Jan L Bruse1, Abbas Khushnood1, Tain-Yen Hsia1, Andrew M Taylor1, Vivek Muthurangu1, and Silvia Schievano1
1Centre for Cardiovascular Imaging, UCL Institute of Cardiovascular Science & Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, London, United Kingdom
We present a novel method for hierarchical 3D shape clustering of aortic arch shape models segmented and reconstructed from CMR imaging data. We apply the method to a cohort of 45 patients post aortic coarctation repair in order to explore previously unknown arch shape patterns that may relate to clinical outcome. Exploring a pathologic shape population using data mining and statistical shape modeling techniques can provide novel insight for improved diagnosis and treatment strategies and can thereby assisst in clinical decision making when analysing complex cases.PURPOSE
Despite improving survival rates, patients
diagnosed with aortic coarctation (CoA) suffer from late complications post CoA
repair and regular screening via cardiac imaging is warranted [1]. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging being a
cost-effective and accurate tool to provide detailed 3D anatomical shape
information, imaging databases are growing and novel approaches to structure such
data are required. We hypothesised that combining statistical shape modelling (SSM)
with hierarchical clustering techniques from the field of data mining may aid
in discovering previously unknown shape patterns in a population of aortic arches.
A retrospective cohort of 45 CoA patients post
repair (aged 15-38 years; BSA 1.47–2.2m2, Fig. 1) and 20 healthy
Control subjects (aged 10-19 years; BSA 1.3-2.3m²) who underwent routine CMR
imaging (1.5T Avanto scanner, Siemens Medical Solutions, Erlangen, Germany; 3D
balanced steady-state free precession sequence, SSFP) were included in the study.
Aortas were segmented semi-automatically [2] from the CMR data and reconstructed [3] to obtain 3D surface models of the arch. The arches were cut at the
level of the sub-annular plane and the level of the diaphragm; head and neck
vessels and coronary arteries were cut as close as possible to the arch. The
meshed 3D surface models constituted the input for the SSM framework
Deformetrica [4], which essentially computes the mean anatomical shape (atlas) and
its deformations towards each subject shape within a population of surface
shapes without requiring any landmarking. Our approach was two-fold: First we
computed the atlas of the Control population as an ideal reference shape (Fig.
2). All CoA arch models were then rigidly registered [5] to the Control atlas and the surface deformations of the atlas
towards each CoA subject were calculated in Deformetrica (Fig. 3). The set of
all subject-specific deformation vectors constituted the input for a
hierarchical clustering algorithm (MATLAB, Natick, MA) that does not require specifying
an expected number of clusters prior to calculation. Results were visualised as
a dendrogram where objects are grouped together based on their arch shape
similarity. Cutting the dendrogram horizontally at a particular height
partitions the data into shape sub-groups [6]. The obtained arch clusters were compared with regard to
traditional morphometric parameters (surface to volume ratio SVol; centreline tortuosity CLT; minimum to maximum
diameter ratio Dmin/Dmax;
ascending aortic diameter to proximal descending diameter ratio Dasc/Ddesc)
and functional parameters derived from CMR (left ventricular ejection fraction
LVEF; indexed end-diastolic volume iLVEDV; left ventricular mass LVmass)
using Kruskal-Wallis tests (IBM SPSS Statistics, Chicago, IL).
The clustering yielded two main aortic arch
shape clusters, with one splitting into two large subgroups when cut at the
same height of the dendrogram (Fig. 4). Distributions of the measured
morphometric parameters SVol
(p < .001), Dmin/Dmax
(p = .006) and Dasc/Ddesc (p = .005) were significantly
different between the three main shape clusters. Interestingly, distributions
of iLVEDV were significantly different (p = .032) between the three groups,
with larger values occurring in group three, which clustered subjects with a
dilated aortic root together.
We present the first application of data
mining techniques and 3D statistical shape modelling to a population of aortic
arch shapes post CoA repair. Visually, similar arch shapes were clustered
together correctly, which was corroborated by traditional shape parameters
being different between the groups. Found differences between clusters in
iLVEDV suggest that clinical outcomes can be associated with arch shape
features detected via the proposed deformation-based shape clustering. Studies
in a larger cohort and including more clinically relevant data are necessary to
support our findings. Yet, particularly the high degree of automation makes our
method an attractive tool for the retrieval of similarly shaped subjects from
medical imaging databases for clinical decision support [7].
The combination of SSFP CMR data
acquisition and advanced 3D shape modelling with data mining techniques
provides a sensitive analytical platform, which could improve and facilitate
risk assessment, follow-up strategies and treatment planning in complex cardiac
This report incorporates independent research from the National Institute for Health ResearchBiomedical Research Centre Funding Scheme. The views expressed in this publication arethose of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NHS, the National Institute for HealthResearch or the Department of Health.
The authors gratefully acknowledge support from Fondation Leducq.
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