Shengzhen Tao1, Paul T Weavers1, Joshua D Trzasko1, Yunhong Shu1, Seung-Kyun Lee2, Lou Frigo3, Scott Hinks3, and Matt A Bernstein1
1Radiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States, 2GE Global Research, Niskayuna, NY, United States, 3GE Healthcare, Milwaukee, WI, United States
Based on Maxwell’s equation, the spatial
encoding gradient fields must be accompanied by spatially-varying higher-order
concomitant fields. Different from conventional gradient systems whose
concomitant fields contain second-order and higher spatial dependence, some MRI
platforms employ asymmetric gradient systems, and their concomitant fields also
include zero- and first-order terms. The first-order terms cause artifacts
including image blurring and ghosting in spiral acquisition and echo shifting
in EPI. Here, an efficient gradient pre-emphasis scheme suitable for real-time
implementation is demonstrated to simultaneously correct all the first-order
concomitant fields with a real-time implementation on gradient firmware typically
used for eddy current compensation. INTRODUCTION
Maxwell’s equations dictate that the linear spatial
encoding gradient fields used in MRI must be accompanied by spatially-varying
higher-order fields known as concomitant fields1. These additional high-order
fields introduce spatial-dependent phase accumulation throughout data
acquisition2,3. Conventional whole-body MRI typically employ symmetric gradient
design, and its concomitant fields contain only second-order and higher spatial
dependent terms1. For specialized MR systems with asymmetric gradient design4,
the concomitant fields contain additional zeroth-order/first-order terms5. Although
the zeroth-order term can be readily corrected by adjusting demodulation
frequency6, the additional first-order terms can cause spatially-dependent blurring/ghosting
in spiral acquisition and echo-shifting in EPI5,7. We have previously described
a gradient pre-emphasis scheme that simultaneously corrects all the
first-order concomitant fields for arbitrary gradient waveforms7. In that method,
the exact, closed-form solution of a cubic equation is solved on a
point-by-point basis to obtain the pre-emphasized gradient waveforms, which then
prospectively correct all the first-order terms. Initial tests were performed
by modifying waveforms on host computer before data acquisition. Although readily
solvable on host computer, solving a cubic equation on a point-by-point basis
may generate considerable computational load for the gradient board, and thus impairing
its potential to be implemented in real-time, e.g., along with the gradient
eddy current compensation and logical-to-physical axis rotation. Here, a fast
but accurate approximation of our previous solution is developed to provide an effective
pre-emphasis scheme and is demonstrated in a real-time implementation.
For an asymmetric gradient system, its concomitant fields are
summarized as:
from which the
first-order terms can be extracted as:
α (dimensionless) describes the relative strength of z
gradient-induced concomitant field along the x and y axes,
x0,y0, denote the offset of z gradient relative to magnet
z0x,z0y, denote the offset of x, y gradient
relative to isocenter
5. The first-order
terms can be eliminated by constraining the physical/actual gradient field
Gx,Gy,Gz) to satisfy the following conditions
G0x,G0y,G0z are target gradient waveforms determined by pulse
sequence. As shown in previous work
7, such a system of
equations forms a cubic equation whose closed-form solution can be used to
obtain the pre-emphasized gradients
(Gx,Gy,Gz). To the first order,
the pre-emphasized gradients can be approximated to yield:
approximation error on the order of
o((G2z0/B0)2). Hence,
the pre-emphasized gradients can be approximated via simple arithmetic
operations, which are well-suited to real-time (e.g., 4us update rate)
implementation on the gradient driver sub-system with moderate computational
power. For a head-only asymmetric gradient system of our interest
x0=y0=0, which yields:
test this method, 2D spiral acquisitions
8 were simulated (details in Table 1), and two pre-emphasis update
rates (4 and 16us) were used. The imaging plane in axial scan is shifted in S/I
direction to simulate strong concomitant field effect. To examine its
compatibility with the computational power of a standard gradient driver, the
proposed method was implemented on a standard whole-body gradient system (GE
750w) with symmetric gradients. A firmware patch was applied to the gradient
driver to allow the pre-emphasis to be easily enabled/disabled, with
flexibility to support a variety of gradient coils and geometry parameters. The
first-order concomitant term was artificially introduced by modifying the
spiral gradient waveforms. Multiple 2D-axial spiral acquisitions were then
performed on the ACR phantom using: (a)standard spiral, (b)first-order
concomitant field corrupted spiral, and (c)first-order concomitant field
corrupted and firmware pre-emphasized spiral.
Figure 1 shows the ideal gradient waveforms of a
coronal spiral scan(a), the pre-emphasis components calculated from the previous
analytical solution-based method(b), the proposed approximate solution(c), and their
difference(d). Figure 2 shows the images (and line profiles) before and after the
proposed pre-emphasis at high(4us) and
low(16us) update
rates. Shown in Fig. 3 are the ACR phantom results from standard spiral scan, and
the first-order concomitant field corrupted spiral scans before and after the
proposed correction.
Phantom scan and simulation results show that
the proposed gradient pre-emphasis effectively corrects for first-order
concomitant fields, and can be implemented in real-time during data
acquisition. Further reduction of computational load can be achieved by
decreasing pre-emphasis update rate. Although tested on 2D spiral, the proposed
method is general and can be applied to any gradient waveforms including EPI,
phase-contrast acquisitions, etc. It can readily be extended to other
asymmetric gradients
A gradient pre-emphasis method suitable for
real-time implementation provides effective correction for the first-order concomitant
fields in the asymmetric gradient systems. The difference between the
arithmetic approximation and the exact cubic solution is negligible at 3T.
This work was supported in part by the NIH grant R01EB010065.
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