Eric G Stinson1, Stephen J. Riederer1, and Joshua D. Trzasko1
1Radiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States
Multi-level (uniform + non-uniform) sampling for accelerated dynamic MRI either solves a computationally expensive full regression problem, or breaks the problem into two separate steps for each sampling operator. Here, the latter approach is taken, with low-rank matrix completion used as a pre-processing step to complete the non-uniform sampling operator before SENSE reconstruction unfolds the effects of the uniform sampling operator. It is shown that both spatial and temporal resolution are retained with LRMC + SENSE in comparison with more traditional pre-processing steps.Purpose
Dynamic MR imaging is useful for a number of applications, including cardiac imaging, contrast-enhanced MR angiography, and perfusion imaging with Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) or Dynamic Susceptibility Enhanced MRI (DSC-MRI). To obtain the necessary high spatial and temporal resolution undersampling is typically used. When multi-level sampling of uniform (traditional SENSE(1)) and non-uniform undersampling are combined, an image update time of Tupdate<5s can be achieved while retaining spatial resolution.
Methods to account for the non-uniform sampling include "sample-and-hold view sharing" (SHVS) (2), where samples from neighboring time frames are shared to enhance image quality and spatial resolution (by increasing the coverage of k-space) at the expense of temporal resolution, or using the raw data to retain temporal resolution at the expense of spatial resolution. Other techniques use a sparse penalty to reconstruct undersampled images before a model-based or data driven reconstruction (3-4). Alternatively, a full regression-type reconstruction (5) can be performed to account for multi-level sampling at the expense of reconstruction time.
Here, we propose to use low-rank matrix completion (LRMC) (6) as a pre-processing step to fill undersampled accelerated k-space and retain both spatial and temporal resolution while taking advantage of the ease of implementation of this modular approach.
The full signal model for a time-resolved, multi-coil acquisition with multi-level sampling is shown in Equation 1.
Gδt=(I⊗ΦtF)SMXδt+Zδt(Eq. 1)
where δt is Kronecker's delta, Gδt is the received multi-coil signal at time t, I is an identity matrix, Φt is the non-uniform sampling operator at time t, F is the uniform (SENSE-type) sampling operator, S contains the coil sensitivities, M is the spatial support mask, Xδt is the true image at time t, and Z is zero-mean, Gaussian noise. Equation 1 can be used in solving the full regression problem efficiently (5), but a more efficient method may be to pre-process the data in the uniformly undersampled space before performing standard SENSE unfolding, under the assumption that a priori knowledge of the final image also informs the folded image and/or the undersampled k-space. The signal model for the preprocessing step in k-space is then
Gδt=ΦtYδt+Zδt(Eq. 2)
where Yδt is now the multi-coil (only) uniformly undersampled k-space signal. Solving for Y is the pre-processing step, followed by standard SENSE reconstruction. A schematic of this reconstruction procedure (with the traditional routes) is shown in Figure 1. Here a low-rank penalty is used as uniform undersampling in k-space, which results in object folding in image space, does not change the low-rank nature of the dynamic time series. Thus, the regression is of the form:
Cartesian k-space data was acquired with a variant of the CAPR (5,7) method optimized for DCE-MRI prostate imaging (pCAPR) where the uniform sampling operator is a SENSE-type operator, and the non-uniform sampling consists of 3 pseudorandom sets that alternate in a periodic fashion through time. These studies were performed at 3T (GE, Waukesha, WI) with a 32 channel phased array and scan parameters in Table 1.
LRMC was performed on the Casorati form of G in an iterative thresholding manner where at each iteration: 1) singular value hard thresholding (8-9), and 2) data fidelity enforcement via data replacement. In the dataset shown here, the visually optimized threshold value was equivalent to Rank = 2. The algorithm was implemented in MATLAB 2015b and used 50 iterations. Standard SENSE reconstruction (1,7) was performed on the acquired (non-view shared), LRMC, and SHVS data to obtain unfolded images of the prostate.
Image results of a single time frame of the dynamic prostate exam are shown in Figure 2. Note that without view sharing, the spatial resolution suffers, but with SHVS or LRMC, the spatial resolution is recovered. Profiles across features in the images are shown in Figure 3, and show that LRMC has comparable spatial resolution to the SHVS. Figure 4 shows time courses for 3 different voxels depicted in the image at the bottom. Note that the temporal resolution of the SHVS is reduced, but the LRMC time course has high temporal resolution like the non-view-shared case.
LRMC can be performed as a pre-processing step in reconstructing multi-level undersampled dynamic MRI data to retain the temporal resolution of the acquired data and recover the spatial resolution similar to the traditional SHVS technique.
Funded by: NIH R21EB017840, NIH EB000212, NIH RR018898, DOD CDMRP W81XWH
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