Marie Anne Richard1, Réjean Lebel1, Jérémie P. Fouquet1, and Martin Lepage1
1Centre d'imagerie moléculaire de Sherbrooke, Université de Shebrooke, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada
emission tomography (PET) images suffer from statistical noise, especially in
short time frames. For applications requiring high temporal resolution, such as
dynamic studies, efficient edge-preserving denoising algorithms such as the
non-local means filter (NLMF) are needed. Because this filter relies on structural
data, coregistered MR images were used to guide the NLMF. This novel method was
compared to conventional PET-guided NLMF and proved superior in terms of
increased contrast-to-background ratio and signal-to-noise ratio in a phantom
model. It also increased small structure resolution in a rat model.Purpose
To leverage MRI for denoising positron emission
tomography (PET) images using structural information.
Dynamic studies in PET are limited by noise due to
the low number of events detected during short time frames. There is a need for
powerful, fast denoising algorithms.
Noise can be efficiently reduced by averaging
the values of several similar voxels in an image. However, choosing the
appropriate similarity criteria is essential. Simply assuming image smoothness
and averaging neighboring voxels will result in loss of edge sharpness, making
it difficult to pinpoint the boundaries of structures. The non-local mean
filter (NLMF) averages voxels that are not necessarily close spatially, but are
located in similar regions
1. To do so, it assigns a filter weight,
w, to each voxel,
q, based on how similar the intensity of its neighborhood is
compared to that of the voxel,
p (Fig.
1). Therefore, the intensity
I of
p is given by the following weighted
I(p)=I(q1)w(p,q1)+I(q2)w(p,q2)+... The effect is an
edge-preserving filter that has been found useful in denoising PET and MRI
Using an MR image to
incorporate structural priors in the NLMF will improve small structure
resolution and signal recovery in the PET image.
NU 4-2008 phantom (Data Spectrum Corporation) containing
11.2 MBq of fluorodeoxyglucose in 18 ml water and a glioblastoma-bearing rat
injected with fluoroethyltyrosine were imaged on the LabPET4 small-animal PET
scanner (Gamma Medica/GE Healthcare). Multiple time frame reconstruction was
performed with a maximum likelihood expectation maximization algorithm using 20
iterations. MRI was also performed on a 7T small-animal scanner (Varian) to
acquire images of the phantom (20 slices; resolution 0.156*0.156*2 mm) and the rat
(DCE‑MRI; 10 slices; resolution 0.125*0.125*1 mm). The PET and MRI images
were resampled to PET resolution and automatically coregistered in ANTs using a
mutual information criterion. For the phantom, PET images were filtered using
the NLMF in two conditions: 1) filter weights based on the PET data; 2) weights
based on the MRI data. The filtering process took about 2 minutes in both
cases. Afterwards, regions of interest (ROI) corresponding to each hot spot and
to the background were manually drawn on the MR image and copied on the coregistered
PET images. The contrast-to-background ratio and the mean-to-standard deviation of the ROI signal (proportional to the signal-to-noise
ratio) were calculated for the filtered and unfiltered
PET images. For the rat, only qualitative data are presented here.
On visual inspection, filtered images show
sharper edges and improved resolution of small objects (Fig. 2 and 3).
However, the signal of the 1 mm hot spot remains low. In all cases,
MRI-based NLMF increases contrast-to-background ratio (Table 1-A) compared to
the unfiltered image; whereas, the PET-based NLMF tends to decrease it. Moreover,
the mean-to-standard deviation of the ROI signal generally
increases in filtered images (Table 1-B). Again, the MRI-based NLMF is superior
to the PET-based NLMF in all but one ROI. Finally, the intensity profiles (Fig 4)
of the ROI are similar in terms ROI width, although filtered image show a more
homogeneous repartition of the signal in the ROI. The areas under these
profiles are the same.
Applying the NLMF to PET images decreases the
noise level allowing smaller, less intense, structures to emerge both in phantom
in vivo data. However, resolution
is still limited by partial volume effects. For example, the 1 mm ROI shows
only 12 % of the actual activity because of spill-out. For this reason, it
cannot be resolved even after denoising. Nevertheless, there is a gain in contrast-to-background
and signal-to-noise ratio when using the MRI-based NLMF compared to the
PET-based version. This was expected because the NLMF method relies on
structural details present in the image and MRI provides better spatial
resolution. Finally, the similar intensity profiles between the raw PET image
and both filtered images confirm that this method does preserve edge sharpness
and total signal.
The MRI-based NLMF has proven fast and effective
to denoise PET phantom and
in vivo
data. Because MRI and PET images are often acquired in pairs, this method could
be widely used in the clinical and preclinical settings. It has also the
potential to increase signal-to-noise ratio in short time frames making it
useful for dynamic studies. However, to fully recover the PET tracer
concentration, this denoising should be coupled to a partial volume correction
algorithm, which could be MRI-guided.
This work is funded by the NSERC and FRQNT.
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