Motion navigation using nonlinear gradient
fields is demonstrated experimentally. The method makes use of the
simultaneous multi-dimensional encoding capabilities of nonlinear gradient
fields. A two-dimensional navigator image is obtained from a single-echo
encoded using a nonlinear gradient field and multiple receiver coils. Without
exceeding the maximum field generated by the linear gradient fields of a 3T
scanner inside a 20cm isotropic field-of-view, the navigator can be acquired in
under one millisecond, including its rewinder. The method can track both
translational and rotational in-plane rigid body motion, as demonstrated in
phantom experiments. Simulations show the method is applicable in oblique
With numerous MRI applications lasting several minutes, MRI is prone to patient motion. In-plane motion can be corrected in post-processing when motion is
tracked. Motion navigators
1-8 use additional gradient
waveforms every TR or in separate interleaved TRs whereas marker-based methods,
9 or optical
10-12, use markers placed on the body for motion tracking. Marker-based techniques may suffer from false
positives due to difficulties in fixing the marker, while motion navigators may affect the
sequence timing due to the additional waveforms/TRs. Arguably the
most commonly used technique is the PROPELLER, which acquires data in an
overlapping manner and estimates motion from the overlapping data.
Nevertheless, the overlapping acquisition increases the scan time by
57%, compared to a non-overlapping
13,14. Other techniques keep sequence timing unaltered
15,16 but cannot track rotational motion. Previously, we introduced a motion
navigator that uses nonlinear gradient fields to encode translational and
rotational motion
17. The technique uses the
simultaneous multi-dimensional encoding capabilities of NLGFs to encode motion
using a single echo and with a time-penalty of less than one millisecond. In this
abstract, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the technique experimentally for both rotational- and
were performed using a 3T scanner with an 8-channel receiver-array [Siemens
Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany; sensitivities characterized as outlined in 18] and a Z2-harmonic (x2/2+y2/2−z2) gradient insert
(Resonance Research Inc, Billerica, MA, USA) controlled using a transmit-array
architecture. In the first experiment, translational motion tracking
capabilities of the method were tested. A circular cylindrical phantom (Model
No: 8624186 K2285, diameter: 12 cm, Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany) was
imaged using a spin-echo sequence and motion encoded at 8 different locations. Spin-echo
parameters were; resolution, 128x128; flip-angle, 90-degrees; echo-time, 11ms;
repetition-time, 500ms. Motion navigator parameters were NLGF amplitude, 30mT/m2;
readout duration, 6.25 ms; readout samples, 256. In the second experiment, a
custom-phantom with a rounded rectangular cross-section was imaged at 8
locations and orientations for tracking both rotational and translational motion.
By randomly selecting k-space lines and corresponding motion encoding data from
these datasets, composite image k-space and motion datasets were generated
separately for each experiment. The maximum rotation angle was determined to be
9.8-degrees. Spin-echo images were obtained using a single-channel coil. All
images were reconstructed to 256x256 resolution. Navigator images were
reconstructed using Kaczmarz with 5 iterations and λ=0.02 to prevent the
algorithm from converging to erroneous local minima due to the non-unique
nature of the spatial encoding matrix (Figure 1) while motion-compensated
images were reconstructed using two iterations and
since spatial encoding functions were
orthogonal for spin-echo images.
NLGF and the disturbance in the static magnetic field were determined using a
field mapping sequence17 and a larger phantom (diameter:
20cm). Spatial and temporal polynomial fitting were performed on the
disturbance field and the difference between the two measurements to assess the
true nature of the applied NLGF (Figure 2).
simulations demonstrate the applicability of the method in oblique-slices.
For translational motion, the maximum deviation
from the actual motion values (determined using images reconstructed from full spin-echo
datasets at each location) was less than 0.35mm in the Right-Left direction
and 0.11mm in Anterior-Posterior, with the standard deviations being 0.21mm
and 0.06mm, respectively (Figure 3).
For rotational motion, the mean and the
standard deviation of the estimation error were -0.07-degrees and 0.23-degrees,
respectively (Figure4).
the proposed scheme, the outer-most and inner-most edges of the
imaged object are determined via frequency encoding while the other edges are
determined using parallel imaging17. Hence, the method would benefit
from a receiver-array with more coils. Nevertheless, phantom locations were
selected to be offset in the Posterior direction to test the efficacy of the
method when the object is closer to a subset of coils (effective number of
coils decreases). Hence, frequency encoding was more effective in the A-P
direction, yielding a lower estimation error.
Simulations (Figure5) show that motion tracking can be performed in oblique slices and other field shapes also can be used for 2D navigation using a
single-echo as long as the field varies along at least two directions
maximum field generated inside a (10cm)3 isotropic volume was 0.3mT. By increasing the NLGF-amplitude such that the maximum field
generated by the linear gradient fields of the system (40mT/m) is not exceeded inside the same volume, the navigator data can be acquired in less than half a
millisecond, reducing the navigator length to less than a millisecond including
the rewinder-waveform.
navigation using nonlinear gradient magnetic fields
17 was demonstrated experimentally
with sub-pixel and sub-degree accuracy for translational and rotational
in-slice rigid motion.
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