In this work we propose
a simple method for increasing the spatio-temporal incoherence of a golden
angle radial time-series acquisition by mildly perturbing the golden angles
with a random variable. Despite its quasi-random distribution of golden angle
samples, x-f point spread function analysis reveals strong coherence along the
frequency domain. When the golden angles are slightly jittered using a normal
random variable with small variance, the x-f point spread functions take on a
more diffuse, noise-like appearance, making the acquisition scheme more
appropriate for k-t reconstruction methods relying on incoherence, while
maintaining its favourable spatial properties. Purpose
To show that randomly perturbing the golden angles in a k-t radial
acquisition scheme significantly reduces peak side lobes in the x-f point
spread function, with little penalty in spatial encoding efficiency.
Radial encoding schemes based on the golden ratio (or the golden angle) are
popular for their near-optimal spatial encoding efficiencies1 and
favorable spatial point-spread function (PSF)
properties2 when combining an arbitrary number of projections to
form an image. The latter in particular makes
radial acquisitions desirable for image reconstruction using compressed sensing
due reduced coherent aliasing artefacts (i.e. low side-lobe energy in the PSF3), and accelerated spatio-temporal acquisitions employing k-t
reconstructions also use the golden angle radial acquisition scheme4.
Intuitively, the quasi-random nature of this sampling might be expected to have
beneficial incoherence properties, but to our knowledge the effect of the fixed
angular increment on the overall x-f PSF5 has not been considered.
We show that the x-f PSFs of a golden-angle acquisition possess
considerable coherence along the frequency domain, which we can dampen by
perturbing the golden angles with a normally-distributed random variable. This
results in a more noise-like and incoherent PSF, and can be achieved with only
small penalties to the spatial encoding efficiency when low numbers of
projections are combined. The impact of reduction in x-f
PSF coherence is demonstrated in a rank-constrained k-t reconstruction of FMRI
data6, showing clear reduction of high-frequency artefacts.
Theory and Methods
The standard golden-angle radial scheme is defined as θn=180n/ϕ, where ϕ=(1=√5)/2 (hereby denoted “θn”). While this distribution of
projections exhibits quasi-random spatial behavior, it has high temporal
regularity due to its fixed increment. Here, we
modify the golden-angle acquisition to include a random perturbation, defined
as ˜θn=180n/ϕ+τ, where τ∼N(0,σ) denotes a zero-mean, σº standard deviation normally
distributed random variable (hereby denoted “˜θn(σ)”). This results in a set of projections
that is on average centered on golden angle increments (Fig. 1a), inheriting
its favorable spatial properties (Fig. 1b), but with a disrupted temporal
regularity (increased incoherence).
compute x-f PSFs from k-t radial sampling masks for reconstructions with 8–19
projections/image, using the NUFFT7, followed by a temporal Fourier
transform. A synthetic artefact voxel was superimposed on a resting FMRI
dataset (64x64 matrix, 500 time points) and retrospectively sampled using the θn and
˜θn(2) schemes. Two subjects were scanned at 3T under
a 5-minute resting FMRI condition, using the θn and ˜θn(2) schemes in a 3D hybrid radial-Cartesian
trajectory8, which is similar to a stack-of-stars, except the
Cartesian direction is traversed in a single shot using an EPI readout.
Slice-by-slice radial reconstruction was performed onto a 100x100 spatial matrix
with 300 time-points (20 projections/image, R=5 relative to Cartesian
equivalent sampling, and TR=1 s) using an iterative hard thresholding and
matrix shrinkage algorithm6 with a rank constraint of 32.
Figure 2 shows the peak side-lobe amplitude of the x-f PSF, between the
θn and
˜θn(2) schemes,
for a 10-projection reconstruction, indicating the reduction in PSF coherence
across both space and frequency. Figure 3 shows a central slice through
the x-f PSF (at y=0) for both schemes for reconstructions combining across
different number of projections, highlighting the considerable variability and
spectral coherence in the
θn scheme,
while the
˜θn(2) scheme
shows less coherent, noise-like properties, with much less dependence on the
number of projections included. In Figure 4, the retrospective sampling experiment
shows the impact of the artefact voxel on the resultant image reconstructions,
with much higher normalized RMSE in the images derived from
θn. Figure 5 shows spectra averaged over the entire brain in representative slices for each subject. In this data, clear reductions of certain spectral aliasing artefacts are observed with the perturbed golden angles (black arrows), although some residual aliasing is still evident.
We have presented a simple way of modifying golden angle acquisition
schemes to reduce temporal coherence, while still achieving high spatial
efficiencies at small temporal windows. This approach demonstrates a reduction, although not complete elimination of coherent artefacts in low-rank k-t image reconstruction, and highlights the
importance of minimizing temporal coherence in sparsity or rank-based
non-linear reconstruction strategies. Further optimization of this approach, by designing optimized pertubations or exhaustive search can lead to further improvements in the incoherence of spatio-temporal radial sampling under near-arbitrary projection combinations.
This work funded in part by the EPSRC (MC), SNSF (NG) and Wellcome Trust (KM).References
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