Maria Kuklisova Murgasova1, Georgia Lockwood Estrin1, Rita G. Nunes1,2, Mary Rutherford1, and Jo Hajnal1
1King's College London, London, United Kingdom, 2Instituto de Biofisica e Engenharia Biomedica, Faculdade de Ciencias, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal
We present a novel method for
correction of geometric distortions induced by static B0 field in fetal EPI. The
method estimates distortion by including
a distortion-correction step in the slice to volume reconstruction of orthogonal
EPI stacks with orthogonal phase encoding directions, in the form of non-rigid
registration with a Laplacian constraint. We show that the proposed method achieves
better consistency with reconstructed ssFSE volumes than EPI volumes constructed
from data corrected by B0 field map. The
registration-based distortion correction is thus a viable alternative to
acquisition of B0 field map.PURPOSE
brain imaging is moving from anatomy to connectivity research, requiring
advanced neuroimaging modalities such as functional and diffusion MRI. These
generally rely on echo planar imaging (EPI), which is highly sensitive to
distortion due to static magnetic field (B0) inhomogeneity. Correction of
geometric distortion in the fetus can be performed using a B0 field map
Distortion corrected EPI can then be used for motion corrected 3D
slice-to-volume reconstruction (SVR) [e.g.
2,3,4]. However, the
acquisition of the B0 field map itself is vulnerable to motion artefacts. In this
work we propose an alternative solution to address this problem by including a
distortion-correction step in SVR for fetal EPI data.
fetal head is composed of tissues of very similar magnetic susceptibility. However,
significant sources of field variation may exist in reasonably close proximity to
the fetal head (e.g. as a result of gas bubbles in maternal gut). Thus although
the B0 field is frequently non-uniform, its variation, ΔB, is
generally smooth in the fetal brain region and since there are only weak internal
sources (such as from fetal blood), ΔB approximately obeys the Laplacian equation5 ∇2(ΔB)=0.
EPI slices are acquired as regular stacks in scanner coordinate y, but
are distorted due to ΔB. As the fetus moves, the fetal head volume,
V(x), undergoes a rigid motion, Mt, in time t, such that
anatomical location x in the fetal head is related to scanner coordinate
y by y=Mtx. Due to the B0 field variation ΔB, the fetal
head will not appear in the acquired image in location y, but will be
shifted by a spatially varying distance d(y)=(γ⋅ΔB(y)/bw)⋅Δy, where γ is gyromagnetic ratio, bw is the
bandwidth per pixel and Δy is the pixel width in the direction of the
shift. This shift always occurs in the phase-encoding (PE) direction, which can
be expressed as a unit vector p. The acquired, distorted, EPI
data St can thus be related to the moving model of the fetal head by:
St(yit+d(yit)⋅p)=V(M−1tyit) where yit is the grid of the
acquired slice St.
If the EPI dataset contains two
orthogonal sets of stacks with orthogonal PE directions, the distortion d
can be found by estimating volume V from the first set of stacks and then
registering the EPI stacks of the second set to the simulated stacks
V(M−1tyit) using non-rigid registration6 with a Laplacian
constraint. The sets of stacks can then be switched so that the distortion field can be
estimated from both sets jointly. The distortion estimation is interleaved with
motion estimation, which is performed by registration of distortion corrected
EPI slices to a brain volume V, constructed from all corrected EPI
The proposed SVR method with distortion correction was
tested on three spin-echo diffusion datasets of fetal head with diffusion
gradients set to zero (dMRI b=0smm-2, TE 121ms, TR 8500ms, FoV 290x290x128mm3,
voxel size 2.3x2.3x3.5mm3, slice overlap 1.75mm), each consisting of four
transverse and four coronal stacks with orthogonal PE directions. We compared
the reconstructed EPI volumes to motion-corrected ssFSE volumes3 (which
are not affected by distortions) using local normalised cross correlation
SVR of the EPI data without distortion correction resulted in a
mean LNCC of 0.69. The proposed method increased this to 0.78, while correction
using an acquired field map resulted gave 0.76. Examples of reconstructed
volumes are presented in Fig. 1.
In this abstract we presented a slice-to-volume reconstruction
method for EPI which includes distortion correction in the form of non-rigid
registration with a Laplacian constraint, which was motivated by the expected
properties of the local B0 field. We showed that the proposed method can perform better than field map correction and therefore registration-based
distortion correction is a viable alternative to the acquisition of a B0 field map.
This work has been supported by MRC strategic grant. . RGN was funded by FCT.References
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