Transmit SENSE on a whole-body 10.5 Tesla system using 16 RF channels: initial results
Xiaoping Wu1, Gregor Adriany1, Eddie J. Auerbach1, Sebastian Schmitter1, Kamil Ugurbil1, and Pierre-Francois Van de Moortele 1

1CMRR, Radiology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States


Increased signal to noise ratio and tissue contrast are strong incentive for pushing toward higher magnetic fields. However, as the magnetic field increases, transmit B1 fields become more and more non-uniform, leading to spatially varying contrast and local signal dropouts. This problem can be addressed with parallel RF transmission (pTx). We have recently made operational the first 10.5 Tesla whole body MRI scanner which holds promise for a wide range of biomedical applications. In this study, we assessed the performance of the installed 16-channel pTx system by designing 2D Transmit SENSE pulses. Our results suggest that high fidelity excitation patterns can be attained after correction of system imperfections.


The first 10.5 Tesla (10.5T) whole body human scanner has recently become operational, which holds promise to a wide range of biomedical applications. The objective of this study was to assess the performance of the installed 16-channel parallel RF transmission (pTx)1-3 system by designing 2D Transmit SENSE1 RF pulses.


Experiments were conducted on a 10.5T whole body scanner (magnet bore diameter 88 cm) equipped with 16 independent RF channels (2 kW amplifier/channel), with a whole body gradient coil (Siemens SC72, 70 mT/m maximum amplitude, 200 T/m/s maximum slew rate), and with second- and third-order B0 shim coils. A 16-element strip-line head array, consisting of 11-cm long resonance elements but otherwise similar to4, was used for transmission and reception. A doped spherical phantom of 15 cm in diameter was imaged. To collect complex transmit B1 (B1+) maps (absolute magnitude and relative phase) on 16 channels at 450 MHz, the use of a hybrid technique5, merging a large flip angle map (all channel transmitting with complex inter-channel B1+ interferences in full play) with a series of small flip angle data (one transmit channel at a time, absence of B1+ interference), proved to be an accurate and robust approach; this technique allowed for deriving absolute B1+ maps (B1+Abs) over the entire Field of View (FOV) for each channel while alleviating the need for high RF power typically required with conventional, single-channel based B1+ mapping. An additional challenge however occurred: whereas at 7T it is often feasible6 to find a CP mode-like set of B1+ shim phases to measure B1+Abs (all coils transmitting), we could not find at 10.5T a single set of B1+ shim phases that would not result in local signal void(s) incompatible with B1+Abs mapping (Fig. 1a). This issue was readily addressed by collecting a second B1+Abs (all coils transmitting) with another set of B1+ phase shim chosen to complement the signal void(s) of the first B1+Abs map (Fig. 1b). The final 16 B1+ maps (Fig. 1c) were obtained by merging absolute and relative B1+ maps and interference patterns. The pulse design was formulated in the spatial domain7, including ΔB0 maps (measured after applying third order B0 shimming), as a minimization problem and assumed small tip angle excitation. A nominal spiral trajectory of 2.43 ms in duration was designed to cover a 4-fold under-sampled excitation k-space; actual gradient waveforms were measured as in8. Two excitation targets (rectangle and “M” logo) were considered (Fig. 2a). RF pulses were calculated using conjugate gradient iterations. Three-dimensional GRE images were acquired to evaluate the excitation pattern, using a pulse sequence accepting arbitrarily-shaped RF and gradient waveforms for excitation; these GRE images were divided by receive B1 maps3 to un-bias excitation patterns. All computations were performed in Matlab (MathWorks, Natick, MA, USA).


Directly applying RF pulses designed with nominal gradients and timing resulted in excitation pattern distortions dominated by a characteristic rotation (Fig. 2b). This rotary distortion was effectively corrected (Fig. 2c) by compensating for a time delay (a few microseconds) between RF and gradients events; however residual background excitation was still noticeable. Designing RF pulses using the measured gradients further improved the excitation fidelity (Fig. 2d) by suppressing the background excitation to a level comparable to what was predicted by Bloch simulations (Fig. 2e).

Discussion and conclusion

We have demonstrated using 16-channel pTx methods that 2D arbitrarily-defined excitation patterns with 4-fold under-sampled excitation k-space can be achieved with high excitation fidelity on a whole body scanner at a field as high as 10.5T. Critical to this achievement is a hybrid multichannel B1+ mapping method allowing to merge large flip angle maps in different B1+ shim phase settings with small flip angle series. Correction for gradient/RF timing errors and for k-space trajectory deviations is also necessary to achieve best excitation fidelity. This success in 2D Transmit SENSE provides a strong basis to further investigation on other pTx methods at 10.5T, including pTx multi-spoke RF pulse design for slice-selective homogeneous excitation.


This work is supported by NIH grants including P41 EB015894 and S10 RR029672.


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4. Adriany G, Van de Moortele PF, Ritter J, Moeller S, Auerbach EJ, Akgun C, Snyder CJ, Vaughan T, Ugurbil K. A geometrically adjustable 16-channel transmit/receive transmission line array for improved RF efficiency and parallel imaging performance at 7 Tesla. Magn Reson Med 2008;59(3):590-597.

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6. Schmitter S, Adriany G, Auerbach E, Ugurbil K, van de Moortele PF. Neither Flat Profile Nor Black Spots: A Simple Method to Achieve Acceptable CP-like Mode Transmit B1 Pattern for Whole Brain Imaging with Transmit Arrays at 7 Tesla. ISMRM 2012; Melbourne, Australia. p 3472.

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Fig. 1. Sixteen-channel B1+ mapping using a hybrid technique. A single large tip angle map with CP-like mode RF shim phases (a) always exhibited signal voids, which necessitated a second map (b) to be obtained using complementary shim phases that aimed to promote constructive interference within the problematic region (white curves). Merging the two large tip angle maps with a series of small tip angle data yielded an accurate B1+ map of each channel (c).

Fig. 2. Excitation patterns for 2D Transmit SENSE pulses with 4-fold undersampled excitation k-space. Relative to target (a), directly applying RF pulses designed with nominal gradients yielded rotary distortion (b), which was effectively corrected (c) by correcting for a time delay between RF and gradients channels. Designing pulses with measured gradients further improved excitation fidelity (d) by suppressing background excitation to a level comparable to that of Bloch simulations (e).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)