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Phantom pose detection with spherical navigator echoes for calibration of optical tracking systems in MRI
Denis Kokorin1, Cris Lovell-Smith1, Benjamin Knowles1, Michael Herbst1, Jürgen Hennig1, and Maxim Zaitsev1

1Medical Physics, University Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany


In this work, we present a new k-space based approach for position and rotation detection to improve calibration of optical tracking systems used for prospective motion correction in MRI. 3D radial acquisition was employed to detect motion of a custom built phantom. The integrated method was tested for different motion types and showed a high precision along with a good robustness for rotation detection.


The use of optical tracking systems (OTS) has been demonstrated to be advantageous for prospective motion correction in MRI [1-2]. In this technique, the position of a moving rigid body is tracked by an optical device and the coordinates of the imaging volume are updated in real-time. However, accurate position updates require a precise cross-calibration between the coordinate systems of the MR scanner and the optical device. Current calibration relies on an image-based registration and is prone to non-linear gradient imperfections [1], which manifest themselves as distortions, leading to errors in the image registration as shown in Figure 1. Methods based on the analysis of 3D radial k-space were previously shown to detect rigid body motion from changes of the topology in the k-space [3]. Therefore, our main goal was to study the feasibility of 3D radial acquisitions for rotation and translation detection. We investigated the application of a 3D radial sequence for the detection of rotation parameters during the OTS calibration and compared the acquired position information with the OTS data.

Materials and Methods

Experiments were conducted on a 3T MRI system (Siemens Magnetom Prisma). Figure 2 shows a custom made spherical phantom used for calibration [4]. It was 3D-printed and had randomized unique for all directions grid structures. 3D radial acquisition with 16384 spokes and 256 readout samples was implemented for motion detection. The spokes were distributed uniformly along the polar axis and the azimuthal increment was given by the Golden angle [5], leading to a multishot spiral sampling pattern on a spherical surface in k-space (Fig. 3A). The phantom was scanned using the sequence after a series of several rotations. In parallel, its motion was recorded by the Moiré phase tracking system (MPT, Metria Innovation Inc., U.S.A)[6], which comprised a camera and a retro-reflective tracking marker. The MPT camera was installed in the magnet bore and tracked motion of a marker affixed to the phantom (Fig. 2A).

Due to a grid-like structure inside the phantom, projections through the center of the acquired k-space yielded a very high signal at certain angles. As can be seen from typical data displayed on a sphere (Figures 3B-D), the surface topology in k-space was represented by 6 peaks. In order to measure rotation parameters, an algorithm was developed and based on this topology. First, the peaks centers ki,ref=[kxi,ref,kyi,ref,kzi,ref] and kj,rot=[kxi,rot,kyi,rot,kzi,rot] were determined for datasets before and after the rotation. Then, the phantom’s profiles were found by Fourier transformation of the signals along the spokes at the peaks locations. In order to find the correspondence between the peaks, the correlation coefficients were calculated between the profiles in the reference and rotated data. If the profiles for a peak pair had a correlation higher than 99%, the peaks were said to transform into each other during the rotation. Otherwise, the peaks were considered as non-related. After sorting the peaks transformations ij, the rotation matrix R was calculated from the matrix Hi,j=i,jkikTj (where ”T” denotes “transpose”) according to R=VUT. Here, [U,T,V]=svd(H) is singular value decomposition and rotation angles were determined from the matrix R. Profile shifts were taken into consideration during calculations of the correlation coefficients by a simultaneous translation search, which was aimed at detecting the optimal shifts between profiles by maximizing their correlation


After the peaks’ centers of mass were measured (Figure 3E), the correlation coefficients between the phantom’s profiles through the detected positions were calculated. The correlation was normally higher than 98% for the peaks, which meant a correspondence to each other (Fig. 4A), whereas it was on the order of 85% for the non-related peaks (Fig. 4B). Figures 4C and D display correlation between the profiles, when the phantom underwent a rotation combined with translation. The regularization of the translation improved significantly peak detection. The resulting rotation angles measured in radial acquisition and from the MPT camera are presented in Figure 5. Both optical tracking and radial acquisition are in a good agreement and thus demonstrate a high precision for the developed algorithm.

Conclusions and Outlook

Due to unique intrinsic structure along radial directions, the described phantom is a promising calibration tool for MPT. Furthermore, 3D radial acquisition is straightforward for detection of rotational motion of such an object. In this manner, the presented method is precise and robust for rotation calibration. As a next step, we would like to implement spherical shell sampling followed by the selected projections for faster motion detection.


This work was supported in part by NIH grant 2R01DA021146. The authors also thank Stefan Kroboth, Dr. Valerij Kiselev and Dr. Kelvin Layton for fruitful discussions and technical support.


1. M. Zaitsev et al., NeuroImage, 31, p. 1038, 2006

2. M. Herbst et al., MRM, 67(2), p. 326, 2012

3. E.B. Welch et al., MRM, 47(1), p. 32, 2002

4. C. Lovell-Smith et al., ISMRM 2013, #3755

5. S. Winkelmann et al., IEEE Trans Med Imaging, 26, p. 68, 2007

6. J. MacLaren et al., PlosOne, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0048088, 2012


Figure 1. (A, B) Calibration GRE images in a phantom obtained for a reference position and after a rotation around the dashed axis. The white arrows in the difference image (C) indicate regions prone to gradient imperfections and leading to errors in the image registration stage of the calibration procedure.

Figure 2. A photo (A), internal structure’s model (B) and an MR image (C) of the calibration phantom investigated in this study. A tracking marker is shown on the top of the phantom in A and was used to detect phantom’s motion with the MPT camera.

Figure 3. (A) Sampling pattern on a sphere in k-space. The red lines are for illustration purpose. (B-D) Exemplary k-space signal on the sphere surface scanned before and after a rotation. (E) Detected clusters of peaks before (red) and after (green) the rotation. The black dots display peak centers.

Figure 4. Exemplary correlations between the phantom profiles before and after rotation. (A, B) The reference profile is the same in both plots and the rotated profiles correspond to different peaks. (C, D) The correlation between the same reference and rotated profiles with and without the use of translation correction.

Figure 5. Comparison of the results for detection of the rotation angle with the use of the algorithm developed in this study and optical tracking system. The data showed very good correspondence and robustness.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)