Allison B Randolph V1, Valentina Pedoia1, Lorenzo Nardo1, and Sharmila Majumdar1
1Radiology & Biomedical Imaging, UCSF, San Francisco, CA, United States
Voxel-based relaxometry (VBR) allows for MR relaxtion time analysis without the sometimes deletorious assumtions of traditional ROIs. However, VBR introduces potentially new analysis issues, such as noise and map heterogeneity. In this study we propose to use VBR significance thresholding in
conjunction with cluster-extent based thresholding to define
data-driven regions of interest (ROIs) that include the most critical
information in Statistical Parametric Maps (SPM), controlling the aforesaid issues. The results suggests that the data driven voxel cluster ROIs and predefined traditional ROIs have unique, separate anatomical locations, and that the data-driven clusters perform better when correlated to osteoarthritis (OA) disease markers. Introduction
osteoarthritis (OA) research has aimed to identify disease biomarkers earlier
than the current clinical standard of radiographic joint space narrowing. MRI
relaxometry studies explain that T1ρ and T2 signal
relaxation times reflect biochemical composition and could potentially isolate
early OA biomarkers in OA affected cartilage
1. Traditionally,
relaxometry studies have averaged relaxation time values across regions of
interests based on specific anatomical landmarks (ROI); however, voxel based
relaxometry (VBR) has been proposed as another method that could improve upon
MRI analysis in arthritic cartilage
2. Despite the advantages to VBR,
statistical analysis on the voxel level could be susceptible to noise, and VBR map
homogenization would be difficult for articular cartilage. In this study we
propose to use VBR significance thresholding in conjunction with cluster-extent
based thresholding
3 to define data-driven regions of interest (ROIs)
that include the most critical information in Statistical Parametric Maps (SPM).
subjects from a single OA cohort were
considered for this study. It included 58 OA-affected patients (age=58.4±9.1
years; BMI=25.3±3.5 kg/m2; KL =1.63) and 36 control subjects (age=51.5±9.25;
BMI=23.8±3.35 kg/m2; KL = 0).
All imaging was done using a 3T MRI scanner (GE Healthcare, Milwaukee,
WI, USA) with an 8-channel phased array knee coil (Invivo Inc, Orlando, FL,
USA). Sagittal 3D T1ρ imaging sequences
were obtained with the following parameters: TR/TE=9ms/min full, FOV=14 cm,
matrix=256x128, slice thickness=4 mm, spin-lock frequency=500 Hz, time of spin
lock (TSL) = 0/2/4/8/12/20/40/80 ms. Sagittal 3D T2 preparation
time: TE=1.8/3.67.3/14.5/29.1/43.6/58.2. All images were morphed to the space
of a reference using a previously proposed technique
2, after which,
voxel-by-voxel statistics could be conducted, producing SPMs. Correlation
between relaxation times and compartmental WORMS
4 score for characterizing
morphological cartilage lesions was performed obtaining Pearson R correlation
Maps for T1ρ and T2. The maps were thresholded to
identify regions with significant correlations (p<0.01) obtaining clusters
of adjacent voxels. Voxels were considered to be adjacent if they had a line in
common. Significance levels for cluster size were obtained through the
permutation method described by Holmes et al
3. T1ρ and T2
relaxation time values were averaged within the clusters and correlated to non-cartilage
relevant OA metrics such as Bone Marrow Edema WORMS Score
4, KOOS Pain
5. The same correlations were obtained using analogous relaxation averages computed in
traditional articular knee cartilage ROIs (LT, LF, MT, LT, TrF, P, Figure 1), and
results were compared.
significantly sized clusters survived the primary threshold of WORMS cartilage lesion
(significant correlation, p < 0.01) and the secondary threshold of adjacent
voxel cluster size p < 0.05. Significant clusters from the T1ρ
SPM were in the anterior tibiofemoral (ant-TRF-cl), lateral tibial and femoral
(LF-LT-cl), medial tibia and femur (MF-MT-cl), patella (P-cl), and posterior
tibiofemoral (pos-TRF-cl) compartments (Figure 1a). The cluster sizes were 883,
763, 368, 313, and 79 voxels respectively, and the lower limit (p = 0.05) for
cluster size was 68 voxels. In the T2 SPM clusters populated in the
lateral tibia and femoral (LF-LT-cl), patella (P-cl), medial tibia and femoral
(MF-MT-cl), anterior tibiofemoral (ant-TRF-cl), and posterior tibiofemoral
(pos-TRF-cl) compartments (Figure 1b). The cluster sizes were 572, 513, 262, 137,
and 89 voxels respectively, and the lower limit (p = 0.05) for cluster size was
67 voxels. Figure 2 shows correlations of the average T1ρ relaxation
time within each cluster to WORMS measured local BME. T1ρ SPM clusters
generally had higher and more significant correlations (mean cluster R = 0.342,
mean p =0.09; mean ROI R = 0.188, mean p =0.203), and the trend held true for T2
SPM clusters (mean cluster R = 0.433, mean p = 2.8e-04; mean ROI R = 0.13, mean
p = 0.35). The clusters also outperformed traditional ROIs in correlation with
KOOS Pain for T1ρ (mean cluster R = -0.23, mean p =0.039; mean ROI R
= -0.16, mean p =0.16) and T2 (mean cluster R = -0.29, mean p
=0.017; mean ROI R = -0.12, mean p =0.295).
Discussion & Conclusion
proposed method shows that data driven different ROI selection although is seen
in the compartments expected, show differences compared to traditional ROIs. Data-driven
clusters show better relaxometry-to-outcome correlation values and significance
when compared to ROIs. T1ρ and T2 values within our
proposed clusters are significantly more associated with WORMS BME and KOOs
Pain. This suggests that the data driven clusters better identify changes in cartilage
biochemical composition, focusing analysis on the most informative areas of
relaxation maps. Further experiments and longitudinal studies are necessary to
exploit the performance of those clusters in the disease monitoring and outcome
CLOC Consortium; Thomas Link, MD, PhD; This study was
supported by NIH/NIAMS P50 AR060752 and R01AR046905References
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