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Optimization of the kT-points placement under explicit SAR and power constraints in the large flip angle regime
Vincent Gras1, Michel Luong2, Alexis Amadon1, and Nicolas Boulant1

1Neurospin, CEA/DSV/I2BM, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 2IRFU, CEA/DSM, Gif-sur-Yvette, France


The kT-points parametrization is a powerful technique to mitigate the RF inhomogeneity at ultra-high field which can also be used to achieve homogeneous non-selective inversion profiles with less SAR than adiabatic RF pulses. The large flip angle regime thus is an interesting domain of application of the kT-points technique. However, to fully exploit it, it is necessary to optimize the placement of the kT-points in k-space. In this work, the simultaneous optimization of the RF and k-space trajectory coefficients is proposed and validated, whereby SAR and power constraints are handled explicitly.


The kT-points parametrization1 is a powerful technique to mitigate the RF inhomogeneity at ultra-high field (UHF) (≥7T). This method uses a sparse k-space trajectory, thus making the calculations robust, fast and tractable with second-order optimization algorithms2. This technique can also be used to achieve homogeneous non-selective inversion profiles with less SAR than adiabatic RF pulses3, thus making the large flip angle (FA) regime an interesting domain of application of the kT-points technique. However, to fully exploit this technique, it is necessary to optimize the placement of the kT-points in k-space4-7, which has been shown in 2D to depend on the imposed constraints8. The simultaneous optimization of the RF (b) and k-space trajectory coefficients (k) (rad/m) here is proposed and validated, whereby SAR and power constraints are handled explicitly.


The optimization problem involves the magnitude least squares9 cost function:


and includes 4 sets of constraints: the local and global SAR constraints defined by a set of virtual observation points10 and the average and peak power constraints, which account for hardware limits. The optimization problem was solved numerically using the Active-Set (A-S) algorithm. The objective function and its gradient were computed with full Bloch simulations by using CUDA on a K40 Nvidia (Santa Clara, CA, USA) graphics processing unit card. The proposed approach was first studied in simulations, based on B1 maps calculated on a numerical head model and a home-made pTx coil model using HFSS (Ansys, Canonsburg, PA, USA) and on a calculated field offset (ΔB0) map11. Because the optimization problem is non-convex, the A-S solution can depend on the initialization. The simultaneous optimization of b and k was thus run on 104 random initial k-space trajectories (k^{(0)}) contained in a hypersphere of radius 8 m-1, while the initial RF coefficients (b^{(0)}) were calculated from the initial trajectory using the variable-exchange method2,9. For comparison, the optimization of the RF coefficients was rerun for the same initial trajectories while keeping k=k^{(0)} fixed. The two approaches were finally tested experimentally on a spherical water phantom on a Magnetom 7T scanner (Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany) equipped with an 8 channel pTx system. In this experiment, two RF pulses composed of 7 kT-points were designed, in one case with and in the other case without trajectory optimization, and their respective performance were assessed by using the Quantum Process Tomography (QPT) technique12.


The histograms of the FA normalized root-mean-square error (NRMSE) are displayed in Fig. 1 for 5, 7 and 9 kT-points with the optimization of b only (dashed) and (b, k) (solid lines). Without optimization of the trajectories, average NRMSEs are 11.4%, 7.8% and 5.9% for 5, 7 and 9 kT-points respectively, the respective computation times being 9, 23 and 45 s. With simultaneous optimization of b and k, the average NRMSEs reduce to 6.8%, 4.6% and 3.6% while the computation times reached in this case 26, 76 and 88 s. As expected, increasing the number of kT-points improves pulse performance, but, more interestingly, 5 kT points with optimization of the trajectory on average performs better than 7 kT-points without trajectory optimization. Furthermore, by analyzing separately for 5, 7 and 9 kT-points the distribution of the NRMSE ratios, it appeared that optimizing the trajectory simultaneously with the RF coefficients reduces on average by 40% the NRMSE. For a robust implementation of trajectory optimization in practice, one unique random initialization is unfortunately not sufficient due to the large NRMSE distribution spread. However, we found that running 4 times the optimization, each time starting with a new random trajectory and taking the best result, has 95% chance to yield a better NRMSE than the distribution’s average NRMSE. Starting from initial k-space trajectories generated by the Fourier or sparsity-enforced methods [6] returned, after further trajectory optimization, NRMSEs significantly better than the average NRMSEs, but still substantially worse than the best NRMSEs. Alternatively, the greedy method8 could also be attempted as another initialization technique. The FA map, measured experimentally with QPT, and the corresponding simulations (based on the acquired B1 and ΔB0 maps) are displayed in Fig. 2. Experimentally, the inversion pulses reached 11.4% with and 18.7% without optimization of the trajectory, in fair agreement with the FA profile simulations (10.1% and 15.6%).


The present study demonstrates, for large FA pulse design, possible substantial improvement in pulse performance with a simultaneous optimization of the k-space trajectory and RF coefficients under explicit constraints, and describes a tractable method to approach nearly optimal solutions in practice.


The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Program (FP7/2013-2018) / ERCGrant Agreement n. 309674.


[1] Cloos et al. MRM 2012;67:72–80. [2] Hoyos-Idrobo et al. IEEE TMI 2014;33:739–748. [3] Cloos et al. ISMRM. Melbourne, Australia 2012:634 [4] Ma et al. MRM 2011;65:973–985 [5] Grissom et al. MRM 2012;68:1553–1562. [6] Zelinski et al. IEEE TMI 2008;27:1213–1229 [7] Cao et al. DOI 10.10002/mrm.25739. [8] Dupas et al. JMR 2015;255:59-67. [9] Setsompop et al. MRM 2008;59:908–915. [10] Eichfelder et al. MRM 2011;66:1468–1476. [11] Salomir et al. CMRB 2003;19:26–34. [12] Massire et al. JMR 2013;230:76-83.


Figure 1. Distributions obtained with 5, 7 and 9 kT-points with (solid lines) and without (dashed lines) optimization of the trajectory. The superimposed markers indicate the NRMSE obtained by taking for k(0) the trajectory obtained with the Fourier (squares) and the sparsity-enforced method (circles) instead of random trajectories.

Figure 2. Simulated (a, c) and measured (b, d) FA map of the inversion pulses design with 7 kT-points with (c, d) and without (a, b) optimization of the k-space trajectory.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)