of the control subjects and chronic low back pain (CLBP) patients. Independent t-tests were used for age, height, weight and BMI and chi-square test was used for sex comparison between the control subjects and CLBP patients.

Fig.1. Data collection and processing pipeline for control subjects and chronic low back pain (CLBP) patients.

Table 2. Independent t-test results, t values and significance levels (p), between control subjects and chronic low back pain patients.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)