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Optimizing MRI contrast with optimal control theory
Eric Van Reeth1, Hélène Ratiney1, Michael Tesch2, Steffen Glaser2, and Dominique Sugny3

1CREATIS, Université de Lyon ; CNRS UMR5220 ; Inserm U1044 ; INSA-Lyon ; Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Lyon, France, 2Department of Chemistry, Technische Universität München, Munich, Germany, 3Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne (ICB), UMR 5209 CNRS-Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France


Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) uses the difference in tissue relaxation times to create contrast. Various image weightings can be obtained by tuning acquisition parameters which are usually empirically defined. In this article, optimal control theory is used to design excitation pulses that produce the optimal contrast between given tissues. The designed pulses are tested on numerical phantoms with and without magnetic field inhomogeneities and for the first time in vitro on a small-animal MRI. The reasonable match between simulation and real experiments is promising for the development of such pulses in further in vivo applications.


The variety of achievable contrasts in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) makes it a highly flexible modality, well suited for anatomical and functional imaging. Usually, acquisition parameters such as echo time (TE), repetition time (TR), flip angle are tuned to obtain various image weightings. In this article, optimal control theory is used to design excitation pulses to produce, in an optimal way, a user-defined contrast. Furthermore, the integration of such pulses in an imaging sequence is detailed and both simulation and real experiments are performed, which can be seen as a proof-of-concept for further developments.

Method: optimal control theory

Optimal control theory, via the application of the Pontryargin Maximum Principle1 (PMP), is a powerful tool to compute the time dependent control that optimizes the trajectory of a given dynamic system. In MRI, the dynamics are ruled by the Bloch equations, which indicate the time dependent magnetization of a given spin:


Controlling the transverse magnetic field (w=(wxwy)) allows us to bring the spins' magnetization in a state that optimizes the desired contrast(2-4). In the following experiments, the saturation contrast between 2 spins is optimized. Let us define Ma(t) and Mb(t) respectively the magnetization of spin a and spin b. The saturation contrast is defined such that at the end of the excitation pulse (tf), one spin is saturated while the magnetization norm of the other one is maximized. Following the PMP formalism, the saturation contrast is expressed as a cost function to be minimized: C(w)=||Ma(tf)||2||Mb(tf)||2. The optimal magnetization and costate (P) trajectories must also satisfy the Hamiltonian equations:

˙M(t)=HP    ;    ˙P(t)=HM

with H=P.˙M and the following boundary conditions:

M(a,b)(t0)=(00M(a,b)0)    ;    P(a,b)(tf)=CM(a,b)(tf)

These equations are solved numerically using GRAPE5, which is a gradient descent algorithm that iteratively reduces the cost function by updating the control field.

Phantoms and acquisition

The contrast experiment is performed on both numerical and real phantoms with similar physical properties. It is composed of 6 samples which relaxation times given in Table 1. The goal is to maximize the saturation contrast between sample 2 and sample 5. The numerical experiment is performed with the ODIN MRI simulator6. A B0 inhomogeneity map with random spatial distribution ranging from 0 to 20Hz is used. The real phantom's samples are built with various concentrations of agar gel and nickel sulfate. In terms of imaging sequence, a 3D FLASH sequence without slice selection is used since the generated pulses are not yet frequency selective. TE is set to its shortest value so that the acquisition takes place right at the end of the excitation, since the optimal magnetization state is reached right at that time. TR is fixed to 3s which to ensure complete longitudinal magnetization recovery. The pulse duration are fixed to 400ms in simulation experiments and 250ms in MRI experiments. The MRI acquisition is performed on a small-animal 4.7T Bruker MRI using a 40mm quadrature mouse coil and an acquisition matrix of 64x64x8.


Figure 1 shows the result of the numerical experiments, with the optimal pulse, the spins' trajectories in the YZ plane of the Bloch sphere, and the simulated images. Note that each magnetization trajectory represents a specific B0 offset for a given spin. Figure 2 shows the central slice result for the MRI experiments. In this context, pulses are computed for inhomogeneities ranging from 0 to 60Hz.


The reasonable match between simulation and MRI experiments shows that optimal control theory can be transferred on real MR imagers. In both experiments, the desired contrast is reached, which illustrates the robustness to B0 field inhomogeneities and other acquisition variables such as B1 inhomogeneities. The achieved saturation contrast is also quite selective since only the spin to be saturated has almost no detectable signal. The optimal nature of the designed pulse could also be used to quantitatively estimate the maximum amount of contrast one can obtain between given tissues. The quality of the results presented above clearly depends on a reliable estimation of the tissue relaxation times. However, uncertainties on relaxation times could also be inserted in the model in the same manner as B0 field inhomogeneities were considered, to further improve the pulse robustness.


We acknowledge support from the ANR-DFG research program Explosys (Grant No. ANR-14-CE35-0013-01; GL203/9-1) and from the Technische Universität München Institute for Advanced Study, funded by the German Excellence Initiative and the E. U. Seventh Framework Program under Grant No. 291763. This work was performed within the framework of the LABEX PRIMES (ANR-11-LABX-0063/ ANR-11-IDEX-0007).


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Top row: Maximize sample 1 and saturate sample 5. Bottom row: Saturate sample 1 and maximize sample 5. From left to right: B1 optimal pulses, propagation of sample 1 and sample 5 in the YZ plane of the Bloch sphere, and simulation results with a B0 inhomogeneity range of [0, 20] Hz.

Saturation contrast acquisition results with a B0 inhomogeneity range of [0, 60] Hz. Left: Maximize sample 1 and saturate sample 5. Right: Maximize sample 5 and saturate sample 1.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)