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Rapid whole body B1 mapping using continuously moving table imaging at 3 Tesla
Saikat Sengupta1, David S Smith1, and Edward Brian Welch1

1Department of Radiology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States


In this abstract, we present an approach for rapid mapping of the whole body B1 field at 3 Tesla. We use a combination of dual interleaved TR B1 mapping with continuously moving table imaging to measure the B1 field in the whole body in 90 seconds. Considerable variation is observed in the B1 distribution in different sections of the body. This measurement will serve as the basis for dynamic B1 field shimming with the moving table for whole body imaging in future work.


Many clinical studies such as whole-body water/fat quantification1, peripheral vascular angiography2, detection of tumor metastases3, and multi-contrast anatomical imaging4 demand either whole-body coverage or a field of view (FOV) larger than the uniform z extent of the scanner bore. Continuously Moving Table (CMT) MRI is an imaging technique that enables rapid whole-body MR examination demanded in such studies5,6. In CMT MRI, data are acquired with concurrent uniform velocity z direction motion of the patient table. However, unlike the alternative of multi-station whole-body scanning, a limitation of CMT MRI is that the pre-scan RF power calibrations are performed at one location of the body and maintained throughout the scan for the full FOV. This results in non-optimal RF transmit power settings in other sections of the body and RF shading artifacts that vary across the length of the FOV. To mitigate these artifacts, a rapid and robust measurement of the whole-body B1+ field (or flip angle α assuming proportionality) is necessary. In this abstract, we present an approach for rapid whole-body measurement of α that combines golden angle radial CMT MRI and dual TR actual flip angle imaging at 3 Tesla7.


Acquisition: Whole-body CMT MRI was implemented on a Philips Achieva 3 Tesla scanner (Philips Healthcare, The Netherlands) with a 2-channel transmit and 2-channel receive body coil and table velocity of 20 mm/s. Data were acquired from an adult volunteer with a dual TR golden angle radial imaging sequence with TR1 = 3.5 ms and TR2 = 17.5 ms. The other scan parameters were: zFOV = 1800 mm, in-plane FOV = 400 x 400 mm2, in-plane resolution = 1.56 x 1.56 mm2, TE = 1.08 ms, excited slice thickness = 12 mm, flip angle of 40o and a total acquisition time of 90 seconds. The RF power calibration and other preparation scans were performed at the level of a landmarked position at the abdomen.

Reconstruction: Complex image volumes of the two TRs were reconstructed offline in Python (Anaconda version 3.4.2, TX) using 64 profiles per reconstructed axial slice. The reconstructed slice thickness was 25.6 mm (64 * 20 mm/s * 21 ms) with a slice separation of 1.56 mm matching the in-plane resolution. GA image reconstruction involved correction for k-space shifts and sampling density prior to gridding, 2D FFT and roll-off compensation.

Flip angle (α) map estimation: Whole-body α was estimated as described in Ref 7, i.e.,


where S1 and S2 were the magnitude intensity values from the two interleaved scans. The flip angle map was estimated only for a masked region of interest extracted by thresholding the TR1 image.


Figure 1 shows a coronal slice of the whole-body TR1 image and estimated flip angle map. Example axial slices are shown in Figure 2 (anatomical images: a-c, flip angle maps d-f), illustrating the variation of the B1+ field along the different sections of the body. RF shading artifacts are apparent in the anatomical slices, which correlate spatially with the flip angle maps. While the prescribed flip angle was 40o, the estimated α in several locations of the body is seen to deviate significantly from the nominal angle.


The golden angle radial acquisition scheme allows flexible retrospective combination of an arbitrary number of profiles to reconstruct slices (and hence flip angle maps) without significant undersampling artifacts. This in turn allows required flexibility in the choice of TR1 and TR2 . Our future work will focus on understanding the effects of the moving table on the flip angle measurements, establishing the fidelity of the flip angle maps and pursuing other B1 mapping methods such as dual angle8 and Bloch-Siegert9 . Rapid mapping the B1+ field in the whole-body is the first step in mitigating the intensity artifacts originating from transmit RF inhomogeneity and anatomical location dependent miscalibration. With the estimated whole-body flip angle maps, strategies for dynamic, table-position-specific RF shimming for continuously moving table MRI can be devised based on traditional multichannel RF shimming methods10,11.


R21 DK096282 from NIDDK/NIH, UL1 TR000445 from NCATS/NIH and NCI/NIH K25CA176219


1. Berglund, J et al, MRM 63. 1659 (2010) 2. Kruger, D et al, MRM 47. 224 (2002) 3. Lauenstein TC. Radiology. 233. 139 (2004) 4. Lauenstein TC.JMRI. 24 .489 (2006) 5. Börnert et al. JMRI 28. 1 (2008) 6. Sengupta,S et al, MRM (2014) 7. Yarnkh,V et al, MRM 57. 192 (2007) 8. Stollberger WP, et al MRM 35, 246 (1996) 9. Sacolick LI, et al MRM, 63 1315 (2010). 10. Katscher U, et al MRM 49, 144 (2003) 11. Mao W, et al MRM, 56 918 (2006).


Figure 1 : (a) Coronal whole-body image from TR1 (b) Whole-body flip angle map.

Figure 2 : Axial slices showing the high variability of α in different sections of the body (a-c) : Anatomical images across the head, abdomen and thighs. (d-f) flip angle maps of the same slices.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)