Hyungseok Jang1,2 and Alan B McMillan1
1Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United States, 2Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United States
Accurate knowledge of the k-space trajectory is critical for artifact-free
MR imaging, particularly in non-Cartesian imaging. In this study we propose a new gradient measurement
technique based on single point imaging (SPI), which allows simple, rapid, and
robust measurement of k-space trajectory. In the proposed technique, the zoom-in/out
effect of SPI is used for k-space trajectory measurement. First, 1D SPI data
are acquired from a targeted gradient in each axis, and then relative FOV scaling
factors between encoding times are found, which represents relative k-space
position. Improvements in image quality are demonstrated for UTE, spiral, and ramp-sampled
IDEAL imaging.Purpose
gradient system is an essential component in MR imaging. Unfortunately, there remain
many technical factors that inevitably cause distortions in the realized
gradient magnetic field. Therefore, it is challenging in practice to realize
the actual gradient field as prescribed, which results in image artifacts
(e.g., blurriness, ringing, or phase error). In this study we propose a new
gradient measurement technique based on single point imaging (SPI), which
allows simple, rapid, and robust measurement of k-space trajectory.
In the proposed technique, 1D SPI
data is acquired by linearly scaling the prescribed gradient waveform along each
axis. The field of view (FOV) in SPI at phase encoding time delay (t
FOV(t_p)=πN_p/(γ\int_{0}^{t_{p}}{}G(τ)dτ), where N
p is the number
of phase encoding, γ is the gyromagnetic ratio, and G(τ) is a maximum amplitude
of phase encoding gradient at time delay τ. Therefore, the FOV changes with phase
encoding time delay, exhibiting a zoom-in (time decreasing FOV) or zoom-out
(time increasing FOV) effect as shown in Figure 1. Figure 2-a shows an example
of SPI encoding to measure a trapezoidal readout gradient. After 1D SPI data is
acquired, relative FOV scaling factors are found, which directly reflect the
relative k-space trajectory with respect to the reference encoding time, t
as follows:
FOVscale(t) = FOV(t)/FOV(t_r) = k(t)/k(t_r), where t denotes a phase encoding
time delay, and k(t) is a k-space position in the unit of cycle m
at encoding time, t. There are two possible approaches to estimate the FOV
scaling factor: an image domain or an k-space domain approach. In the image
domain approach, relative scaling of the object size
between two time delays is used to directly estimate an FOV scaling factor. In
the k-space domain approach, relative linewidth of k-space can be measured,
which is the inverse of the FOV scaling factor. This can be formulated as a nonlinear
optimization problem for which we used negative linear correlation and L
2 norm as
cost functions for the image or k-space domain approach, respectively. Note
that the 1D profile in the
image domain has more resolution when the FOV is small (Figure 2-b), while the k-space
profile shows a broader line-shape when the FOV is large (Figure 2-c), and vice
versa. Therefore, the FOV scaling factor estimated by two
different approaches are combined using a merging filter as shown in Figure 2-d.
To evaluate the propose method,
three experiments were conducted: (1) 3D radial UTE human brain imaging (IRB
approved) on a 3T MR scanner (GE MR750) with TE=90µs, TR=3.3ms, and # of radial
spokes=80,000. Gradient measurement was performed on the x, y, and z axes with
p=401 and scan time=4sec. (2) 2D spiral phantom imaging on a 1.5T
MR scanner (GE HDxt) with spiral arms=16, readout points/arm=990, FOV=24cm,
spatial resolution=2x2mm, TE=13ms, TE=2.4ms. Gradient measurement with Np=801
was performed in two different ways for comparison: (a) all 16 different pairs
of x and y gradients measured (extensive measurement=167sec) and (b) 2 pairs of
x and y gradients were measured and reproduced to estimated trajectories for
all 16 arms using linear combination (quick measurement=42sec). (3) 3D multi-echo
Cartesian GRE phantom imaging for IDEAL
1 with and without ramp
sampling on a 3T MR scanner (GE Signa PET/MR). Parameters were spatial
resolution=2x2x2mm, TEs/TR with ramp sampling=0.80,1.5,2.1ms/3.65ms and TEs/TR
without ramp sampling=0.99,1.9,2.8ms/4.78ms. Gradient measurement was performed
with Np=401 in the readout direction and a scan time of 1.5sec.
3-a shows the measured UTE trajectory in the physical x, y, z axis, and
prescribed trajectory, and a zoomed-in view. Figure 3-b and c show UTE images
reconstructed with the prescribed trajectory and the measured trajectory. The
image reconstructed with the measured trajectory shows good quality with no
visible imaging artifact such as ringing. Figure 4-a shows the spiral image
reconstructed using fully measured trajectory. Figure 4-b shows the spiral image
reconstructed with quick gradient measurement. Figure 5 shows the multi-echo
IDEAL images reconstructed to a conventional (5-a) and ramp-sampled with
measurement (5-b) trajectory. The ramp-sampled trajectory allowed a 25%
reduction in scan time and incorporating the measured trajectory into
reconstruction improved water-fat separation without the use of any additional
phase correction.
Discussion and Conclusion
The proposed
SPI-based gradient measurement technique allows robust and fast (particularly when
TR is short) gradient measurement with no special hardware, and can be
performed with very minor modifications to the targeted pulse sequence to
provide substantial improvements in image quality. This technique will also
likely be useful for linear system modeling of gradient waveforms
acknowledge support from NIH EB013770 and GE Healthcare.References
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Vannesjo et al (2015). Magn Reson Med. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 26211410.