Leili Riazy1, Simone Fritzschi2,3, Arthur Stötzner2,3, Fabian Mühlberg2,3, Luisa Schmacht2,3, Matthias Dieringer1,2,4, Florian von Knobelsdorff-Brenkenhoff2,3, Thoralf Niendorf1,2, and Jeanette Schulz-Menger2,3
1Berlin Ultrahigh Field Facility (B.U.F.F.), Max-Delbrueck Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin, Germany, 2Working Group on Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, Experimental and Clinical Research Center (ECRC), Berlin, Germany, 3Department of Cardiology and Nephrology, HELIOS Klinikum Berlin Buch, Berlin, Germany, 4Siemens Healthcare GmbH, Erlangen, Germany
Gadolinium Enhancement (LGE) is the noninvasive gold standard for
focal fibrosis, parametric mapping with and without contrast-media
enable detection of diffuse fibrosis. We developed a non-rigid
registration method to superimpose LGE images and T1-Maps allowing
for pixel-wise comparison of LGE extent and abnormal T1 times. We
observed significantly larger regions of ECV, T1 native and
post-contrast abnormalities than LGE positive areas. However, LGE was
not always completely covered by abnormalities of any of the
mentioned parameters.Purpose
MRI is
a valuable tool in the assessment of the extent of myocardial
fibrosis. Late Gadolinium Enhancement (LGE)[1] is the noninvasive gold
standard for focal fibrosis, parametric mapping with and without
contrast-media enable detection of diffuse fibrosis[2]. We
developed a non-rigid registration method to superimpose LGE images
and T
1-Maps allowing for pixel-wise comparison of LGE extent and
abnormal T
1 times. This may give new insights into disease
development. Furthermore direct visual comparison is more easily
assessible in a fused image.
non-rigid, edge-detection based algorithm was
developed in-house in MATLAB(Natwick, USA). It consists of a two-fold
registration, by first matching anatomical, manually-set control
points with an affine transformation and then aligning the endo- and
epicardium with a non-rigid point set based approach. Contouring of
the endo-and epicardium and selecting of the
anterior insertion of the right ventricle was done by a
CMR-experienced physician. Further
segmentation was based on the 16-segment AHA-model[3].
applied the tool in 12 patients with non-ischemic heart disease:
Myotonic Dystrophy type 2 (MD2) n=6, age 59±8 years, all female
and Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) patients, n=6, age: 51±17
years, 4 male and 2 female. In all patients T1-mapping pre- and
post-contrast media application as well as LGE-imaging were
performed. Hematocrit was measured in 5 patients with MD2 immediately
prior to CMR scan.
MR-protocol was as follows:
at 1.5T (MAGNETOM Avanto, Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany)
Modified Look-Locker inversion-recovery [4] (MOLLI) scheme
(TE=1.08ms, FA=35°, FOV=(270 x 360)mm2, matrix= 169x224, slice
thickness= 6 mm,
GRAPPA acceleration factor 2)for
native T1-Mapping, for post-contrast T1-Mapping 15 minutes after
contrast-agent application (0.2 mmol/kg body weight, Gadoteridol) and
imaging technique (2D-PSIR; TR=744ms, TE=5.17ms, FOV=(350×262)mm2, matrix=256×162, slice thickness=7mm, GRAPPA
acceleration factor 2).
at 3.0T (MAGNETOM Verio,
Siemens Healthcare,
Erlangen, Germany) using a MOLLI
(TR=2.6-2.7ms, TE=1.0-1.1ms, FA=35°, FOV=
(270×360)mm2, matrix=156×208 to 168×224,slice thickness=6mm, GRAPPA acceleration factor 2)
scheme for native T1-Mapping, post-contrast T1-Mapping
10 minutes after contrast-agent application (0.2 mmol/kg
body weight, Gadobutrolum)
and LGE imaging technique (2D-PSIR; TR=10.5ms, TE=5.4ms, FA=30°, FOV=(350×262)mm2,matrix=256×162,slice thickness=6mm, GRAPPA
acceleration factor 2.)
was calculated based on [5]. LGE positive areas were defined by
signal intensity in remote myocardium+2 standard deviations(SD).
T1-mapping reference values for 1.5T were derived from our own
normal values [6], normal
values for 3.0T were published recently [7]. The threshold was
chosen to be ±2 SD from the mean value for post- and pre-contrast
T1-Mapping respectively and mean+2 SD for ECV.
slices with LGE were analyzed. In MD2 patients the basal slice was
always affected, therefore all basal segments (36) of the 6 MD2
patients were evaluated for native T
1, T
1 post-contrast and LGE. In 6
HCM patients, midventricular (5 patients) and basal segments (1
patient) were used, depending on best LGE differentiation. ECV was
calculated in 30 segments only, as hematocrit was missing in
one MD2 patient and all HCM patients. Statistical analysis was
conducted using the Wilcoxon signed rank test. First we compared the
mean ECV of all segments from analysis done in CVI42 (Calgary, Canada) and after the
registration in our implementation and found no statistically
significant difference (p>0.05) in either left- or right-sided
signed rank test. We found ECV and both native and post-contrast T1
abnormality areas to be significantly larger than LGE positive areas
in all MD2 patients(p<0.05),
but only post-contrast T1 abnormality region sizes were significantly
increased in HCM patients. We calculated the percentage of pixels in each segment beyond
the respective threshold as illustrated in the figures.
In 6
MD2 patients, we showed that it is possible to register LGE images to
ECV and T
1-Mapping images with no statistically significant change in
data. Therefore we were able to generalize our tool from patients
with MD2 to patients with HCM.
We observed larger areas of abnormalities in ECV and both native and
post-contrast T
1-Mapping compared to LGE posive areas. However, LGE
positive area could not be fully detected by any of the proposed
methods. This could be an error created by malregistration.
proof of concept shows that feature extraction in registrated images
is feasible. Furthermore a significant increase in the size of areas
with abnormal native and post-contrast T
1 values compared to LGE
positive areas was observed segment-wise. However, on a pixel-basis,
we observed, that ECV, T
1 native or post-contrast abnormalities do
not always include the LGE positive area completely.
No acknowledgement found.References
[1] Rudolph et al.,
Am Coll Cardiol, 2009
[2] Iles et al., EHJ - Card Im, 2014 [3] Cerqueira et al., Circ, 2002 [4] Messroghli et al., MRM, 2004, [5] Kellman et al., JCMR, 2012 [6] Schmacht et al., proceedings SCMR, 2015 [7] von Knobelsdorff-Brenkenhoff et al., JCMR, 2013