3D Stack-of-Stars Dixon Fat-Only Signal for Respiratory Motion Detection
Thomas Martin1,2, Andres Saucedo1, Tess Armstrong1, Holden Wu2, Danny Wang3, and Kyunghyun Sung2

1Biomedical Physics, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 2Radiological Sciences, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 3Neurology, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, United States


Respiratory motion is one of the biggest confounders of liver DCE-MRI. There are methods that use a 3D radial self-gated signal (SGS) to compensate for respiratory motion. However, SGS includes both respiratory motion and contrast uptake in DCE-MRI, and it is not trivial to perfectly separate the two from SGS, leading to inaccuracies of respiratory motion. In this work, we propose a method to extract the respiratory motion only from SGS using golden angle radial acquisition with two-point Dixon separation. The proposed method utilizes the fact the fat-only SGS does not include contrast uptake while including the same respiratory motion.


Liver dynamic contrast enhancement MRI (DCE-MRI) is a promising non-invasive imaging technique that can be used to qualitatively and quantitatively assess hepatocellular carcinoma (HHC) and other liver diseases [1]. Accurate liver perfusion quantification has been challenging largely due to the respiratory motion. A 3D radial “stack-of-stars” (SOS) trajectory has great potential to be used in liver DCE-MRI because of its inherent motion robustness, and furthermore, self-gating during free breathing can be accomplished due to the acquisition of the center of k-space every TR [2-4]. However, the self-gated signal (SGS) from the center of k-space includes both respiratory motion and contrast uptake in DCE-MRI, and it is not trivial to perfectly separate two from SGS [5], leading to inaccuracies of respiratory motion. In this work, we propose a method to extract the respiratory motion only from SGS using golden angle radial acquisition with two-point Dixon separation. The proposed method utilizes the fact the fat-only SGS does not include contrast uptake while including the same respiratory motion.


Two echoes (S1: in-phase and S2: out-of-phase) were acquired using a 3D Golden Angle (GA) Radial VIBE Dixon WIP sequence on a 3T Siemens Skyra scanner (Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany). The proposed fat-only SGS method consists of the following steps; 1) the fat-only signal (SF) was computed as SF = 0.5×|S1 – S2| [6]. 2) The SGS was obtained by taking the FFT of the center (kx = ky = 0) kz-axis of the data and arranged in a time series [5] (Fig. 1), and the respiratory motion was extracted using a weighted sum, Z intensity-weighted position (ZIP) [4]. The coil closest to the diaphragm was chosen to determine the respiratory motion. 3) A low-pass hamming filter was applied to smooth out the noise. The end-expiration state was reconstructed; by binning the data into that motion state and then using an NUFFT. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed fat-only SGS, four in-vivo MRI studies were performed during free-breathing without contrast injection. The scans had the following parameters: TR = 3.85ms, TE1 = 1.23ms, TE2 = 2.46ms, FOV 380 x 380 x 144 mm3, 256 x 256 x 48 matrix size, 860 radial spokes, flip angle = 7°, and TA ≈ 2:40min. Then we compared the fat-only (SF) SGS with the conventional SGS from S1. S1 is assumed to be the standard signal for SGS and to include both respiratory motion and contrast uptake in DCE-MRI. To further validate the respiratory signal, each subject was instructed to breath normally for the first 90 seconds, then to breath-in deeply and exhale all the way, then to breath more rapidly for the rest of the scan.


Figure 2 compares the fat-only respiratory signal with S1 respiratory signal. The two signals are comparable and have maximums and minimums at similar times. In figure 2b the fat signal follows the instructed breathing patterns that were given to the subjects. Figure 3 shows the end-expiration reconstructed image of S1 using the binning from SF and S1 respiratory motion and no motion correction. There are more streaking artifacts in the SF and S1 binned images compared to no motion compensation due to the undersampling. The streaking artifacts can be removed using a more complex reconstruction, such as compressed sensing. Despite the streaking artifacts, there is more blurring in the image with no motion compensation. The images reconstructed by using SF and S1 SGS’s are comparable in resolution, which is to be expected.


The study shows that the changes in the respiratory signal could be clearly seen and were at proper timing on both conventional and fat-only self-gating signals. The proposed method can be advantageous in liver DCE-MRI due to its inherent separation between respiratory motion and contrast uptake in fat. If there were contrast injected then it would be expected that the S1 SGS in figure 2a would have a sharp change in signal during contrast uptake, and the SF SGS would remain the same. The limitations of this study are that there was no direct comparison of the respiratory motion with ground truth, and no validation scan using DCE-MRI. Future studies will include DCE-MRI scans and accurate monitoring of respiratory motion with a bellows system.


We have demonstrated that the respiratory motion can be extracted using the fat-only self-gating signal acquired from a two-point 3D GA Radial VIBE Dixon, which has implications of a more robust motion correction for liver DCE-MRI.


This study was supported in part by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) under Grant No. NIH U01 HD087221 .


[1] Young et al. AJR 186, p149, 2006 [2] Grimm et al. #3814, ISMRM 2012 [3] Grimm et al. #2232, ISMRM 2011 [4] Spincemaille et al. MRI 29, p861, 2011 [5] Feng et al. MRM, 2015 [6] Ma, JMRI 28, p543, 2008


S1 (top) and SF (bottom) respiratory motion signals from the coil closest to the diaphragm. ZIP was performed on each coil data sets to extract the SGS respiratory motion for each signal (see Fig. 2).

SGS respiratory motion of S1(a) and SF(b). Both S1 and SF have similar respiratory motion. Each has expected motion patterns given the instructed breathing patterns. If contrast were injected SF SGS would be expected to remain the same while S1 SGS would have a sharp rise during contrast uptake.

Reconstructed images of S1 at end-expiration with no motion compensation (left) and using S1 (middle) and SF (right) binning schemes. The image with no motion compensation is more blurred compared to the other two. S1 and SF images have comparable image resolution.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)