Emilie Mussard1,2,3, Tom Hilbert1,2,3, Reto Meuli2, Jean-Philippe Thiran2,3, and Tobias Kober1,2,3
1Advanced Clinical Imaging Technology (HC CMEA SUI DI BM PI), Siemens Healthcare AG, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Department of Radiology, University Hospital (CHUV), Lausanne, Switzerland, 3LTS5, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
MP2RAGE is a T1 imaging
method providing greatly reduced B1 bias as well as less T2* and
PD-contributions. It requires, however, long acquisition time (standard
protocol with GRAPPAx3: ~8min) which hampers its clinical application. This
work proposes to use sparse iterative reconstruction techniques to shorten
MP2RAGE acquisition times. Resulting images are benchmarked using contrast
assessment, changes in obtained T1 values as well as evaluating the effect of
undersampling on an automated brain morphometry algorithm. Acceptable penalty
in image quality and morphometric outcome was achieved with up to 5-fold
acceleration, yielding a measurement time of 3.8min compared to fully sampled 20min.Introduction:
1 is a T1 imaging method that
greatly reduces the B1 bias field as well as T2* and PD contrast compared to
standard MPRAGE acquisitions and has the additional advantage to generate T1
maps from the obtained MP2RAGE contrast. To this end, two FLASH images are
sampled after inversion, resulting in a prolonged TR and thus long total
acquisition times (~8min using GRAPPA x3
For clinical use, examinations of this duration are difficult to conduct. We
thus propose to apply sparse iterative reconstruction3 on MP2RAGE
images to reduce the required acquisition time. Results are benchmarked
calculating contrast figures for the different acceleration factors as well as
assessing the undersampling effects on an automated brain morphometry
Materials & Methods:
After obtaining written
consent, a fully
sampled MP2RAGE (TR 5s, TI1/TI2 0.7s/2.5s, flip angles 4
and 5 degrees, resolution 1mm isotropic, acq. matrix 256x240x176, TA=20mn) of one healthy volunteer was acquired at 3T (MAGNETOM
Skyra, Siemens Healthcare, Germany) using a 20-channel head/neck coil.
Artificial undersampling was performed using a variable-density Cartesian spiral
phyllotaxis pattern4 with different acceleration factors from 1 to
16. The reconstruction of the images from undersampled data was computed by
iteratively minimizing the following cost function enforcing both
consistency with acquired data and sparsity in the wavelet domain: min
with P being the
sampling mask, F the discrete Fourier transform, Sc complex sensitivities computed with ESPIRiT5, Y the undersampled
k-space, λ a regularization parameter and Ψ the wavelet-transform.
Both the MP2RAGE uniform contrast and the T1
map of the fully sampled dataset were reconstructed and served as ground truth
for comparing the obtained undersampling results. Furthermore, the Morphobox
prototype6 was applied on the fully sampled uniform image to obtain
six masks of structures of interest for further analysis, namely: thalamus,
caudate, putamen, hippocampus, global white matter and global grey matter.
The artificially
undersampled datasets were reconstructed using the procedure shown above,
obtaining uniform contrasts from which T1 maps were subsequently calculated
following [1]. After a first qualitative evaluation, contrast ratios (CR), contrast-to-noise ratios
(CNR), root-mean-square difference
(RMSD) as well as T1 map differences were quantitatively assessed in the six
brain structures defined above. CR and CNR were computed using the definition
given by Okubo’s comparison of MPRAGE and MP2RAGE7.
Results and Discussion:
Figure 1 shows reconstructed slices, relative
difference to the fully sampled conventional reconstruction and RMSD with
increasing acceleration factor R (R = 2.19, 5.23, 7.90). It can be seen that
with higher R, edges smooth out and that anatomical information is lost in some
structures, e.g. in the caudate or putamen. Similarly, the RMSD is increasing
with rising R. Changes in volume estimates of the structures of interest over
the different Rs are shown in Figure 2. To note, white-matter estimates
considerably drop with R>4. CR and CNR figures, however, remain stable as
can be seen in Table 1. CNR shows a slight increase for R>5 which is
probably due to the iterative denoising. T1 maps show that average T1 values
remain stable in all structures of interest; in some structures, however,
standard deviations increase to up to 10%.
The application of sparse iterative
reconstruction on undersampled MP2RAGE acquisitions allows obtaining images
with only minor quality and CNR degradation for a not too high R. Increased
blurring might however impede visual reading with higher acceleration factors.
Our preliminary data suggests that acceleration factors up to 5.2,
corresponding to an acquisition time of 3.8 min, are feasible with acceptable
quality penalty. Notably, the iterative reconstruction proposed here has not
yet used the redundancy in the two inversion contrasts as proposed by Berkin et
8; exploiting these, further improvements in image reconstruction
quality may be feasible.
No acknowledgement found.References
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