Congbo Cai1, Yuchuan Zhuang2, Shuhui Cai3, Jianhui Zhong2, and Zhong Chen3
1Department of Communication Engineering, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China, People's Republic of, 2Department of Imaging Sciences, University of Rochester, ROCHESTER, NY, United States, 3Department of Electronics Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China, People's Republic of
Magnetic Resonance parameters mapping can provide useful quantitative
information for characterization of tissue properties. However, the long
acquisition time usually hinder the real-time MR parameter mapping. In this
abstract, a novel single-shot T2 mapping method was proposed based on spin-echo
EPI method. Two overlapping echo signals with the different T2 weighting were
obtained simultaneously. A detachment algorithm based on joint sparsity
constraint was proposed to separate the two echo signals. The robustness and
efficiency of the sequence were demonstrated through phantom experiments. The
reliable T2 mapping can be obtained in the order of milliseconds.Target audience
target audience is basic scientists and clinical scientists who are interested
in ultrafast T2 mapping.
MR parameters mapping provides useful quantitative information for
characterization of tissue properties [1]. However, the long acquisition time
usually hinder its real-time applications. Problems will occur due to the
motion; especially the unrepeatable physiological activities will make the
real-time MR parameter mapping impossible [2]. Many kinds of imaging methods have
been proposed to overcome this problem [3]. However, several seconds are still
needed. In this work, a novel single-shot T2 mapping method was proposed based
on conventional SE-EPI acquisition scheme, and termed overlapping-echo
detachment planar imaging (OLED) method. Two overlapping echo signals with the
different T2 weighting were obtained simultaneously through two small flip
angle excitation pulses and corresponding echo-shifting gradients. The
detachment algorithm based on joint sparsity constraint was proposed to
separate the two echo signals. The robustness and efficiency of the OLED sequence
were demonstrated through phantom experiments. The reliable T2 mapping can be
obtained in the order of milliseconds.
Two echo signals with different evolution time for OLED sequence
will be acquired synchronously, expressed respectively as:
{s1(TE1)=∫ρ(r)|sina×cosa|e−TE1/T2(r)dr,firstechos2(TE2)=∫ρ(r)12|sina×(1+cosa)|e−TE2/T2(r)dr,secondecho , where α=45
is the flip angle of the excitation pulses, the echo times TE
1 and
2 are determined by the echo-shifting gradients G
1 and
2. The T2 value is calculated in a pixel-wise fashion from Eq. (1).
To separate the two echo signals, the following minimization problem is
{x1,x2}=argmin[||x1−x10||22+λ1||▽x1||1+λ2||▽x2||1+λ3||▽(x1−βx2)||1] (2)
where x
10, x
20, x
and x
2 are the preliminary
and separated images from the first and second echo signals respectively, λ
2, and λ
3 are Lagrange multipliers adjusting constraint
weights, and we have:
, where φ
1(r) and φ
2(r) are the linear phase ramps of the
first and second images .
The experiments were performed on a whole-body 3T scanner ( MAGNETOM
Trio TIM, Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany) with a phantom consisting of
multiple vials filled with water doped with MnCl2 of different
concentrations. For single-shot EPI and OLED sequences, scan time was
153.5 ms and 141.6ms respectively with acquisition matrix 64×128 and
FVO 20x20cm2. Conventional SE sequence was also used for comparison,
with 8 different TEs and acquisition matrix = 128×128, and the total scan time was
about 1 hour. The results are shown in Fig. 2.
In Fig.2, we can see that the T2 values from single-shot OLED sequence
are coincident with those from conventional SE sequence (Pearson’s correlation
coefficient = 0.9995 for the average T2 value in the different compartments). The
maximum deviation is about 4.7% (△T2=-1.5ms) for
compartment 1 which has the shortest T1 and T2 values. However, the deviation
is mainly from the relative low SNR for compartment 1. The distortions are
obvious for EPI and OLED sequences because of the inhomogeneous background
field. All the amplitude images (b~e), denoted by the red arrows in Fig. 2,
have the inhomogeneous signal intensities in the same compartment. The
inhomogeneous signal intensities in SE image mainly come from the inhomogeneous
sensitivity maps, while the peripheral
hyperintense in EPI and OLED sequences may also come from the B0 inhomogeneity.
From Fig. 2 (g), we can see that the reconstructed T2 map from OLED is still
quite homogeneous comparing to the corresponding signal intensity.
Robustness of the OLED method was demonstrated by phantom experiments. Our
preliminary results indicate that the OLED can provide single-shot T2 mapping
in the order of milliseconds, which is promising for dynamic imaging, and will
propel single-shot EPI from a qualitative method to a quantitative method.
This work was supported by the NNSF of China under Grants 81171331.References
[1] D. Ma, et al. Nature, 495 (2013) 187-193. [2] O. Speck, et al. Magn.
Reson. Med., 40(1996) 243-248. [3] T. J. Sumpf, et al. IEEE Trans. Med. Imag.,
33 (2014) 2213-2222.