Congyu Liao1, Xiaozhi Cao1, Huihui Ye1, Ying Chen1, Hongjian He1, Song Chen1, Qiuping Ding1, Hui Liu2, and Jianhui Zhong1
1Center for Brain Imaging Science and Technology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, People's Republic of, 2MR Collaboration NE Asia, Siemens Healthcare, Shanghai, China, People's Republic of
In this study, a low rank and sparsity based MRF
reconstruction scheme (L&S MRF) is proposed for reducing the
artifacts of each time point with a fraction of acquisition times.Purpose
Fingerprinting (MRF) is a novel fast imaging technique for simultaneous
quantitative multi-parametric mappings
1. The original MRF maps were reconstructed
by using a single spiral interleaf with variable TR& Flip angle (FA) and a pixel-wise
template matching method. However, due to the inherent highly undersampling for
each slice, the artifacts affect the final parametric mappings so that more
than 1000 repetitions are needed for each slice
acquisition in order to obtain robust results. To further accelerate the
acquisition of MRF, a low rank and sparsity based MRF reconstruction scheme (L&S
MRF) is proposed in this study for reducing the artifacts at each time point
within a fraction of acquisition times used in the original MRF
For L time
points, define M=[M1, M2,
…, ML,] as the spiral
k-space data matrix measured from L
spiral interleaves, and x as the reconstructed
image series, in which the individual image has N pixels. The L&S MRF method utilizes both the low rank and
sparsity constraint2 on the acquired data for reconstruction, which
can be expressed by:ˆX=argmin∥FX−M∥22+λL∥X∥∗+λS∥ΨX∥1,[1]where X
(with size N*L) is the Casorati matrix that is rearranged from the image series x, F
is the non-uniform FFT operator, and Ψ is the sparse transform operator that act
on each column of X. λL and λS are the regularization parameters that can be tuned
for optimizations.Both low rank and sparsity constraint are
exploited in Eq. [1]. First, the low rank constraint is based on the assumption
of high correlations of images between interleaves, and it can be enforced for all
time points with the same background. Second, the joint
sparsity constraint is exploited with the assumption that the sparsity of
different contrast-weighted images between interleaves (induced by variable
TRs/FAs in MRF acquisitions) is highly correlated. Figure 1 shows the
flowchart of our proposed reconstruction scheme. This reconstruction is iterated
until the preset tolerance value (10-3 in this study) is
achieved, and then the reconstructed images from all time points are used for
template matching.
brain experiment was performed for validation on a 3T scanner (MAGNETOM Prisma, Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen,
with 20-channel head coil. The MRF sequence was based on an inversion-prepared FISP
sequence3 with TR varying from 10 to 12ms, FA varying from 5 to 80
degrees, and a variable density spiral trajectory rotating 12 degrees for each
TR. The dictionary was based on the extended phase graph algorithm4
with the range of T1 from 20 to 6000ms and T2 from 20 to 3000ms. For L&S
MRF reconstruction, Ψ was selected as the spatial Fourier transform operator, λL = 0.005 and λS =0.001 which were tuned for
least normalized sum-of-square error (NSSE). The proposed L&S MRF method
was also compared with original MRF method using the same dataset with the number of time
points L=600. The reference
parametric mappings were obtained by original MRF method with the number of time points L=3000.
Figure 2 shows the T1, T2 and proton density
maps of reference, original MRF and our proposed method. It can be seen that when
L=600, our proposed method is robust against
the noise, and has smaller NSSE than original method (0.0131 vs 0.0235 for T1
map, 0.0260 vs 0.0918 for T2 map and 0.0225 vs 0.1639 for proton density map,
Discussion and
Compared with original pixel-wise
reconstruction scheme, high correlations between interleaves (low rank
constraint enforced) and pixels (sparsity constraint enforced) are exploited as
the prior information in our proposed L&S method, to reach for better
performance of reconstructions. Since the results of original MRF method are
affected by artifacts due to highly under-sampling, L&S MRF method
utilizing simultaneous low rank and sparsity structures reduces the artifacts, thus
the number of time points can be decreased for acceleration.
No acknowledgement found.References
1. Ma D. et al, Nature (2013); 495:187-192.
2. Zhao B. et al, IEEE
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3. Jiang Y. et al, MRM (2014); DOI:10.1002/mrm.25559.
4. Weigel M. et
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