Robert Grimm1, Dominik Nickel1, Qiu Wang2, Boris Mailhe2, Berthold Kiefer1, Kai Tobias Block3, and Tobias Heye4
1Siemens Healthcare GmbH, Erlangen, Germany, 2Medical Imaging Technologies, Siemens Healthcare, Princeton, NJ, United States, 3Radiology, New York University School of Medicine, New York City, NY, United States, 4Klinik für Radiologie und Nuklearmedizin, Universitätsspital Basel, Basel, Switzerland
the radial sampling scheme of GRASP DCE-MRI leads to inherent motion
robustness, strong respiration can still impair the image quality of
free-breathing abdominal examinations. We propose to combine GRASP with respiratory
gating to minimize motion artifacts within and between temporal frames, without
prolonging the reconstruction time and maintaining a high spatio-temporal
resolution. A validation in 10 clinical patients confirmed the improved sharpness
of the gated reconstruction.Purpose
GRASP [1] is an iterative reconstruction
technique for DCE-MRI, based on a radial stack-of-stars k-space trajectory. Due
to the radial sampling scheme, GRASP is inherently motion-robust and, thus,
promises dynamic abdominal imaging at high spatio-temporal resolution during
free breathing.
However, if the subject is breathing
deeply, the motion can lead to blurring and reduces the effectiveness of the
applied through-time regularization. A recent extension, XD-GRASP [2],
addresses this limitation by separating R=4-5
respiratory phases for each temporal phase and introduces an additional
regularization term along the respiratory dimension. While this approach mitigates
the effects of inter-frame and intra-frame motion, it significantly increases
the computational effort because in total an R-times higher number of image volumes has to be reconstructed.
Furthermore, the achieved temporal resolution is relatively low because a
sufficiently high number of k-space samples must be available for every
respiratory bin. Here, we propose the combination of respiratory gating with a
higher gating acceptance to overcome the aforementioned challenges.
The golden-angle radial sampling
scheme utilized by GRASP MRI has three important properties. First, the
temporal resolution can be selected flexibly for reconstruction by grouping the
desired number of radial readout lines into each temporal frame. Second,
because the k-space center is read out with every acquisition angle, a
respiratory self-gating signal can be extracted from the raw measurement data.
And third, retrospective gating can be applied without deviating much from a
uniform angular distribution of the k-space samples, due to the relatively high
angular increment between subsequently acquired radial spokes.
The effect of motion in a GRASP study
can therefore be reduced by applying retrospective respiratory gating, such
that only a defined fraction of the acquired data in each time-point is
utilized for reconstruction. To minimize inter-frame motion, the temporal
resolution should be selected that each temporal phase contains at least one
respiratory cycle.
Ten clinical patients were examined with
IRB approval on a 3 T MRI scanner (MAGNETOM Prisma, Siemens Healthcare,
Erlangen, Germany) using the 18-channel body coil and the 32-channel spine coil
array. Image acquisition was performed using a prototypical T1-weighted,
fat-saturated spoiled gradient echo pulse sequence with golden-angle
stack-of-stars k-space sampling. Scan parameters were as follows: TR/TE = 3.5 /
1.6 ms, FA=12°, FOV = 332 x 332 x 200 mm³, base resolution = 256 samples, 1456
radial angles, number of partitions = 80, resulting in a spatial resolution of 1.3
x 1.3 x 2.5 mm³ and a scan time of 246 seconds. The contrast agent
injection started approximately 20 seconds after the beginning of the scan and
consisted of a 18-20 ml bolus of Dotarem (Guerbet, France) followed by a 20 ml
saline flush.
The respiratory self-gating signal was
extracted automatically from the k-space center [3], and a 50-second sliding
mean filter was used to suppress a signal baseline drift due to the arrival of
the contrast agent. The raw data was partitioned into temporal frames with a
temporal duration of 42 radial spokes (7.1 seconds).
First, non-gated GRASP reconstructions
were computed using FISTA-based optimization [4].
Then, gated GRASP (gGRASP) was carried out by retrospectively gating each
time-frame at end-expiration with 50 % acceptance and applying the same
reconstruction algorithm.
In radial imaging, motion manifests as
blurring of structures, which can lead to a reduced contrast compared to the
surrounding tissue. Therefore, to assess the effectiveness of the proposed
gating, manually drawn line profiles perpendicular to the posterior sectoral
branch of the right portal vein were extracted using Fiji (NIH, USA) and
analyzed in Matlab (The MathWorks, USA). Vessel contrast was defined as the
ratio of the peak intensity to the profile baseline, where the peak intensity
was averaged over the highest three voxel intensities, and the baseline was
averaged over the first and last three intensity values of the line profile.
For each patient, the maximum vessel contrast was determined for both GRASP and
Respiratory signal extraction and gating
succeeded in all patients. An exemplary respiratory signal and the
corresponding gating and temporal windows are shown in Fig. 1a. Line profiles
across one vessel in non-gated and gated venous-phase images of one patient are
shown in Fig. 1b-d. The vessel-to-liver contrast is improved in the gGRASP
reconstruction. This was also reflected quantitatively, with 7.0-27.5 % higher
maximum vessel contrast ratio (mean/std: 15.0 ± 7.3 %).
Respiratory gating allows to improve
the motion-robustness of abdominal GRASP DCE-MRI. The blurring effect of motion
is reduced, which leads to improved conspicuity of vessels and, possibly,
lesions in the liver and kidneys.
No acknowledgement found.References
[1] Feng L et al, MRM 72(3),
[2] Feng L et al, MRM in
press, DOI 10.1002/mrm.25665, 2015.
[3] Grimm R et al, #3749, ISMRM 2013.
[4] Wang Q et al, #3791, ISMRM 2015.