3D volumetric parallel excitation at 9.4T using the trajectory container concept
Tingting Shao1, Nikolai I. Avdievich1, and Anke Henning1,2

1Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen, Germany, 2Institute of Biomedical Engineering, University and ETH, Zürich, Switzerland


This work presents experimental results of 3D volumetric parallel excitation at a 9.4T human whole-body MRI scanner. The approach and concept of a “trajectory container” is adopted to match practical considerations. The “trajectory container” is used to shape the k space trajectory and restrict it to a limited traversing area in the k space and therefore to constrain the pulse duration. A simplified and direct way of the definition of the “trajectory container” is proposed and verified with promising experimental results.


Parallel transmission technology (pTX) [1] helps to improve excitation uniformity and allows for excitation acceleration in ultra-high field MRI. However, the question how to design a 3D volumetric excitation pulse with short duration in order to avoid signal fading due to T2 relaxation remains unaddressed. A related method based on the concept of designing a k-space trajectory limited to within a “k-space trajectory container” prior to the design of a tailored RF (TRF) pulse was proposed by Shao T, et al [2]. However this method was only demonstrated by simulation results and it was impractically time-consuming to find the boundary of the “k-space trajectory container”. In this work, a simplified, direct and fast method of the calculation of the contained k-space trajectory is proposed, and the concept is verified with experimental results at a 9.4 Tesla whole-body human scanner equipped with 8 independent transmit channels.


B1 map and basic imaging settings The B1+ field maps were acquired with a home-built 8-channel TxRx array head coil [3] and a spherical spectroscopy phantom filled with an aqueous solution of acetate and lactate on a 9.4T whole body human MRI scanner (SIEMENS Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany), using the 3D actual flip angle imaging (AFI) method [4]. The B1+ field map acquired in CP mode is shown in Figure 1. The desired excitation patterns are a uniform cube (4cm*4cm*4cm), a uniform slab (thickness = 4cm) and a specified “MPI” pattern (thickness = 4cm), all blurred by convolution with a Gaussian kernel of FWHM = 1.2cm. The 3D parallel excitation experiments are based on a fast 3D gradient echo sequence (GRE) (TE 10ms / TR 100ms / resolution 1.72mm*1.72mm*5mm).

K-space trajectory determination Assuming that all the channels fully contribute to the RF modulation during the entire duration of the k-space trajectory, the Point-Spread-Function (PSF) induced by RF-modulation of all channels can be calculated by summing up the absolute values of the inverse FFT of the B1+ maps from all individual channels. The de-convolution of the RF distribution of the spatial target profile (its inverse FFT) with the PSF leads to a weighting map that demonstrates the distribution of the required deposition of RF energy throughout the excitation k-space. By finding a certain weighting threshold based on the histogram of the weighting map, the boundary of the high weighting area can be used to define the “k-space trajectory container”. As seen in Fig. 2 that corresponds to the excitation patterns for the cube (c-d) and the slab (g-h) the resulting k-space trajectories are restricted to traverse through the pre-defined k-space container.

To maintain the continuity of the k-space sampling and to meet the Nyquist criterion, the k-space trajectory is designed to connect separated parts of the trajectory container with the constraint of being k-space central-point-symmetrically shaped. To efficiently cover the interior space of the “trajectory container”, an acceleration factor of 4 is chosen for the transverse direction and 2 is chosen for the longitudinal direction, according to the dimension of the estimated PSF. In this work we used a stack-spiral trajectory and tailored its shape according to these criteria, as can be seen in Fig 3. Stack-spiral trajectory is chosen because of its traversing efficiency and the accordance of its gradient amplitude and the weighting map distribution.

RF design method The parallel RF pulses are designed based on the iterative small-tip-angle (STA) approach [5] after trajectory optimization. A constraint on maximum RF amplitude is applied during the RF pulse calculation. The pulse duration was limited to a maximum of 16ms considering the ultra-short T2 relaxation time at 9.4T.

Results and discussion

Fig 4 shows the experimental results of the aforementioned excitation cases as acquired with a GRE sequence including one pTX excitation pulse, among which (a, c, e) show the transversal views and (b, d, f) the longitudinal views of the excitation profiles: the cube (a,b), the slab (c,d) and the specified “MPI” pattern (e,f). Table I shows the general root-mean-square excitation errors (RMSE), pulse durations, maximum RF amplitudes and RF integrations. The latter two meet the concerns of RF safety. It can be seen that the excitation profiles matched the target profiles as previously described well, which verifies the feasibility of our proposed calculation scheme of the “trajectory container” and hence the determination of the contained k-space trajectory. The intensity drops in the center of the phantom are due to vendor implemented image reconstruction that does not consider receive sensitivities.


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[1] Katscher et al., MRM 49:144-150 (2003). [2] T. Shao et al., IEEE-TMI 31,5:997-1007 (2012). [3] Avdievich NI et al. ISMRM: 622 (2014). [4] Yarnykh VL, MRM 57(1):192-200 (2007). [5] Grissom et al., MRM 53:620-629 (2006).


Fig 1 (a) transversal view and (b) coronal view of the AFI B1+ map (µT/V) of a single-row 8-channel array while driven in the CP mode.

Fig 2 (a) longitudinal (kx-kz) view and (b) transversal (kx-ky) view of the RF-energy weighting map for the cube case. (c-d) longitudinal and transversal views of k-space container for the cube case. (e-f) longitudinal and transversal views of the RF-energy weighting map for the slab case. (g-h) longitudinal and transversal views of k-space container for the slab case.

Fig 3 The designed k-space trajectory of the cube case (a) and the slab case (b).

Fig 4 (a, c, e) transversal views and (b, d, f) coronal views of the measured excitation profiles of case cube, slab and “MPI” pattern, acquired with GRE sequence including the corresponding pTX excitation pulses.

Table I. Evaluation of the excitation cases.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)