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Improved Field-Map Estimation and Deblurring for MAVRIC-SL
Brady Quist1,2, Xinwei Shi1,2, Hans Weber1, and Brian A Hargreaves1,2

1Department of Radiology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, United States, 2Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States


In order to image in the large B0 field inhomogeneity near metallic implants, multi-spectral imaging sequences, such as MAVRIC-SL, acquire images at multiple spectral bins to reduce distortion while imaging the entire anatomy. However, blurring is introduced when these overlapping bins are combined. While a deblurring method, which uses a field-map estimated from the bin images, does exist, the resulting images are subject to increased noise and distortion. Here we propose both a better field-map estimation method along with an improved deblurring algorithm, both of which are less sensitive to noise and help provide excellent deblurring without distortion.


While multi-spectral imaging sequences, such as MAVRIC-SL, have proven effective at imaging near metallic implants, they often suffer from blurring in the frequency-encode direction due to varying shift in neighboring spectral bins. A deblurring scheme has been proposed that uses a field-map estimate to correct this effect, but it may add distortion as well as noise from spectral bins that do not contain real signal [1]. While the field-map can be estimated from the MAVRIC-SL data itself, current techniques become biased in the presence of noise. Here we propose a new field-map estimation scheme, using an SNR-optimal matched filter approach, and a new bin combination method that removes blurring, artifacts, and noise arising from spectral bins that do not contain real signal.


Current field-map estimation uses a center-of-mass technique given asfCM(x,y,z)=Nb1sb(x,y,z)fbNb1sb(x,y,z), whereNbis the number of spectral bins acquired,fbis the excitation center frequency of binb,andsbis the magnitude bin signal at the given pixel. While this method works well in the absence of noise, it is very sensitive to noise and becomes biased towards the center bin when using magnitude images.

Matched filters are SNR-optimal linear detectors in the presence of Gaussian noise and are not prone to bias. For MSI, this is accomplished by comparing the magnitude signal across bins with the signal variations that would be expected at different frequencies. This matched filter field-map estimate is thenfMF(x,y,z)=argmaxfsmf(x,y,z,f),andsmf=Nb1sb(x+ffbBWp,y,z)RF(ffb),wheresmf(x,y,z,f)represents the matched filter signal,RFis the rf-profile used to excite the bins,BWpis the readout bandwidth per pixel, andffbBWpaccounts for the varying spatial shift between bins. Figure 1 shows the center-of-mass and matched filter field-map estimates of an example spectral bin profile with and without noise.

Instead of combining bins by taking the root-sum-of-squares (RSOS) across all bins, as is commonly done, noise can be suppressed by using the matched filter signalsmf(x,y,z,fMF),which only adds signal from bins that are expected to have it. As field-map estimation error leads to distortion and edge artifacts, a goodness-of-fit metric, a value ranging from 0 to 1 indicating the similarity between the actual and expected bin signal profile, is used to account for situations when the field-map estimate is not reliable. Using the goodness-of-fit, the final image is a weighted average of the RSOS image, which has blurring but no distortion, with the deblurred image, which may have distortion when the field-map is inaccurate. Our proposed reconstruction pipeline is shown in Figure 2.

For validation of the proposed techniques, a digital hip implant phantom was created with realistic off-resonance maps. A 3D MAVRIC-SL scan was then simulated, followed by adding complex Gaussian noise with SNR=40 before taking the image magnitude.

This method was also validated in an agar phantom with a hip implant and resolution grid. The phantom scan parameters were: TE/TR=7.4/4000ms, matrix-size=512x384x40, FOV=30x30x8cm3,and acquisition-time=35 minutes. A volunteer with a knee implant was also scanned following IRB guidelines using: TE/TR=7.5/2900ms, matrix-size=320x256x40, FOV=18x18x16cm3,parallel-imaging=2x2, and acquisition-time=6.7 minutes. All scans/simulations used or assumed a GE 3.0T MR750 scanner (GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI) with spectral bin spacing of 1kHz and 22 bins ranging from -11kHz to 10kHz.


Figure 3 shows the results of the simulated phantom, including the field-map error using both estimation methods, and bin combined images. Here we see that matched filter field-map estimation is both less noisy and less biased than the current method.

The agar phantom and in vivo knee results are shown in Figures 4 and 5 respectively. These show, as do Figure 3, that the proposed method performs well at deblurring and leads to significantly less distortion near the metallic implant.


While the matched filter field-map estimate is generally not biased, it may be biased when the full bin profile is not visible due to the limited number of bins acquired. Additionally, there are regions where the off-resonance is rapidly varying, which results in a small field-map estimation bias for the matched filter method. This is likely because the signal is either compressed or stretched [2], depending on the slope of the off-resonance, within a bin, creating ambiguity in the field-map estimation. Additionally, while the proposed deblurring method performs well, in regions where the goodness-of-fit is low the algorithm errs on the side of less distortion at the expense of not fully correcting the blur.


We have shown a method for improved field-map estimation and deblurring in MAVRIC-SL. This method creates images with less noise and significantly reduced distortion near the metallic implant when compared to current deblurring techniques.


NIH R01-EB017739 and R21-EB019723

GE Healthcare

NSF GRFP: DGE-114747


1) Koch KM, Brau AC, Chen W, Gold GE, Hargreaves BA, Koff M, McKinnon GC, Potter HG, King KF. Imaging near metal with a MAVRIC-SEMAC hybrid. Magn Reson Med 2011;651:71–82.

2) Koch KM, King KF, Carl M, Hargreaves BA. Imaging Near Metal: The Impact of Extreme Local Field Gradients on Frequency Encoding Processes. Magn Reson Med 2014;71:2024-2034


Figure 1: A sample spectral bin profile with and without noise along with the respective field-map estimates using the current center of mass method and the proposed matched filter method. The matched filter method is not biased and is much less sensitive to noise than the current technique.

Figure 2: The proposed reconstruction pipeline performs a matched filter field-map estimate which is used to calculate the goodness-of-fit and for image deblurring. The final reconstruction performs a weighted average of the RSOS and deblurred images, using the goodness-of-fit to trade-off between removing blurring and distortion.

Figure 3: The field-map estimates for this simulated phantom show that the proposed matched filter method is less biased than the center-of-mass approach (solid arrows) and less sensitive to noise (top dashed arrows). The proposed deblurring method shows significantly less signal distortion/stretching near the implant (bottom dashed arrows).

Figure 4: Reconstructions of a hip implant with large B1 variation are shown. Solid arrows indicate that both deblurring methods perform well at deblurring. The dashed arrows highlight a region where the proposed deblurring method significantly reduces distortion that is seen near the implant in the current approach.

Figure 5: Reconstructed knee images are shown with solid arrows showing that deblurring worked well in both techniques. The dashed arrows indicate regions of distortion in the current deblurring method. The bottom dashed arrows show a noticeable shift in the current approach that is not present in the proposed deblurring method.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)