Georg Spinner1, Johannes Frieder Matthias Schmidt1, and Sebastian Kozerke1
1Institute for Biomedical Engineering, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
In vivo Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) parameter
mapping in the brain is particularly challenging because of inherent noise
amplification of parallel imaging. To address this limitation, correlations in space
and in the b-value dimension may be jointly exploited. To this end, an
iterative approach of k-t PCA was adapted to allow image reconstruction from
undersampled IVIM data. Reconstruction and parameter estimation errors of the
proposed k-b PCA approach relative to parallel imaging were assessed. Mean
absolute parameter errors of k-b PCA were lower compared to CG-SENSE (R=4):
1.3±1.9·10-4/1.8±2.0·10-4 mm2/s (D) 0.068±0.083/0.085±0.101
(f) and 6.4±16.9·10-2/7.6±18.3·10-2 mm2/s
(D*). It is concluded that k-b
PCA is a promising alternative to parallel imaging to reduce scan times while
maintaining the quality of diffusion and perfusion parameter maps in brain
The Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) (1) model in combination with parallel imaging (R=2)
has successfully been used clinically to map perfusion in the brain (2). Parallel imaging, however, inherently reduces the
signal-to-noise ratio along with spatially dependent noise amplification and
therefore undersampling factors beyond a factor of two are difficult to
implement for IVIM in practice. To exploit the redundancy among the
diffusion-weighted images (DWI) acquired for IVIM, constrained image
reconstruction methods operating in the spatio-principal component space may be
It is the objective of the present work to implement
and validate k-t PCA (3,4) for IVIM. Using in-vivo brain data, IVIM
parameter maps of diffusion (D), perfusion fraction (f) and pseudo-diffusion
(D*) are compared relative to maps derived from parallel imaging and fully
sampled data.
Iterative k-t PCA (5) was implemented to reconstruct data obtained
with optimized k-b sampling (referred to as k-b PCA). Here b denotes the
dimension spanned by DWI data acquired at different b-values. In k-b PCA, data
consistency is enforced along with a regularization term to incorporate
information from low-resolution data acquired alongside and decomposed into
spatially dependent weights and b-dependent basis functions. Accordingly, image
reconstruction is performed in x-pc space (5):
here E denotes the forward encoding operator, d the
acquired k-b space data, M low resolution data, F_{b\rightarrow f} and F_{f\rightarrow pc} transform operators and λ a regularization parameter.
For reference, CG-SENSE reconstruction (6) was implemented and performed on each b-image
separately. Coil calibration data for both k-b PCA and CG-SENSE were obtained
from a separate fully sampled coil calibration scan.
Datasets from 6 healthy volunteers (female, age: 22.8±3.5 years, weight: 61.7±7.5
kg) were obtained on a 3T Philips Achieva scanner (Philips Healthcare, Best,
the Netherlands) equipped with an 8-channel head coil using dedicated pads (Pearltec,
Zurich, Switzerland) for head fixation. Single-shot diffusion-weighted
spin-echo EPI data were collected with a FOV of 194x150x80 mm3,
voxel size 1.2x1.2x4 mm3, TE=179 ms, TR=4000 ms, 20 slices and 16 b-values (7) (range: 0-1000 s/mm2) encoded along
three orthogonal directions in a total scan time of 6:24 min for the fully
sampled reference.
The reconstruction error in the region of the brain including
CSF for net 1.8 to 4.0-fold undersampling factors was quantified for both k-b
PCA and CG-SENSE using the normalized root mean square error (NRMSE) relative
to the fully sampled reference. IVIM parameter maps were derived using a
segmented least-squares fit of the IVIM model as described in (8). The parameter estimation error of D, f and D*
is reported for images reconstructed from undersampled and fully sampled data.
Spatially dependent noise amplification in the mages
reconstructed with CG-SENSE is readily apparent, while k-b PCA reconstructed
images show reduced overall noise (Fig. 1). The reconstruction error (NRMSE)
for a net undersampling factor of R=4 and b=0 s/mm2 was 10.2±1.0 %
for CG-SENSE and 10.1±5.6 % for k-b PCA (λ=10-9) over all
volunteers. For b=1000 s/mm2, the mean and standard deviation of
NRMSE over all volunteers and diffusion encoding directions was 61.2±6.2 % for
CG-SENSE and 27.0±6.2 % for k-b PCA. Fig. 2 displays the reconstruction error
as a function of net undersampling factor R for one volunteer. An analysis of
different regularization parameters λ (Fig. 3) revealed that the reconstruction
error decreased with increasing λ leveling off between 10-9 and 10-8.
While IVIM parameter maps reconstructed based on CG-SENSE data were noisy
especially around the ventricles, k-b PCA resulted in improved estimates, in
particular for D and f.
Example parameter maps of one volunteer are shown in
Fig. 4. The absolute parameter estimation errors as for an (effective)
undersampling factor of R=4 using CG-SENSE and k-b PCA were 1.8±2.0·10-4
mm2/s and 1.3±1.9·10-4 mm2/s for D, 0.085±0.101
and 0.068±0.083 for f and 7.6±18.3·10-2 and 6.4±16.9·10-2
mm2/s for D* as shown in Fig. 5.
In this work k-b PCA has been implemented
to exploit redundancy among diffusion-weighted images thereby improving
accelerated IVIM of the brain. In contrast to CG-SENSE reconstruction, 4-fold
accelerated k-b PCA allowed reconstructing IVIM parameter maps comparable to
those derived from fully sampled images. Since undersampling simultaneously allows
for a shorter EPI readout and correspondingly lower echo times, the relative
signal-to-noise ratio penalty due to reduced data acquisition is partly
compensated for.
Accelerating IVIM using k-b PCA
is a promising alternative to parallel imaging to reduce scan times while
maintaining the quality of diffusion and perfusion parameter maps in brain
work is supported by VPH-DARE@IT.References
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