Navigator-Free Motion Correction for Cartesian FSE
Yilong Liu1,2, Mengye Lyu1,2, Yanqiu Feng1,2, Victor B. Xie1,2, and Ed X. Wu1,2

1Laboratory of Biomedical Imaging and Signal Processing, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, People's Republic of, 2Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, People's Republic of


A navigator-free motion correction method for Cartesian FSE is proposed for intermittent motion compensation. It first divides all shots into several motion-free groups, then estimates and corrects inter-group motion. In vivo imaging results show that this approach has decent performance in dealing with intermittent motion problems. Though only demonstrated with Cartesian acquisition, it is also applicable for non-Cartesian acquisitions, such as spiral and radial acquisitions.


Patient motion remains to be a common problem that degrades the MR image quality in clinical diagnosis. In general, patient motion can be continuous (movement of unsettled pediatric patient), periodic (respiration), or intermittent (coughing, head shaking) [1, 2]. For intermittent motion, acquisitions with navigation echoes [3] or inherent navigators [4] have been shown to be successful in eliminating motion artifacts, but these approaches can prolong acquisition. Though some navigator-free motion correction methods have been proposed for Cartesian acquisition, they can only deal with translational motion [5] or short-lived motion (twitch, swallowing, etc.) [6]. Here, we propose a motion correction method for Cartesian Fast Spin Echo (FSE), which can deal with both translation and rotation. This method first divides the whole data set into several “motion-free” groups, then estimates and corrects inter-group motion.


Motion estimation and correction

(i) Coil Sensitivity Map (CSM) calculation: Images are first reconstructed without motion correction, and CSMs are generated using these uncorrected images. Though corrupted with motion, the generated CSMs can still be used for SENSitivity Encoding (SENSE) reconstruction.

(ii) Motion detection: Motion is detected using a sliding window approach, as described below. Suppose we use a sliding window with window width N, i.e., every N successive shots constitute a frame, with which an image is generated using SENSE. Then inter-frame motion is estimated with image registration techniques, e.g. those used in PROPELLER [7]. Here, motion is identified if estimated motion between two frames exceeds certain range. This approach determines when the motion occurs and correspondingly divides the whole data set into “motion-free” groups. If some shots are corrupted by intra-shot motion, or the number of shots in a group is too small to estimate motion, they are rejected for the final reconstruction.

(iii) Inter-group motion estimation and correction: After SENSE reconstruction for each group, image registration techniques are used to estimate inter-group motion. Note that rotation may cause sampling overlapping or missing in some k-space regions, leading to data inconsistency. In such cases, non-Cartesian SENSE [8] is performed for image reconstruction, and low-rank matrix completion is used to further reduce k-space data inconsistency[9].

Data acquisition

In vivo T2-weighted data were acquired on a 3T Phillips scanner with an 8-channel head coil. The shot order was shuffled to make each group distribute more uniformly in k-space. The shot number was set to 15, with echo train length set to 24, TR/TE = 3000/115 ms. Two volunteers were asked to stay still during the first scan (reference scan), and move his/her head during the following 2~3 scans in an intermittent manner, and the rotation range was within ±10°.


Figure 2 shows images reconstructed from motion-free groups, each consisting of 5, 6 and 4 shots (from left to right), respectively. Though suffering from SNR loss and residual aliasing, they can still be used for motion estimation. Figures 3 and 4 show the final reconstructed images using the proposed motion correction method for two different volunteers. It can be seen that higher SNR and less residual aliasing were achieved in these images than the images reconstructed for each group without introducing motion artifacts.

Discussion and conclusions

In this study, a new method for correcting the artifacts in MRI caused by intermittent motion is demonstrated. Our results showed that this method has decent performance when applied to in vivo clinical imaging settings. For radial acquisitions, researchers proposed to group data with a center of mass motion detection approach, then estimate and correct inter-group motion[10, 11]. Though we only demonstrate the effectiveness of this method for Cartesian acquisition, it can be applied to other acquisition strategies, such as spiral or radial acquisitions, providing an alternative of the aforementioned approaches proposed for radial acquisitions. It should be noted that this approach requires enough shots in each group, thus continuous motion may compromise its performance.


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[1] M. B. Ooi, et al., MRM 2009; 62(4): 943-954.

[2] C. Malamateniou, et al., AJNR 2013; 34(6): 1124-1136.

[3] R. L. Ehman, et al., Radiology 1989; 173(1): 255-263.

[4] J. G. Pipe, MRM 1999; 42(5): 963-969.

[5] J. Mendes, et al., MRM 2009; 61(3): 739-747.

[6] M. Bydder, et al., MRM 2002; 47(4): 677-686.

[7] J. G. Pipe, et al., MRM 2014; 72(2): 430-437.

[8] R. Bammer, et al., MRM 2007; 57(1): 90-102.

[9] Z. Bi, et al., ISMRM 2013; 2584.

[10] A. Shankaranarayanan, et al., MRM 2001; 45(2): 277-288.

[11] A. G. Anderson, et al., IEEE ISBI 2011; 1528-1531.


Figure 1. Flowchart for the proposed navigator-free motion correction approach

Figure 2. Images reconstructed from each “motion-free” group

Figure 3. Images of Volunteer 1, (Left) reference image, image reconstructed (Middle) without motion correction, (Right) with motion correction.

Figure 4. Images of Volunteer 2, (Left) reference image, image reconstructed (Middle) without motion correction, (Right) with motion correction.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)