In this work we present an approach for
chemical shift based fat/water-separation using variational methods for the estimation of the underlying B0-field inhomogeneity. We show that the fat/water-problem can be solved by the application of total-generalized-variation (TGV) regularization on the underlying B0-field to
enforce piecewise smoothness. With this approach we are able to model huge B0-deviations as well as discontinuities in the B0-field at tissue boundaries with different
susceptibility parallel to the main-field. This is shown on different datasets,
including two of the ISMRM fat/water-challenge of 2012.
It is of clinical interest for many applications to get accurate fat-fraction quantification or separated fat/water-images [1,2]. To determine
an accurate fat/water fraction by chemical shift based methods (Dixon [3]) using multi-echo GRE acquisition it is necessary to estimate the
underlying B0-field as well. Because
of strong B0-gradients or even discontinuities at some tissue
interfaces, this can be very challenging. Many approaches were already presented to overcome this problem like IDEAL [4] or variants of it [5-7]. Most of them do not allow discontinuities
in the B0-field or use rough models that still could lead to artefacts near tissue boundaries. In this work we propose a
novel approach which uses a global piecewise smoothness constraint for the
underlying B0-field.
Theory and Methods
The signal sq(TEn) at
echo time TEn in voxel q can be
described by
ρW,q is the water-signal fraction, ρF,q is the
fat-signal fraction, ΔB0,q is the static field inhomogeneity, R∗2,q is the
reciprocal of the transverse-relaxation-time-constant T∗2,q in voxel q and γ is the gyromagnetic ratio. As a
fat-signal model we used the multi-peak model of the ISMRM fat/water-challenge 2012,
where Δfm is the chemical shift of peak m and
αm is its normalized signal contribution (∑Mm=1αm=1), which are assumed to be known.
To solve this problem we propose a 3-step procedure: First, we estimate R∗2,q roughly by
a linear fit on log|sq(TEn)| in each voxel. As described in [6] a rough estimate for T∗2
is usually sufficient for this purpose. In the second step a spatially piecewise smooth solution for ΔB0,q
is calculated. If we require a constant echo spacing ΔTE
and take R∗2,q out of step1, we can rewrite the least squares residual
a trigonometric polynomial in z and z^{-1} by the following substitution:
This formulation was first described
in [7] in the case of three echoes, while our proposed solution is able to deal with an arbitrary number of echoes. All local minima of this polynomial can be determined easily
by root-finding in each voxel and because of their finite number, also the global one. Due to B0-inhomogeneity and noise the
global minimizer is not always correct, which
can lead to fat/water-swaps. We now reformulate the given problem into a
variational problem extended by a regularization term. Piecewise smoothness is enforced by the total-generalized-variation (TGV) functional introduced in [8] which has proven to be beneficial for MRI-applications in [9]. The
optimization problem can be written as
meaning that the integral over the residuals restricted to the local minima of the polynomial on the unit-circle is minimized s.t. TGV constraints. The overall goal is to
select the local minimum which gives the globally best estimate (Fig.1A). Because of the combinatorial complexity, the convex relaxation of the problem is solved, where we extend the solution space and each functional r_q
to its convex-hull (i.e., all solutions in-between) (Fig.1B)[10].
problem can be solved easily using the primal-dual algorithm described in [11]. The solution is then back-projected to the nearest local minimum on the unit-circle. Finally, in the third and last step we solve the signal-equation using a least-squares-fit to determine \rho_{W,q} and \rho_{F,q} in each voxel.
This method was applied to datasets of the ISMRM fat/water-challenge 2012 and datasets acquired on a clinical 3T system (Skyra, Siemens, Erlangen Germany) with 4 equally-spaced echoes. The acquisition was performed with the following sequence-parameters: FOV=300mm, TR=100ms, \alpha_{flip}=25°, matrix-size=256x256, slice-thickness=3mm, TE_1=1.86ms and \Delta\,\!TE=3.32ms. The results are compared to an IDEAL-implementation according to [12].
Fig.2 shows fat-fraction, field-map, fat- and water-image of the acquired dataset using our method compared to that achieved with the IDEAL-implementation. Fig.3 and Fig.4 show the same quantities for dataset 7 and 8 of the ISMRM fat/water-challenge 2012, respectively.
Discussion and Conclusion
The separation accuracy is considerably improved compared to IDEAL, where the results are corrupted by wide fat/water-swaps, rendering the result unusable. The same can be seen on the challenge results, especially dataset 8 (Fig.4), where IDEAL produces fat/water-swaps nearly periodically over the whole FOV, which is completely removed with our method. Further, the B0-field is estimated uncorrectly in wide areas in all shown datasets using IDEAL, which cause the described fat/water-swaps. We showed the capability of our method to deal with huge B0-inhomogeneities and its ability to avoid fat/water-swaps. Further, we are able to consider small susceptibility-changes and the corresponding jumps in the B0-field on tissue-boundaries parallel to the main-field orientation.
This work was funded by the Austrian Science Fund “SFB 3209-18” and the
province of Styria under the funding scheme ”HTI:Tech for Med”
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