Uten Yarach1, Daniel Stucht1, Hendrik Mattern1, Frank Godenschweger1, and Oliver Speck1
1Department of Biomedical Magnetic Resonance, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Magderburg, Germany
Patient motion during an
MRI of the brain can result in non-diagnostic image quality. Even with perfect
prospective motion (PMC) tracking and correction, the varying coil sensitivity,
gradient non-linearity, and B0 field shift can cause significant artifacts that
cannot be corrected prospectively. Recently, a model-based MR image
reconstruction via iterative solver was employed to minimize the sensitivity
misalignment due to physiological movement. In this study, we extended the
mentioned model by gradient-warped and B0-induced distortion corrections to
reconstruct the PMC MR data. The result shows the improvement that is
remarkably reduced artifacts after a few iterations of the proposed technique.INTRODUCTION
with highly accurate prospective motion correction (PMC)
1, for large motion,
the corrected images can be degraded by residual artifacts. The change in B0
field (
∆B0) and gradient
nonlinearity (
GNL) are important
sources of distortion and may impact PMC data. This work proposed an image
reconstruction to mitigate the geometric distortion in PMC data by integrating corrections
∆B0 into the augmented
SENSE reconstruction
Data acquisition: Experiments were performed on a 7T MR (Siemens)
equipped with a 32-channel head coil. The
application of the proposed method to real motion with PMC enabled was performed
using 3D MPRAGE with matrix; 256x256x176, voxel size; 1 mm3, TR/TE/TI;
1800/1.99/1050 ms, and BW; 200 Hz/pixel. After the first half of the
acquisition, the volunteer was instructed to perform a one-time head rotation
around the z-axis. The motion pattern from the tracking log file is shown in figure
1a. The field maps were also
measured before and after motion using dual-echo 3D FLASH with the same
resolution as 3D MPRAGE, TR/TE1/TE2; 10.00/3.06/5.84 ms, and BW; 250 Hz/pixel.
reconstruction: We
aimed to obtain the distortion-free PMC MR images () by minimizing the residual sum of squares (Eq. 1) using the Conjugate Gradient (CG) method3,
$$min_v\left\{∑_{i,j}‖m^{i,j}−M^iFG^i_{reg2warp}C^{i,j}v‖_2^2+λ‖Lv‖_2^2\right\} ----(1)$$
where $$$m^{i,j}$$$ is MR measurement data at pose $$$i$$$ and coil $$$j$$$ which is aligned to a Cartesian grid by PMC. Coil
sensitivity ($$$C^{i,j}$$$) was estimated from the central 64x64x64
k-space data of 3D FLASH (TE1) acquired using a cosine tapper window4, $$$M^i$$$ is a Cartesian undersampling mask
(1=sampled, 0=otherwise), $$$F$$$
is fast Fourier transform. $$$G^i_{reg2warp}$$$ is a 3D regular Cartesian to warped
coordinate operator transferring the image data from regular to warped
coordinate systems. Following the nonuniform FFT (NUFFT) algorithm5, we
implemented the operator using a Kaiser-Bessel
interpolation with optional 2x oversampling. The warped coordinates corrupted
by GNL and ∆B0 at any pose $$$i$$$ were prepared prior to solving Eq. 1
using the vendor-provided Spherical Harmonics expansion of the gradient
distortions and the dual-echo field map method6, respectively. The regularization parameter $$$λ$$$ is a positive real constant that was
adjusted manually in this study, and $$$L$$$ is here a tri-diagonal (1
-2 1) sparse matrix7.
Figure 1a shows the
motion pattern when the subject performed the head rotation during the data
acquisition. A maximum rotation around the z-axis of approx. 23 degrees was
detected. Figure 1b demonstrates
the effectiveness of the proposed method for undersampled k-space data, the
full PMC k-space data were artificially accelerated by factor 2x2 along both
phase directions (phase and slice directions). Although, the conventional
CG-SENSE [4] provided acceptable images (1st column), the remaining
aliasing artifacts due to coil sensitivity misalignment and also blurring
caused by ∆B0 and GNL are clearly visible as shown in the red circles. Note that sensitivity
maps specific to the first half of the acquisition were used in conventional
CG-SENSE. Superior image quality with very little remaining artifacts was
achieved after applying the augmented CG-SENSE with integrated
GNL corrections (2nd column).
In this study, PMC had a high accuracy in detecting
the motion since the residuals of rigid motion errors were not visually
identifiable after correcting non-rigid distortion by the proposed technique. We
also found that using a tri-diagonal sparse matrix
7 in the regularization provided smoother
solution than using an identity matrix. It accounted for the high
intensity variations in strong field inhomogeneity regions. Using this
regularized matrix with an automatic λ selection
8 may be practical. The
requirement for a field map per motion pose is a limitation of the method. Using
a magnetic field model
9 which neither requires additional scan time nor
suffers from low SNR at air/tissue boundaries may be feasible. In conclusion,
GNL and
∆B0 can induce residual artifacts even with perfect prospective
motion correction. These artifacts can be alleviated by the proposed technique when
the relevant field information is available.
The study was supported by the BMBF
(Forschungscampus STIMULATE,
03FO16101A) and NIH (1R01-DA021146). References
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