Xueqing Liu1, Zhihao Li2, Shiyang Chen2, and Xiaoping Hu2
1Department of Biomedical Engineering, Columbia University, New York, NY, United States, 2Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering, Georgia Tech and Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia
We describe a novel global signal removal method, sparse parameter
global signal regression (SP-GSR), for fMRI data preprocessing. We
assume the global signal to be low-rank and the remaining signal can be
decomposed into orthogonal regressors
with spatially sparse parameters. We demonstrated by simulation that
SP-GSR can remove global signal and recovery true correlations without
introducing anti-correlations. Application of this method to experimental data led to a more prominent and focused
default mode network with isolated negative correlations.Introduction
variations of resting state fMRI (rfMRI) signal are considered nuisance effects
that are commonly removed with global signal regression (GSR) [1]. However, GSR
is controversial because it introduces anti-correlations in the resultant
functional connectivity maps [2].
In this study, we describe a new method, sparse parameter
global signal regression (SP-GSR), for removing global signal variations. We
assume the global signal to be of low rank and the remaining signal can be split
into orthogonal regressors with spatially sparse parameters. Under this
assumption, SP-GSR is cast as an L-p minimization problem and solved with
non-convex matrix decomposition and PCA.
is mathematically described as:
where Y denotes the input signal matrix, with T (total number of time points) rows and N (total number of voxels) columns; L is a T x N
rank-1 matrix containing the global variation; G denotes design matrix containing orthogonal regressors for the
remaining signal; is the
corresponding sparse parameter matrix. The problem is non-convex and can be
solved using non-convex matrix decomposition and PCA with the iterative approach in Fig1.
simulated brain consists of 3 ROIs plus a common global variation (Fig. 2). The
signal in voxel j at time t in a region m are assumed
to be
vm(t) is the time series shared
in the region m, b(n) is the global variation
assumed to follow an independent and identical Gaussian distribution (Gaussian
i.i.d.), and ei(n) is Gaussian white noise in each voxel, also
i.i.d. gb and ge are global variation and
noise gain factors, respectively, that are constant within a group of subjects.
ascertain the performance of SP-GSR in removing global signal variation, in the
presence of noise, we performed a simulation first assuming only correlations
within each region but no correlations between the regions plus global signal
variation and noise. Correlation maps
were derived from the simulated data using the 4 different approaches for
global signal correction: (1) No correction (NC), (2) conventional global
signal regression (GSR), (3) 1st-PC based Global Signal Regression
(PC-GSR), where the 1st-PC element is used as the regressor to
obtain global variant signal [3], and (4) SP-GSR. To study of the effect of
inter-regional correlations, we also performed a simulation with correlations
between the regions. The simulated were corrected for global signal variation
with the 4 approaches listed above. Inter-regional correlations were
calculated. In both cases, the results were compared with the ground truth.
Experimental data
We also tested our approach on
data of 38 subjects downloaded from the Human Connectome Project (http://www.humanconnectomeproject.org/).
We compared correlation maps obtained by seeding in posterior cingulate cortex using
no correction, GSR, PC-GSR and SP-GSR.
Fig. 3 shows the resultant correlation maps derived after the different correction
schemes with seeds in region 1 and 2, respectively. With no correction, positive
correlations are seen in all regions although they should only be seen in the
region with the seed. With GSR, negative correlations are seen in regions other
than the seeding region. The result of PC-GSR correction is almost the same as
GSP, exhibiting significant erroneous negative correlations. In contrast, SP-GSR resulted in maps that are
almost identical to the ground truth.
results of inter-regional correlations are shown in Table 1. No correction led
to significant positive correlations between the regions in the absence of
inter-regional correlation and inflated positive correlations between the
regions in the presence of inter-regional correlation. Both GSR and PC-GSR led
to negative correlations between the regions in the absence of true
inter-regional correlation and deflated positive correlations in the presence
of inter-regional correlation. SP-GSR led to results that are almost the same
as the ground truth.
result on experiment data (Fig. 4) exhibits wide spread positive correlation when
global signal is not corrected. Correlation maps after GSR and PC-GSR showed
similar results of the default mode network but with substantial wide spread
anti-correlation (blue). SP-GSR identified a more prominent default mode
network with anti-correlations much reduced and constrained in white matter.
this work, we introduced a novel method, SP-GSR, for global signal removal. The
method was demonstrated, by simulations, to be free of anti-correlation while
preserving the true correlations. The
analysis of experimental data with SP-GSR led to a exhibit more prominent and focused default
mode network, with isolated negative correlations. The removal of the
anti-correlated artifacts will increase the accuracy of the detected functional
connectivity networks.
Supported in part by NIH.References
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