methods are widely applied to improve reconstruction for Dynamic Contrast
Enhanced (DCE) MRI by imposing linear spatial-temporal correlation in
global, local or multiple scales. This assumption does not fully capture the highly
nonlinear spatial-temporal dynamics of DCE signals. We proposed a generalized
Kernelized-Low-Rank model, assumed Low-Rank property after nonlinear transform and
solved it by Regularizing singular-values with Adaptive Nonlinear Kernels. The
proposed method captures the spatial-temporal dynamics as a sparser
representation and achieves more accurate reconstruction results.
Kernelized-Low-Rank model can be easily integrated to provide
significant improvements to Global Low-Rank, Locally Low-Rank, LR+S and
Multi-scale LR models.Purpose
MRI(DCE-MRI) is a powerful MR technique that provides both
anatomy and perfusion information. Low-Rank(LR)/Partially-Separable
[1,2,3] models
are widely applied in DCE-MRI for acceleration and improved sparse-reconstruction
by exploiting spatial-temporal correlation. Existing LR methods model the spatial-temporal signal as a sparse and linear combination of
basis-signals. However, these linear models cannot fully
capture the complex contrast enhancement and may lead to inaccurate contrast dynamics in
reconstruction. Dictionary-Learning based methods
[4-5] tackle
this issue using over-complete dictionaries, which needs expensive computation and training data. Here we propose a generalized LR model with Adaptive-Nonlinear-Kernels. This Kernelized-Low-Rank(KLR) model
assumes the LR property in a nonlinear-transform domain instead of the
original spatial-temporal domain. The proposed method captures the
spatial-temporal dynamics with sparser nonlinear representations, and achieves more
accurate reconstruction results.
1. Kernelized-Low-Rank(KLR) Model
Due to non-uniform contrast changes and motion, dynamic MRI signals may not be completely rank-deficient as desired with linear Singular-Value-Decomposition(SVD). However, the spatial-temporal signal X can be better represented (more rank-deficient) after certain nonlinear transforms T with nonlinear kernel K.
Based on the relationship between SVD and Principle-Component-Analysis (PCA), we proposed to use Kernel-PCA[6] to compute singular-values and corresponding LR representation of nonlinear-transformed data TK(X). In Kernel-PCA the decomposition is achieved more efficiently by conducting Eigen-Decomposition
of the kernel-transformed Covariance Matrix of TK(X) which is cov(TK(X))=K(cov(X))=K(XTX).
For the nonlinear transform, we apply Radial-Basic-Function (rbf) kernels as proof-of-concept:
K(XTX)i,j=exp(−γ‖. The parameter \gamma (default 0.5) is
adaptively tuned to different scale to make the representation more rank-deficient.
2. KLR Projection
The original Linear-LR Projection P_{LR}^r is formulated by thresholding singular-values (SVT):
P_{LR}^r(X)=\arg\min_x\left[\frac{1}{2}\Vert T_K(X)-x\Vert_F^2\ s.t.\
Rank(T_K(x))\leq r \right]=\sum_{i=1}^r\sigma_i (X)u_iv_i^T
The fundamental idea of the proposed KLR Projection P_{KLR}^r is to conduct Linear-LR Projection with SVT on the nonlinear transformed data, which is achieved efficiently by thresholding Eigenvalues (EVT) after Kernel-PCA. Then the KLR projection is achieved by finding the best match in the original spatial-temporal domain based on the EVT results in the nonlinear-transform domain. Similar idea (Pre-image method) has been used for image denoising applications[6]:
P_{KLR}^r(X)=\arg\min_x\frac{1}{2}\Vert T_K(x)-P_{LR}^r(T_K(X))\Vert_F^2
3. KLR based DCE Reconstruction
Next, we re-formulated the DCE
reconstruction by regularizing the rank of nonlinear-transformed data, with y as acquired k-space samples,
F_u as undersampling-Fourier operator including coil-sensitivities.
min_x\Vert y-F_ux\Vert_2^2\ s.t.Rank(T_K(x))\leq R
Or equivalently,
min_x\Vert y-F_ux\Vert_2^2+\lambda\Vert T_K(X)\Vert_*
The SVT in nonlinear-transform domain is achieved efficiently using EVT with Kernel-PCA as described previously.
is a special case of the formulation above when K is a linear-kernel. Nonlinear representations are shown to provide sparser and more accurate representations(Fig-1.3).
1. Algorithm
The optimization was solved using Iterative Projections(Fig-1):
1) Data Consistency is enforced using weighted-ESPIRiT (wESPIRiT)[7] method to “soft-gate” the acquired k-space data based on estimated motions from navigators. The data is then inverse-Fourier transformed into image domain.
2) Sensitivity for Parallel-Imaging: Sensitivity-maps are estimated with ESPIRiT[8] and used to combine multi-channel sensitivity-weighted images(POCS-SENSE).
3) KLR Projection is developed to improve conventional Linear-LR SVT projection. As described previously, here the SVT is conducted on the nonlinear-transformed signals, achieved using the KLR approximation formula with Kernel-PCA, EVT and Pre-image method[6]. The computational complexity of KLR-EVT with Kernel-PCA is the same as original SVT in Linear-LR.
The KLR Projection can be applied to replace the original linear SVT in Global-Low-Rank(GLR), Locally-Low-Rank(LLR)[3] as well as Low-Rank+Sparse(LR+S)[2] model and Multi-scale-Low-Rank(Multi-scale-LR)[9].
2. Experiment settings
To evaluate the performance, a free breathing DCE dataset of a 3-year-old female was acquired on a 3T GE-MR750 scanner with 32-channel cardiac array using a RF-spoiled-GRE-sequence (VDRad[10] undersampling acquisition, Matrix Size:320x180x100, S/I 280mm FOV, R/L 224 mm FOV, 60% partial-echo, 178.51 sec for 18 contrast phases, R-factor 8.5). We integrated KLR with GLR and LLR to demonstrate the improvements(Fig-2). All the methods were performed with the same settings(Coil-Compression[11], ESPIRiT sensitivity-maps and wESPIRiT "soft-gating" and the same thresholding parameter previously tuned for Linear-LR).
In addition, a simulation dataset (DCE-phantom, retrospectively under-sampled with VDRad) was used to validate the spatial-temporal recovery performance for these methods(Fig-3).
In-vivo experiments(Fig-2) demonstrated sharper structural delineation by the proposed KLR method. As shown in Fig-3, simulation with DCE-phantom validated that KLR out-performs other low-rank methods in
reconstruction. In addition, KLR showed more accurate recovery of temporal dynamics(shown in Fig-3c and Fig-3d).
Discussion and Conclusion
Here we developed Kernelized-Low-Rank(KLR) model to further improve LR reconstruction for DCE-MRI. Generalized from Linear-LR, the proposed method better captures the nonlinearity of
spatial-temporal signals by modeling them into sparser nonlinear representations. Simulation and in-vivo experiments demonstrated that KLR outperforms linear LR methods.
KLR can be easily
integrated into LR methods including GLR, LLR, LR+S and Multi-scale-LR, to
significantly improve reconstruction performance.
We acknowledge the support from NIH R01 EB009690, R01 EB019241, P41 EB015891, and GE Healthcare.References
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