Vincent Gras1, Alexandre Vignaud1, Franck Mauconduit2, Michel Luong3, Alexis Amadon1, Denis Le Bihan1, and Nicolas Boulant1
1Neurospin, CEA/DSV/I2BM, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 2Siemens Healthcare, Saint-Denis, France, 3IRFU, CEA/DSM, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
The standard approach to design radiofrequency pulses in MRI is to minimize the deviation of the flip angle from a
target value. An alternative approach is proposed here for the MPRAGE sequence which uses the signal as a surrogate of the flip angle in
the optimization of the excitation and inversion pulses. The results obtained in simulation and in the brain in vivo on a parallel transmission enabled 7T scanner show two possible
applications of the method: an improvement in image quality or a significant
reduction of the SAR at equivalent image quality.Introduction
Standard radiofrequency (RF) pulse design
strategies focus on minimizing the deviation of the flip angle (FA) from a
target value. While this approach is sufficient to guarantee the homogeneity of
the signal, it may be overconstraining when the MR signal has a nonlinear
dependence with the FA. An alternative approach, referred to as
the signal-domain optimization, is proposed here for the MPRAGE sequence
1 which uses the signal as a surrogate of the FA in
the optimization of the excitation and inversion pulses. The concept is
presented in the parallel transmission (pTx) framework and exploits the
optimization of the k
T-points parametrization under explicit power
and SAR constraints
In a joint optimization of
the excitation and inversion pulses of the MPRAGE sequence, the standard FA
homogenizing approach typically consists in minimizing the quantity Uα=‖ where \|\cdot\|_2 refers to the voxel-by-voxel summation of the
local FA errors using the \mathcal{L}_2 norm and where f_{\alpha} is the voxel-wise measure of the FA deviation:
f_{\alpha} = \left(1-\frac{\alpha_{\text{Exc}}}{\hat{\alpha}_{\text{Exc}}}\right)^2+\left(1-\frac{\alpha_{\text{Inv}}}{\hat{\alpha}_{\text{Inv}}}\right)^2,
\alpha_{\text{Exc}}/\hat{\alpha}_{\text{Exc}} and \alpha_{\text{Inv}}/\hat{\alpha}_{\text{Inv}} representing the actual/nominal FA for the excitation and
inversion pulses respectively. The so-called signal fidelity is now proposed as an alternative to the FA deviation, which relies on the actual, s(\text{T}_1), and nominal, \hat{s}(\text{T}_1), MPRAGE signal2 of the central echo, scaled by \text{M}_0. It is defined as:
f_s^2 = \frac{\int_I (s-\hat{s})^2 d\text{T}_1}{\int_I \hat{s}^2 d\text{T}_1},
where I denotes a \text{T}_1 interval covering the values found in brain tissue. A method minimizing f_s may however penalize the local contrast, defined here as the relative signal difference between two voxels exhibiting two different \text{T}_1 values, i.e.:
c_s(\text{T}_1,\text{T}'_1)=2 \frac{s(\text{T}_1)-s(\text{T}'_1)}{s(\text{T}_1)+s(\text{T}'_1)}.
We thus equally define the contrast fidelity as the distance between the actual (c_s) and nominal contrast (c_{\hat{s}}):
f_c^2 = \frac{\iint_{I \times I} (c_s-c_{\hat{s}})^2 d^2\text{T}_1}{\iint_{I \times I} c_{\hat{s}}^2 d^2\text{T}_1},
thus vanishing if the actual signal matches the
nominal signal up to a multiplicative constant. We now replace the
objective U_{\alpha} by the weighted sum of a signal and contrast
fidelity terms, to form the new objective function:
U_{f,\lambda}=\|F_s\|_2^2+\lambda \|F_c\|_2^2,
whereby F_s and F_c are discrete approximations of the continuous integrals f_s and f_c and where \lambda is a weighting factor to be adjusted. The metrics f_{\alpha}, f_s and f_c are displayed as functions of \alpha_{\text{Exc}} (x-axis) and \alpha_{\text{Inv}} (y-axis) in Fig. 1 for TR/TI=2.6/1.1s, \hat{\alpha}_{\text{Exc}}/\hat{\alpha}_{\text{Inv}} =9/180° and I = [1,2.3] s. Interestingly, the signal domain metrics allow compensating a FA < 180° for the inversion pulse by reducing concomitantly the excitation FA by the proper amount. In Fig. 1.d., the ideal excitation FA is always equal to 9° for f_{\alpha}, while for the other metrics, it depends on \alpha_{\text{Inv}}. The proposed new optimization metric was thus investigated first in simulation to check if it indeed could return further RF pulse performance or lower the SAR, and was finally tested in vivo with MPRAGE brain acquisitions. Experiments were performed on a Magnetom 7T Siemens scanner (Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany) equipped with a home-made 8 channel pTx coil and under real-time local SAR supervision6,7.
L-curve simulations (fidelity versus SAR) revealed that the
design of the excitation and inversion pulses with the objective
U_{f,2} returned slightly decreased FA homogeneity but
higher signal and contrast homogeneity than the FA domain optimization. Alternatively,
at equal signal homogeneity, the signal domain optimizations allowed
approximately halving the SAR. The obtained MPRAGE brain images are shown in
Fig. 2 in four selected regions where sub-plots a-d and a’-d’ correspond to the
U_{\alpha} and
U_{f,2}. A
better WM-GM contrast is obtained in Fig. 2.b’ in the cortex while the signal
drop in Fig 2.a, caused by a lower excitation FA, is almost suppressed in Fig. 2.a’. Finally, the inhomogeneity in the cerebellum in Fig. 2c or the susceptibility
artefacts present in the lateral lobe in Fig. 2.d are significantly reduced in
Fig. 2c’ and 2d’. The pulses were designed with explicit
10-g SAR limit of 3 W/kg (the IEC limit being10 W/kg),
corresponding to the maximum curvature location of the computed L-curves. This shows
that the signal domain optimization also can enable
significant SAR reduction while maintaining image quality.
The proposed RF pulse design optimizes jointly the
excitation and inversion pulses of the MPRAGE sequence and exploits the
non-linear dependence of the signal with the FAs. The results obtained show two
possible applications of the method: an improvement in image quality or a
significant reduction of the SAR at equivalent image quality. Although
dedicated here to the MPRAGE sequence, this work unveils a possible direction
for further improvements in other sequences with marked non-linear signal
dependence with FAs.
The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Program (FP7/2013-2018) / ERCGrant Agreement n. 309674.References
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