Kevin D Harkins1, Mary Katherine Manhard1,2, William A Grissom1,2,3, and Mark D Does1,2,3,4
1Institute of Image Science, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States, 2Biomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States, 3Electrical Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States, 4Radiology and Radiological Sciences, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States
Transient gradient waveform errors can degrade MRI quality.
This work presents an automatic implementation of gradient waveform
predistortion, which has been applied to half-pulse excited 2D-ultrashort echo
time imaging. The predistortion method reliably improves image quality and
quantification of ultrashort T2 species by reducing out-of-slice
signal that contaminates half-pulse excited images. Purpose
Errors in gradient waveforms used for RF excitation or
encoding during signal acquisition can significantly degrade MR image quality. For
example, errors in half-pulse (HP) slice selection1, commonly used
in 2D ultrashort echo time (UTE) imaging, can lead to errors in the evaluation
of short-T2 signals present in several tissues, including bone2,3.
In HP-UTE, two acquisitions excited with complementary half pulses are
digitally combined to cancel unwanted out-of-slice signal, resulting in the
desired excitation profile. However, gradient errors caused by eddy currents or
gradient amplifier limitations can cause these two half-pulses to be out of
alignment, and out-of-slice signal to be present within 2D-UTE images.
While several methods have been proposed to account for
gradient errors, including methods specifically applied to HP-UTE4-6,
these methods usually require careful calibration before imaging. In this
abstract, we present an automatic method to perform gradient predistortion to
optimize HP-UTE slice selection.
All MRI experiments were collected on a 3T Philips Achieva
system with a Philips 8 channel knee coil for reception. After scout images
were acquired, a RF waveform and a bipolar slice-select gradient waveform were automatically
generated based upon gradient slew and acceleration rate limits. Gradient
waveforms were measured7, and iterative predistortion was performed
using the update rule:
where Gapp is
the applied gradient waveform, ∆ is the difference between the ideal and
measured gradient waveforms, and
Here, the matrix A
represents an estimate of a linear system response, while κ (=1) and λ (=0.5) are regularization parameters6.
For each iteration, the sequence to measure gradient waveforms lasted 20 s, and
feedback was provided to the user stating if the iteration had converged.
Before and after gradient predistortion was applied,
HP-excited 2D-UTE was performed within the tibia at 6 echo times, te
= 0.15, 0.25, 0.4, 0.6, 1.0 and 2.0 ms, with a repetition time, tr =
10 ms. Three phantoms were included next to the leg, containing T2s of
≈ 10 ms (one small diameter tube) and ≈ 50 ms (two larger diameter tubes), within
a FOV of 230 mm and a 5 mm slice thickness.
Results and Discussion
Figure 1 shows the nominal ideal gradient waveform and the predistorted
gradient waveform optimized to minimize the overall gradient error, which was achieved
after 4 iterations. Gradient errors (i.e. the difference between the ideal and
measured gradient waveforms) are also shown in Figure 1 when the ideal and
predistorted waveforms were applied. The normalized root squared gradient error
improved from 0.0413 to 0.0105.
Cropped 2D-UTE images are given in Figure 2 (te =
0.15 ms) when the nominal and predistorted gradient waveforms were applied for
half-pulse slice selection. In the nominal image, errors in the alignment of
the two half-pulses allowed out-of-slice signal to be present. This resulted in
an apparent smearing of the image, which is related to the orientation of the
leg in the regions outside the desired slice thickness.
Plots of signal vs. te are also shown
in Figure 2 for an ROI in the cortical bone (yellow), as well as in water phantoms
with T2 = 10 (blue) and 50 ms (red). For signals acquired with the
nominal gradient waveform, increases in image intensity with echo time were due
to transient gradient errors, which cause out-of-slice signals to come in and out
of phase. In the images acquired with predistorted gradient waveforms, the
water phantoms decay at a rate similar to their intrinsic T2
relaxation time-constants. Further, in the cortical bone, the signal exhibits a
bi-exponential T2, where ultrashort and longer T2
components arise from distinct bound- and pore-water compartments known to
exist in cortical bone2,3.
This implementation of automatic gradient predistortion
allows HP-excited 2D-UTE to be reliably used for the fast evaluation of
2 signals. In
general, automatic gradient waveform predistortion is a useful tool to
eliminate image artifacts related to gradient waveform errors.
No acknowledgement found.References
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