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Self-navigated real-time motion tracking of the abdomen in free-breathing single-shot EPI data using the Extended Kalman Filter.
Nathan White1, Josh Kuperman1, Neal Corson1, Kazim Narisinh1, Hauke Bartsch1, David Karow1, Ajit Shankaranarayanan 2, and Anders Dale1,3

1Department of Radiology, University of California, San Diego, San Diego, CA, United States, 2Global Applied Sciences Lab, GE Healthcare, Menlo Park, CA, United States, 3Department of Neuroscience, University of California, San Diego, San Diego, CA, United States


Free-breathing single-shot EPI data in the abdomen is confounded by respiratory motion artifact. Previous work has demonstrated the utility of using the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) for real-time image-based tracking of spiral-navigated scans in brain. This this study we demonstrate the feasibility of using the EKF framework for real-time self-navigated motion tracking in the abdomen.


Dynamic multi-phase imaging of the abdomen using single shot echo-planar imaging (ss-EPI) is limited by respiratory motion artifact. While the use of respiratory triggering or breath-holding acquisitions can improve image quality1,2, only a limited number acquisitions can be performed during a single breath-hold. Therefore, reliable and efficient methods for motion correction of abdominal organs in free-breathing acquisitions are highly desirable. Previous work has demonstrated the utility of using the Extended Kalman Filter for real-time image-based motion correction in spiral-navigated acquisitions3. Here we present an initial feasibly study for applying the EKF framework for real-time estimation of abdominal motion using each EPI frame as its own navigator (i.e. self-navigated).


EKF Framework: The Extended Kalman Filter provides a principled approach for image-based tracking of objects in MRI data in real-time3. The EKF itself provides recursive state estimates in nonlinear dynamic systems perturbed by Gaussian noise. The basic dynamic state-space model of the EKF, as implemented here can be written as a set of system equations of the form:xk=Axk1+w;P(w)N(0,Q)

yk=h(yk1)+v;P(v)N(0,R),where xk is the (unobserved) state of the dynamic system at time-step k and yk are the (observed) measurements. We let xk=[tx,ty,tz,θx,θy,θz]T represent the six rigid-body motion parameters in x-y-z space, and yk a Nv-dimensional vector of voxel intensities for the 2D slice acquired at time k. For image-based tracking, the measurement model h(·) describes a 2D interpolation into a fixed reference image yref (corresponding slice of the first volume) at the locations specified by xk.

Filter Settings: The dynamics are modeled using a simple random walk, with A as the identity matrix. In addition, as there is very little rotation of abdominal organs during free breathing, we constrain the motion estimates to include translations only by setting Q=[1,1,1,1×1010,1×1010,1×1010]T. Local image tracking within regions-of-interest (ROIs) is achieved by setting the diagonal elements of R1 to zero for voxels outside the ROI.

Image Acquisition: The study was approved by the local Institutional Review Board (UCSD IRB) and all volunteers gave written informed consent. Coronal ss-EPI data were acquired on a 3T GE DISCOVERY MR750 scanner with the following parameters: TR/TE (ms)= 3000/58; FOV = 440 mm; matrix = 128x128; number of slices = 32; slice thickness = 6mm, phase FOV = 0.75, number of frames = 21.


The results of EKF tracking of the kidney is shown in Figure 1. As illustrated, the EKF algorithm successfully tracked the translational motion of the kidney during normal respiratory cycles. Retrospective correction of time series data using real-time EKF motion estimates significantly reduced the variation in voxel intensities within the tracked ROI.


The EKF algorithm provides a principled approach for real-time motion tracking by using each measurement frame along with a dynamic model to update the predicted pose of the tracked object. This study demonstrates the feasibility of using the EKF for robust slice-by-slice rigid-body motion tracking of the abdomen in free-breathing ss-EPI data.


This work was supported by NSF EAGER grant: Restriction Spectrum Imaging for Evaluating Glioma Treatment Response. (PI: Nathan S. White, Award Number:1430082), and support from General Electric.


1. Chow, L.C., et al., Single breath-hold diffusion-weighted imaging of the abdomen. J Magn Reson Imaging, 2003. 18(3): p. 377-82.

2. Taouli, B., et al., Diffusion-weighted imaging of the liver: comparison of navigator triggered and breathhold acquisitions. J Magn Reson Imaging, 2009. 30(3): p. 561-8.

3. White, N., et al., PROMO: Real-time prospective motion correction in MRI using image-based tracking. Magn Reson Med, 2010. 63(1): p. 91-105.


Figure 1. Real-time motion tracking and correction of kidney motion using the EKF. A) Slice-by-slice EKF motion estimates in free-breathing time-series data. B) Example measured and corrected data at two representative time-points during the respiratory cycle. Difference images illustrate substantial reduction in kidney motion after correction. C) Overall variation in time-series voxel intensities is significantly reduced in EKF corrected data within the tracked region-of-interest.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)