Hye-Young Heo1,2, Yi Zhang1, Dong-Hoon Lee1, Shanshan Jiang1, Xuna Zhao1, and Jinyuan Zhou1,2
1The Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological Science, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States, 2F.M. Kirby Research Center for Functional Brain Imaging, Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, MD, United States
Chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST)
imaging is a unique contrast enhancement technique that enables the indirect
measurement of endogenous metabolites with water-exchangeable protons. The
measurement of a complete Z-spectrum using standard imaging acquisition scheme
is time consuming because a large number of the RF saturation frequency offset
followed by MR signal readout is inevitable to obtain the full Z-spectrum. In
this study, the feasibility of accelerated CEST imaging using combined CS and
SENSE technique (CS-SENSE) was demonstrated in healthy volunteers and glioma
patients at 3 T.Purpose
CEST imaging is a new molecular MRI method that allows
detection of low-concentration, endogenous or exogenous chemicals with
exchangeable protons through the water signal [1]. Notably, an endogenous
mobile protein-based CEST MRI type, dubbed amide proton transfer (APT) imaging
[2], allows detection of low-concentration species in tissue in vivo,
potentially extending achievable MRI contrast to the protein level. The CEST imaging acquisition based on
the standard imaging scheme is time consuming because multiple RF saturation
frequency offsets are always required, limiting its clinical translation despite
of many clinical benefits. In this study, the feasibility of accelerated CEST
imaging using combined CS and SENSE technique (CS-SENSE) was demonstrated in
healthy volunteers and glioma patients at 3 T.
CS-SENSE reconstruction for the high
acceleration has two separate stage (Fig. 1) [3]: (1) CS reconstruction for
each coil channel with randomly 2D-undersampled k-space data; (2) SENSE reconstruction
for the final unfolded image. The randomly undersampled k-space data with
reduced FOV from each coil channel can be reconstructed by solving the linear
combination of a least square fitting, total variation, and wavelet sparsity
regularization [4]:
where A is
the undersampled Fourier encoding matrix, x
is the image to be reconstructed, b
is the undersampled k-space data, and α,
β are two positive parameters. The
total variation of x is defined by
sum of the magnitudes of the discrete gradient at pixels. ψ is a sparsifying wavelet transform. Next, SENSE algorithm is
applied for the final unfolded image using sensitivity maps of each coil
channel. The final unfolded image can be reconstructed by using a
pseudo-inverse formula of the sensitivity matrix C [5]:
where fA is a set of aliased images with reduced FOV; f is
the original full FOV image. Total acceleration factor R of CS-SENSE (R1
× R2) is equal to the product of the acceleration factor of CS (= R1)
and the acceleration factor of SENSE (= R2).
All healthy volunteers (N=2)
and patients (N=6) were scanned on a Philips 3 T MRI. CEST imaging
sequence consisted of a series of four block RF saturation pulses (200 ms
duration each). The frequency sweep corresponded to a full Z-spectrum with 52
frequency offsets, 14 to -8 ppm at intervals of 0.5 ppm. The APT-weighted (APTw)
signal was obtained by subtracting the MTR (=1 - S
where S
sat = saturated and S
0 = unsaturated ) at -3.5 ppm
upfield, with respect to water, from that at +3.5 ppm. The correlation
coefficients (CC) and the normalized mean square error (NMSE) between the
CS-SENSE reconstructed and the reference (SENSE only) image were calculated
within whole brain regions.
Fig. 2 shows APTw images of the healthy volunteer brain with four
RF saturation power levels. CC
decreased while the NMSE increased as the CS acceleration factor increased due
to elevated noise and aliasing-related artifact resulting from sparse k-space
sampling. Fig. 3a-b shows the average Z-spectrum and corresponded MTR asymmetry
results from the normal appearing white matter in the reference image. Fig.
3c-e shows correlation and Bland-Altman plots to assess the bias and limits of
agreement between CS-SENSE reconstructed and reference images. All CS-SENSE
reconstructed maps showed high correlations with the reference, and the
Bland-Altman analysis biases were significantly small except for acceleration
factors of R = 4×2. The mean differences are 0.00055%, -0.004%, and -0.012% for
R = 1.3×2, R = 2×2, and R = 4×2, respectively. Fig. 4a shows one example of the
conventional MR images, APTw images and the corresponding error images for a
patient with glioblastoma. The
mean difference between reference and CS-SENSE (R = 2×2) were -0.0043 % for MTR
ppm). In addition, the APTw signal of the glioma was significantly higher than
that of the normal tissue (p<0.001) as shown in Fig. 4b.
Discussion and Conclusions
Healthy volunteer and tumor patient data have shown that the
acceleration factor of R = 4 (2×2) can be achieved without compromising CEST
image quality. Therefore, accelerated CEST imaging based on CS-SENSE could be
integrated easily into clinical protocols and used for a wide range of clinical
applications. The accelerated CEST approach based on CS-SENSE scheme can be
extended in several directions. First, there are various ways to design
incoherent sampling trajectories such as radial and spiral samplings. Second,
joint sparsity in multi-coil images can be applied to improve reconstruction
performance by exploiting inter-correlation between the coils to reduce the
overall number of measurements. Third, it can be combined with model-based
compressed sensing using applying a dictionary, learned from the data model as
a sparsity transform.
No acknowledgement found.References
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