Single acquisition multiple contrast spine MRI using accelerated quantitative mapping
Suchandrima Banerjee1, Ken-Pin Hwang2,3, Peng Lai1, Marcel Warntjes4, and Ajit Shankaranarayanan1

1Global MR Applications & Workflow, GE Healthcare, Menlo Park, CA, United States, 2Global MR Applications & Workflow, GE Healthcare, Houston, TX, United States, 3Department of Imaging Physics, University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, United States, 4Synthetic MR Technologies AB, Stockholm, Sweden


Recently, several techniques for rapid simultaneous mapping of proton density and T1, T2 relaxation parameters from a single acquisition and generation of synthetic images of any desired image contrast have been demonstrated, mostly in the brain. Such an approach could potentially shorten a spine MRI exam which typically consists of multiple 2D acquisitions with different contrast weightings. But even routine spine MRI is fraught with technical challenges such as motion and inhomogeneity. So in this work we explore the feasibility of obtaining synthetic MRI images of usable image quality in the spine using a 2D quantitative mapping technique.

Target Audience:

MR physicists and clinicians interested in spine imaging


Spine MRI exams, be it for looking at cord pathologies, infection or investigating lower back pain, typically consist of multiple 2D acquisitions with different contrast weightings [1]. Techniques that extract proton density (PD) and T1, T2 relaxation maps simultaneously from a single acquisition and use the multi-parametric maps to generate synthetic images of any desired image contrast have been demonstrated in recent years, mostly in the brain [2-7]. Such an approach could potentially shorten spine MRI exams if for e.x. T1, T2 and PD images could be synthetically generated and additionally quantitative T2 maps could be obtained from a single scan in a lower back exam. But even routine day-to-day spine MRI is fraught with technical challenges-motion from swallowing (cervical spine), cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow, respiration, B0 inhomogeneity, B1 non-uniformity all pose impediments to consistent image quality [8]. So we investigated if it would be feasible to derive synthetic images using a 2D quantitative mapping technique, MAGiC, in the 2 most often scanned spine regions-lumbar and the cervical spine.


In MAGiC, a saturation delay multi echo fast spin echo (FSE) sequence is used to acquire multiple saturation delay times and multiple spin echo times [9]. T1 and T2 fitting to the different delay and echo times, computation of PD from the scaling of the curves and further processing is performed by the SyMRI processing pipeline (SyntheticMR, Linköping, Sweden).

1 volunteer each was scanned at the Lspine and Cspine with informed consent in accordance with IRB guidelines of the site on a 3T scanner (GE MR 750 Waukesha, WI) using six and nine elements of a spine array for the lumbar and cervical regions respectively. Data from four saturation delay times and 2 echo-times was collected with the above mentioned FSE sequence (FOV= 26 cm (Cspine: 18 cm), phase FOV factor=0.8, slice thickness/gap=4/1 mm (Cspine: 3/1 mm), 20 slices, TR/TE1/TE2 = 4000/21.5/85.5 ms, echo train length=12, matrix: 320x256, 20 slices, scan time=9:30 mins) with phase encoding along the superior/inferior (S/I) direction, spatial saturation bands placed superiorly and inferiorly to the phase FOV and with full sampling to retrospectively explore optimal undersampling strategy,

Two reconstruction approaches were explored on the fully sampled data: 1) k-t adaptive ARC (kat-ARC) [10] with simulated staggered time shifted sampling pattern across the temporal phases, and 2) ESPIRit, an iterative autocalibrated parallel imaging method that uses eigenvector maps [11] with simulated random undersampling pattern. Additionally, a local low-rank (LLR) constraint was added to exploit data redundancy along the parameter dimension [12]. Reconstructed images were post-processed by the SyMRI pipeline.


The spine array used in this work offered limited acceleration capabilities only in the S/I direction. Addition of local low rank constraint to ESPIRiT provided appreciable improvement in SNR and image quality, even for the small size of the parameter dimension. An example in the Lspine from the first saturation delay timepoint is shown in Figure 1. kat-ARC and ESPIRiT-LLR reconstructions provided comparable image quality at two-fold acceleration, while it was possible to achieve slightly higher acceleration of up to 3 folds with the second approach albeit with some SNR penalty. T1 FLAIR, T2 weighted images and R2 maps of the of the Lspine processed from images reconstructed by ESPIRiT-LLR and T1, T2 weighted images and R1 map of the Cspine processed from images reconstructed by kat-ARC, from simulated 2X acquisitions of 4 minutes and 45 seconds, which is slightly shorter than the time typically taken to acquire 2 separate T1w and T2w sequences, are shown in Figures 2 and 3 respectively. The Cspine images were noisier because of being acquired at a higher resolution than the Lspine and had some flow ghosting.


In this work we showed the feasibility of deriving synthetic MR images in the spine based on a 2D quantitative mapping technique, with some challenges in the Cspine where more robust motion compensation is needed. Additional derived contrast weightings such as phase sensitive inversion recovery (PSIR) or double inversion recovery (DIR) could potentially add value by helping visualize cord pathologies. While a 3D quantitative parameter mapping method would allow for multi-planar reformats, 2D acquisition might be more suited to the spine due to motion considerations. Acceleration and exploitation of data redundancy in the parameter dimension, and coil arrays with better parallel imaging capabilities are crucial to achieving SNR-efficiency in such parameter mapping techniques.


No acknowledgement found.


[1] ACR-ASNR-SCBT-MR Practice Guideline for the Performance of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the Adult Spine - 2012. [2] Deoni SC et al, Magn Reson Med 2005; 53:237-41. [3] Ma J et al; Magn Reson Med 2007; 58:103-9 [4] Warntjes JB et al, Magn Reson Med 2008; 2:320-9. [5] West J et al, Eur Radiol; 2012; 5:998-1007. [6] Vågberg et al. AJNR 2013; 34:498-504. [7] Ma D et al, Nature 2013;495:187-92. [8] Vertinsky AT et al, Neuroimaging Clin N Am. 2007 February ; 17(1): 117–136 [9]Hwang KP et al, ISMRM 2014 #3201[10] Lai P et al, J Cardiovasc Magn Reson. 2012; 14(Suppl 1): W69 [11] Uecker M et al, Magn Reson Med 2014; 71:990–1001 [12] Zhang T et al, Magn Reson Med 2015: 73:655-71


Figure 3: Synthetic T1w and T2w images and R1 map of the cervical spine derived from the single 2D multi-echo multi-phase fast spin echo based acquisition with simulated undersampling of 2, scan time of 4 mins 45 seconds and kat-ARC reconstruction. Flow ghosting is apparent in the images.

Figure 2: Synthetic T1 FLAIR and T2w images and R2 map of the lumbar spine derived from the single 2D multi-echo multi-phase fast spin echo based acquisition with simulated undersampling of 2, scan time of 4 mins 45 seconds and ESPIRiT reconstruction with local low rank constraints.

Figure 1: Example images in the Lspine reconstructed from 2X randomly undersampled acquisition data from the first saturation delay and first echo time point. There is a marked improvement in image quality with the incorporation of local low rank constraint in the ESPIRiT reconstruction.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)