Liver dynamic contrast
enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) requires high spatial and temporal resolution such that
all relevant enhancement phases are clearly visualized. Image quality is
compromised when breathing occurs during the acquisition. This abstract presents
a novel 4D respiratory Motion corrected Patch based Reconstruction of Under-sampled
Data (M-PROUD) which uses 3D patch based local dictionaries for sparse coding
and simultaneously estimates 3D nonrigid motion. Results on in vivo data
demonstrated that the proposed method can significantly reduce motion blurring
artifacts and preserve more details at a sub-second temporal frame rate in free
breathing liver 4D DCE-MRI.PURPOSE
High spatiotemporal
resolution dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) is crucial for the accurate
diagnosis of liver lesions. Previously, the TRACER
1 method used a nonlinear
parallel imaging reconstruction of golden ratio variable density spiral data to
achieve high spatial resolution and large coverage with a sub-second frame rate.
2 extended this work by using 2D patch based local similarity constraints
and temporal regularization, leading to high overall CNR. However, because of
their reliance on the similarity between successive frames, these methods are
sensitive to large respiratory motion. To reduce motion blurring artifacts and retain high temporal frame rate, we
developed a respiratory Motion corrected 3D Patch based Reconstruction of
Under-sampled Data (M-PROUD).
In M-PROUD, the reconstruction
problem was formulated as: v∗t=1,…,T=argminvt,αx,y,z,t,Mltt,Mpstt,Mnsttt=1,…,T{T∑t=1‖UtFSvt−yt‖22+λ1T∑t=1∑x,y,z‖Rx,y,zvt−αx,y,z,tPx,y,zDt(Mlttvr,Mpsttvt−1,vt,Mnsttvt+1)‖22+λ2T∑t=1‖vt−(Mpsttvt−1+Mnsttvt+1)/2‖22},s.t.‖αx,y,z,t‖0=1,∀x,y,zfort=1,…,T where vt was the image volume at time t, S the multiplication with
the coil sensitivity maps, F the Fourier transform, Ut
the undersampling operator, yt the k-space data, Dt a
set of local dictionaries at time t, Rx,y,z an operator
which extracted a 3D patch located at (x,y,z), Px,y,z
an operator which extracted the local dictionary for this patch, αx,y,z,t its dictionary coefficient vector, and λ1 and λ2 regularization
parameters automatically obtained, as in PROUD2. vr was
a composite volume reconstructed from all acquired data. Compared to PROUD, this
method used 3D instead of 2D patches and introduces three motion operators:
Mltt,Mpstt, and Mnstt, which described
the motion of vr,vt−1, and vt+1 relative
to vt respectively. The solver for M-PROUD first assumed λ2=0.
Alternating optimizations were performed on two sub-problems: 1) optimize
vt with fixed Mpstt, and 2) optimize Mpstt with fixed vt. The motion transformations were estimated
with a gradient descent optimization scheme3 using residual complexity4
as the similarity measure, known to be robust against the contrast
changes in DCE-MRI. In a second round, the solver included temporal
regularization and alternate optimizations were again performed on the two
resulting sub-problems.
Multiphase spiral LAVA in vivo data were acquired at
1.5T using 48 golden angle variable density spiral leaves per fully sampled volume,
TR=6.1 ms, voxel size 1.4x1.4x5 mm, matrix size 256x256x44, 8-channel cardiac
coil, and gadoxetate disodium injection. A total of 6 volumes (288 spiral
leaves) were continuously acquired with a multiple breath-holds protocol, in
which the patient was instructed to hold the breath as long as possible. A new
breath-hold instruction was delivered each time the patient was observed to
resume breathing but scanning was never interrupted. We used PROUD and M-PROUD
to reconstruct the image sequence at a temporal frame rate of one spiral leaf,
approximately 268 ms, resulting in 288 frames. Two periods with significant
breathing acquired in between the breath-holds were selected for
Reconstruction was
successfully performed of the images throughout the acquisition. The
reconstructed images of a single slice in the middle the first breathing phase
between two breath-holds are shown in Fig. 1. The zoomed-in regions indicate
that the proposed M-PROUD significantly reduced motion blurring artifacts and improved
visualization of the liver lesion near the anterior wall. Fig. 2 shows the
temporal profiles during the two phases of significant breathing in a single
cross section indicated by the dashed line. These profiles show that the
proposed method captured the temporal variations more clearly than PROUD.
The preliminary data
presented here show the feasibility of acquiring high frame rate (<1s) 4D liver imaging in the presence of substantial breathing motion by
incorporating 3D motion estimation in the reconstruction algorithm. The
resulting M-PROUD method significantly improved image quality, allowing a clear
visualization of the liver lesion data throughout breathing. The method was designed
to deal with respiratory motion larger than typically seen in free-breathing
acquisition. This is necessary for the flexible imaging protocol used in this
work. Despite the large respiratory motion in the resulting in- and exhalation phases,
image quality was largely recovered using the proposed method.
Recently, XD-GRASP
5 demonstrated promising performance for free breathing liver 4D DCE-MRI with
11-12 seconds frame rate. Our M-PROUD method further improved liver 4D DCE-MRI
to a sub-second frame rate with high image quality.
Respiratory Motion
corrected Patch based Reconstruction of Under-sampled Data (M-PROUD) can
preserve both spatial structures and temporal variations at a sub-second temporal
frame rate in liver 4D DCE-MRI.
We acknowledge support from
NIH grants RO1 CA181566, RO1 EB013443 and RO1 NS090464.References
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MRM, 69: 370-381, 2013. [2] Cooper MA, et al., MRM, 25551, 2014. [3] Rueckert D, et al., ITMI, 18: 712-721, 1999. [4] Myronenko
A, et al., ITMI, 29:1882-1891, 2010. [5] Feng L, et al., MRM, 25665, 2015.