Volkert Roeloffs1, Xiaoqing Wang1, and Jens Frahm1
1Biomedizinische NMR Forschungs GmbH, Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Goettingen, Germany
Fast and accurate determination of T1 values can be accomplished by Look-Locker type MRI sequences. Here, we formulate T1 mapping as a nonlinear optimization problem which we subsequently solve by the iteratively regularized Gauss Newton (IRGN) method. Our choice of the model parameterization allows to exploit smoothness of the spatial flip angle distribution as additional prior knownledge. This model-based reconstruction allows accurate and precise reconstruction of high resolution T1 maps from radial, highly undersampled data as validated in phantom studies and demonstrated in the human brain.Target Audience
MRI researchers
with interest in model-based reconstruction, relaxometry, and parameter mapping
techniques; Clinicians with interest in quantitative MRI techniques
A fast and
accurate determination of T1 values can be accomplished by Look-Locker type MRI
1,2. Additionally, model-based image reconstruction techniques
exploit compressibility in the parameter domain
3-5 and allow for
reconstruction of high-resolution parameter maps even from strongly
undersampled data. Recently, we developed a model-based reconstruction
algorithm for high-resolution T1 maps using a radially sampled single-shot
inversion-recovery (IR) FLASH experiment
6. Major improvements in the signal
model as well as in the implementation now enable us to perform fast and
precise T1 mapping
in vivo with high
used a radial FLASH sequence (resolution 0.75 x 0.75 x 5 mm3, 4° nominal
flip angle, TR = 2.99 ms, 1500 projections, Tacq = 4.5 s) in
combination with a preceding inversion module (non-selective, adiabatic pulse).
All experiments were performed at 3 T (MAGNETOM Prisma, Siemens Healthcare,
Erlangen, Germany) using a 64 channel head coil. To keep the TR at minimum we
utilized a spoiling scheme based on random RF phases7 rather than the more conventional
RF spoiling. The radial view order was based on the small Golden Angle8 of
about 68.75°.
reconstruction was formulated as a nonlinear optimization problem and solved by
the iteratively regularized Gauss Newton (IRGN) method similar to [9]. Since
regularization strength always translates into a tradeoff-off between bias and
noise, a proper regularization is essential in the context of quantitative MRI.
Here, we selected new parameters for the original signal equation governing the
magnetization time course of a Look-Locker sequence exploiting the relationship M0⁄MSS=R∗1⁄R1:
where MSS is the steady-state magnetization, M0 the equilibrium magnetization and R∗1 the effective relaxation rate. We further introduced the dimensionless variables r1=e−R1Δt and r′1=(cosα)−Δt/TR that describe the relative signal loss per
unit time due to the two different sources of
relaxation, namely inherent T1 relaxation and successive signal loss due to the
train of RF pulses with flip angle α.
For r′1 we expect a similar smoothness as for α and hence a Sobolov norm penalization can be
used to ensure a proper smoothness of this map. For the remaining two
transformed variables, simple Tikhonov regularization can be used without
biasing the quantitative solution inappropriately.
For the remaining two transformed variables,
simple Tikhonov regularization can be used without biasing the quantitative
solution inappropriately.
The task of T1 mapping can now be stated as a
nonlinear inverse problem of the form
yj,t is the raw data from the
j-th coil at time
Cj are the (predetermined) coil sensitivity
F is the Fourier transform, and
Pk and
PFoV are the orthogonal projections onto the measured
k-space trajectory and the field of view, respectively. Initial values for the IRGN method are
r′1=1 and
r1=e−1/2. Reconstruction was
performed with the Parallel Computing Toolbox of MATLAB (The MathWorks, Inc.,
Natick, Massachusetts) in less than 2 min on a single GPU (NVIDIA TITAN GPX).
1 shows the reconstructed T1 map from a phantom containing 6 compartments with
different T1 values (Diagnostic Sonar LTD., Scotland, UK). For analysis we
calculated the average and standard deviation per ROI and plotted this against
the number of IRGN steps. As a reference we used values obtained by a Cartesian
FSE sequence with 13 different inversion times. Figure 2 shows the transverse brain
T1 map (iteration #13) from a volunteer with no known illnesses using the very
same parameters as in the phantom study. Also a proton density map and a flip
angle map were calculated from the transformed set of parameters.
Discussion and Conclusion
We presented
a model-based reconstruction algorithm for high-resolution T1 maps from a
radially sampled IR-FLASH experiment. The chosen parametric formulation allows for
separation of the effective relaxation rate into two parts: The inherent T1
relaxation and the contribution due to imaging. The latter one is governed by
the flip angle distribution over the FoV and hence a high degree of smoothness
can be exploited as prior knowledge. The presented method results in relevant T1 maps for most
in vivo applications with very high
accuracy and precision as validated in phantom studies.
No acknowledgement found.References
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