Chien-Lin Yeh1,2, Jennifer McGlothan Dziedzic3, Tomas R. Guilarte3, and Ulrike Dydak2,4
1School of Health Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, United States, 2Radiology and Imaging Sciences, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, United States, 3Department of Environmental Health Sciences, Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, New York, NY, United States, 4School of Health Sciences, Purdue University, West lafayette, IN, United States
exposure to manganese (Mn) causes motor impairments resembling Parkinson’s
disease. Using R1 mapping we investigated the dynamics of brain Mn accumulation
during and after chronic manganese exposure in nonhuman primates. The R1 in
whole brain displayed a significant increase after 27-41 wks of exposure. The
visual cortex was found to have continuous Mn accumulation over exposure
duration, while R1 of substantia nigra was decrease at 66-81 wks. Some select
brain areas still show hyperintensities ten months after cessation of exposure.
Understanding the regional uptake and retention may help elucidating the
relation of Mn exposure to neurological symptoms.Purpose
and chronic exposure to manganese (Mn) may lead to symptoms that resemble Parkinson’s
disease (PD)
1,2. Mn accumulation in the brain due to exposure may be
visualized noninvasively using R1 relaxation rate mapping in MRI
3. In
our previous studies, a widespread distribution of Mn revealed by MRI was found
in basal ganglia, but also motor cortex, parietal cortex, visual cortex and
cerebellum in both humans and non-human primates4. However, not much
is known about the regional distribution of Mn uptake and release over time in
a chronic exposure scenario. In this study, the longitudinal time course of brain
Mn accumulation over long-term (66-81 wks) Mn administration, as well as the
wash-out of Mn after cessation of Mn administration were evaluated by using whole-brain
T1 mapping in non-human primates.
A total
of 4 Mn-exposed and 3 control adult male cynomolgus monkeys underwent three MRI
exams (1) before Mn exposure (baseline), (2) after 26-41 wks (TP1), and (3) after
66-81 wks (TP2) of injections of MnSO4 (vehicle for controls)
2x/week, resulting in a dose of 1.66-2.5 mg Mn/kg per injection. Two of the
Mn-exposed monkeys received a fourth scan acquired 44 wks after the end of a 66-81
wks exposure. Acquisition of the R1 relaxation maps was performed on a 3 T
Philips Achieva MRI scanner. High-resolution 3D T1-weighted images (voxel size:
0.5x0.5x0.75 mm3) were obtained using a fast gradient echo pulse
sequence (TR/TE=25/3.85 ms, NEX=2) as anatomical reference. Inversion recovery fast
spin echo images were acquired using seven different inversion times for
quantifying Mn accumulation in the brain (TR = 4000 ms, TI=100, 300, 500, 700,
1000, 1500, 3000 ms, voxel size: 0.5x0.5x2.2 mm3). The R1 rate for
each pixel was then calculated by the least-squares method in Matlab (The Mathworks,
Natrick, MA) using the following equation for T1 (=1/R1):
where S=signal intensity
from images. S0=Signal of proton density, TI= inversion time,
T1=relaxation time, TR=repetition time. f=inversion factor.
Regions of interest (ROI) of
diameter 2.5 mm2 were placed in the globus pallidus, caudate,
putamen, substantia nigra, parietal lobe, occipital lobe and frontal lobe.
For each monkey, different
time points were compared to each other by using paired t-tests. For each time
point, the exposed group was compared to the control group using a
nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test due to the small sample size.
expected, a significant increase of R1, indicative of an increase in brain Mn, was
found in all exposed monkeys at 26-41 wks (TP1) and 66-81 wks (TP2) of Mn
exposure (p<0.005). In the globus pallidus (GP), R1 remained stable TP2 of
exposure (Fig.1). However, in the substantia nigra two exposed monkeys displayed
a significant decrease of R1 at TP2 (p<0.05)
(Fig 2). In occipital lobe and parietal lobe, the highest R1 value was also found
at TP1, decreasing gradually (but not significantly) at TP2 and returning to
baseline values after cessation of exposure. In contrast, the optical nerve and
visual cortex displayed a slight increase
of R1 at TP2 compared to TP1. After cessation of chronic Mn exposure, the R1
rate of the GP decreased almost back to the baseline range, but not fully. The
high-resolution T1-weighted images reveal even 44 wks after cessation of Mn
exposure still hyperintense regions located in the GP, pituitary gland and the visual
area along the temporal lobe (Fig.3).
Our results demonstrate
regionally different dynamics of Mn uptake and wash-out in a model of chronic
Mn exposure. The continuously increasing R1 values in the visual cortex and
globus pallidus during exposure suggest the possibility of continuous
accumulation of Mn in these regions. The hyperintensities found in T1-weighted
images after the cessation of Mn exposure also demonstrate the slowness of Mn
elimination in these regions. Structures like the substantia nigra, one of the
primary brain structures affected by pathology in PD, seem to have a different
saturation and faster wash-out rate, shown by a maximum in R1 at TP1 of
exposure and a subsequent decrease in R1 still during exposure. It also is
noteworthy that the hyperintensities found after the cessation of Mn exposure
are exactly those brain regions that first show hyperintensities in human
studies on occupational Mn exposure, possibly reflecting particularly high Mn
accumulation in these areas. The study design of chronic exposure provided a
condition similar to human overexposure to Mn, such as in occupational exposure
settings, drug abuse or liver disease. Understanding the regional differences
in Mn uptake and release may help elucidating the relation of Mn exposure to
particular neurological symptoms of Mn toxicity
This work was supported by NIEHS
grant R01 ES010975 (T.G.), NINDS R01 NS085136 and NIEHS R01 ES020529 from the National Institutes of Health. References
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