Xiaozhi Cao1, Congyu Liao1, Zhixing Wang1, Huihui Ye1, Ying Chen1, Hongjian He1, Song Chen1, Hui Liu2, and Jianhui Zhong1
1Center for Brain Imaging Science and Technology, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou,Zhejiang, China, People's Republic of, 2MR Collaboration NE Asia, Siemens Healthcare, Shanghai, China, People's Republic of
fingerprinting has been used for estimating the intra-voxel tissue component
fractions by resolving the equation Svoxel=Dw.
In this study, potential fractions of interested components are used for building
dictionary instead of T1 and T2, changing the solution of Svoxel =Dw into an optimization problem with
regularization terms. The results demonstrate that the proposed method could
provide more robust quantification of tissue composition and estimation of
partial volume effects.Purpose
MR fingerprinting has
been used for estimating the intra-voxel tissue component fractions
1, 2.
The previous method
2 could lead to over-fitting error, which hinders
reliable mapping of tissue fractions. In this work, we propose to use template
matching with a dictionary whose entry is dependent on composition fraction, in
solving the MRF signal equation.
The previous method
resolves the MRF signal equation Svoxel=Dw by pseudo-inverse,
namely (DHD)-1DHSvoxel=w, where Svoxel
is the measured signal evolution, D
is pre-calculated signal evolution of interested components and w is the group of component fractions.
However, the results often exhibit abnormal fraction values (i.e. negative or
above 1), so normalization after fractions obtained are needed, leading to
over-fitting error. Besides, no consensus
solution for the necessary normalization is reached yet in the field. One
approach often used is to take the absolute value of results and then normalize
them to summation of 1 2.
In this study, instead
of the dictionary based on T1 or T2 for MRF, potential fractions of interested
components were used. Only the signal evolutions of interested components, D, was pre-calculated by extended phase
graph algorithm 3, and then multiplied by W (W=[w1,w2,…wM],
where M is the number of potential
fractions groups wi,), to build the
dictionary. By using template matching between each column vector of DW and Svoxel, the
component fraction is obtained from the best matched one. The solution of Svoxel=Dw actually is therefore turned into an
optimization problem:
w is the column vector of fractions
with N the interested components. Svoxel is L×1 vector with L the
number of time points for MRF acquisition and w is a N×1 vector. The matrix size is L×N for D and N×M for W.
To demonstrate the effectiveness
of the proposed method, two types of MRF measurements were performed on a
Siemens 3T Prisma scanner based on an inversion-prepared FISP MRF sequence 4
with TR
varying from 10 to 12ms, flip angle varying from 5 to 80 degrees. The total scanning
time was about 10s.
A Polyvinylpyrrolidone
(PVP) phantom with concentration of, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 30%, and pure water was
made in separate compartment respectively. Since PVP solution has a good linear
relationship between T1, T2 and its concentration especially when the concentration
is smaller than 30% 5, 6, the signal of dilute PVP solution could be
regarded as a mixture of water and thick PVP solution. In the dictionary, the
interested components were water (T1/T2=3200/3000ms) and 30% PVP solution (T1/T2=1100/800ms).
Therefore, the theoretical fraction values of PVP solution with concentration
from 5% to 20% should be regarded as the linear combination of water and 30%
PVP solution.
The in-vivo experiment was performed using
the same imaging parameters. The interested tissue components included CSF
(T1/T2=4000/1500ms), gray matter (T1/T2=1300/120ms) and white matter (T1/T2=800/80ms).
To test whether the methods can separate white matters with long T1/T2 (800/80ms,
WM II) from that with comparatively short T1/T2 (660/70ms, WM II), these plus
CSF and GM were introduced to form a 4-components tissue fractional mapping.
Figure 1 shows the
fractions of interested component (30% PVP solution) with different
concentration from 0% to 30%. Results using proposed method are closer to the
theoretical values and have a smaller RMSE, demonstrating better precision for
estimating components. The results from in-vivo
experiment, as shown in Figure 2, exhibit that the proposed method performs
better, especially in separating the white matter from gray matter (red arrow).
Furthermore, when short WM components was introduced (Figure 3), the performance
of previous method deteriorated for all components estimating. The proposed
method could distinguish white matters of long T1/T2 from short T1/T2 and did not
influence the estimation of CSF and grey matters.
and Conclusion
With the regularization
introduced to the calculation of component fractions, the results are more
precise and robust since the irrational over-fitting error is alleviated.
Therefore, the proposed method could provide more robust quantification of
tissue composition and estimation of partial volume effects. It also provides a
potential for refined classification of tissue by introducing more relevant
No acknowledgement found.References
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