HARDI Acquisition in Neonates and Children using Modular Multiband Multi-shell Sequence
Vincent Kyu Lee1, Meredith Monsour2, Sudhir Pathak2, Vincent Schmithorst3, Catherine Fissell2, Ashok Panigrahy1,3, and Walt Schneider2

1Radiology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 2University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 3Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States


High angular-resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI) is the best imaging technique to distinguish crossing fibers and high turning angle neuronal tracts, which is critical for identifying and characterizing the microstructural changes in neuro pathology and traumatic brain injury. Its main disadvantage has been the lengthy scan time needed to acquire analyzable images – a challenge especially in children and neonates who do not tolerate long scanning sessions. This study presents the preliminary fiber tractography of healthy neonatal and pediatric subjects acquired using multiband multi-shell HARDI sequence within a practicable scan time without sacrificing image quality.

Background and Purpose

High angular-resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI) has advantages over Diffusion Tensor Imaging in its ability to resolve crossing fibers and distinguish neuronal tracks with higher turning angles [1, 2]. These features of HARDI are crucial for identifying and characterizing the microstructural changes in neuro pathology and traumatic brain injury [3]. HARDI has already been shown to improve fiber resolution in adults [4]. However, the main short-coming of HARDI is the extended scan time, which can be more than four times of standard DTI of similar spatial resolution. The longer scan time is already problematic in adults leading to higher rates of acquisition failure – such as increased movement and patient fatigue – and made more challenging in children. Multiband MRI techniques have been used to reduce scan time. In this study we present the preliminary fiber tractography of healthy neonatal and pediatric subjects acquired using multiband multi-shell HARDI sequence.


A total of 10 heathy pediatric subjects (6-17 years 3 females, 7 males) and 12 healthy neonates (1-6 weeks, 4 males, 8 females) were scanned on a 3T Skyra (Siemens AG, Erlangen, Germany) using 32-channel head coil. The multiband multi-shell HARDI acquisition consisted of four modular complementary sequences, each acquiring the volumes as three simultaneous bands in tandem. The sequences are divided into two B-value (B=5000 and B=3000), and two sets of 128-unique directions (total of 256 unique directions at each B value). The sequence is EPI with following parameters: FOV=240mm, voxel size=2.4mm (isotropic), matrix size=100x100x60, TE/TR=130ms/3600ms. Each sequence is around 240 ± 15 seconds, and the entire acquisition can be accomplished in under 16 minutes. Image reconstruction, motion correction, and pre-processing were conducted using a custom image processing pipeline internally developed (Scheider Laboratory, Pittsburgh PA, U.S.A) [5]. Fiber tracking and preliminary comparison analysis in post-processed images were done on DSI studio [6, 7].


All pediatric subjects and 75% of neonates tolerated and completed the scan. For each subject, the following 16 tracts were analyzed: genu, body, and splenium of corpus callosum (CC); fornix; corona radiata; thalamic radiations; corticospinal tract; external capsule; frontal aslant; arcuate; superior and inferior longitudinal fasciculus; optic radiations; inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus; cingulum; and uncinated. Most tracts showed no observable differences between youngest and oldest subjects. Compared to Healthy Adults, sparse frontal connectivity across all pediatric scans was observed (Figure1). Increased visualization of fornix in younger age group (Figure2A), and increased lateralization of all segments of CC in older age group (Figure2B). With a few exception, no graph abnormalities were observed compared to healthy adult controls.


This study showed that a multiband multi-shell sequence could acquire HARDI images at a scan time practicable for pediatric patients. The visualization of tracts in younger subjects were comparable to the adults. The quality of fiber tracking is comparable to healthy adult controls, and superior in some cases such as the fornix. An in depth study and quantitative analysis with more healthy subjects are required to characterize and standardize HARDI based fiber tracking in younger subjects.


Christine Johnston, Alexandria Zahner, Emily Brown


1. Tuch, D. S., Reese, T. G., Wiegell, M. R., Makris, N., Belliveau, J. W., & Wedeen, V. J. (2002). High angular resolution diffusion imaging reveals intravoxel white matter fiber heterogeneity. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 48(4), 577-582.

2. Özarslan, E., & Mareci, T. H. (2003). Generalized diffusion tensor imaging and analytical relationships between diffusion tensor imaging and high angular resolution diffusion imaging. Magnetic resonance in Medicine, 50(5), 955-965.

3. Presson, N., Krishnaswamy, D., Wagener, L., Bird, W., Jarbo, K., Pathak, S., Puccio, A. M., Borasso, A., Benso, S., Okonkwo, D. O., & Schneider, W. (2015). Quantifying white matter structural integrity with high-definition fiber tracking in traumatic brain injury. Military Medicine, 180(3S), 122-134.

4. Varentsova, A., Zhang, S., & Arfanakis, K. (2014). Development of a high angular resolution diffusion imaging human brain template. NeuroImage, 91, 177-186.

5. Fernandez-Miranda, J. C., Pathak, S., Engh, J., Jarbo, K., Verstynen, T., Yeh, F. C., ... & Friedlander, R. (2012). High-definition fiber tractography of the human brain: neuroanatomical validation and neurosurgical applications. Neurosurgery, 71(2), 430-453.

6. Yeh, F. C., Wedeen, V. J., & Tseng, W. Y. I. (2010). Generalized-sampling imaging. Medical Imaging, IEEE Transactions on, 29(9), 1626-1635.

7. Yeh, F. C., Verstynen, T. D., Wang, Y., Fernández-Miranda, J. C., & Tseng, W. Y. I. (2013). Deterministic diffusion fiber tracking improved by quantitative anisotropy.


Figure 1. Sparse frontal connectivity observed across all pediatric scans. This particular pediatric subject is 10 year old male compared to a 25 year old adult male. The sparsity is demonstrated in detail in inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus.

Tract comparison across age groups and healthy adult. Visualization of Fornix increased as age decreased (A). For all segments of Corpus Callosum, increase in fiber lateralization is observed with progressing age of subject (B).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)