Chen Zhongzhou1, Zhang Xiaoyong1, Zheng Hairong1, Liu Xin1, Fan Zhaoyang2, and Xie Guoxi1
1Lauterbur Research Center for Biomedical Imaging, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology,CAS, Shenzhen, China, People's Republic of, 2Biomedical Imaging Research Institute, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, United States
Coronary vessel wall MR imaging has
great potential to detect coronary plaques which can be important for heart
disease diagnosis. However, the imaging is always time-consuming because it
needs a large amount of data for clear vessel wall depiction. In this work, a
novel method based on compressed sensing (CS) with block-weighted total variation
(BWTV) was proposed to accelerate coronary vessel wall imaging. Simulation and
in vivo experiment results demonstrated that the proposed method can significantly
decrease the amount of data for image reconstruction without compromising the depiction
of the tiny coronary vessel wall.
vessel wall MR imaging has great potential to detect coronary plaques which can be of vital importance for heart
disease diagnosis. However, coronary vessel wall imaging is always time-consuming
because a large amount of data is needed for clear vessel wall depiction. Compressed
sensing (CS) with total variation (TV) [1] is a
promising approach to accelerate MR imaging by reducing the amount of acquired
data, however, TV gives equal penalty to each pixel [2] on the image, resulting in coronary vessel
wall blurring. To address this issue, a new method based on CS with block-weighted
total variation (BWTV) was proposed in this work. We hypothesized that the
proposed method, named BWTV, applied a small weight to the small vessel wall
region will help to significantly accelerate the coronary vessel wall imaging without
compromising the depiction of the coronary vessel wall.
For coronary vessel wall imaging, the
most important thing is to clearly visualize the tiny vessel wall which only
occupies a small region on the image. Thus, a small penalization is preferred
to regularize this region to preserve the edge of the vessel wall, and a large
one is preferred for the other regions. The image reconstruction then can be formulated as Eq. (1).
where y, {\bf{F}} and \lambda represents the sampled
data in k-space, the partial Fourier encoding matrix and the regularization parameter respectively, and {\left\| u \right\|_{{\rm{BWTV}}}} is the BWTV norm of
image u and is calculated as {\left\| u \right\|_{{\rm{BWTV}}}} = \int {{\omega _\sigma }{{\left\| {{u_\sigma }} \right\|}_{{\rm{TV}}}}d\sigma } where {\left\| {{u_\sigma }} \right\|_{{\rm{TV}}}} represents the TV norm
of the block {u_\sigma }
of the image and {\omega _\sigma } denotes the weight of
the corresponding block.
and Materials
(1) Numerical
A modified Shepp-Logan image with matrix size of 256×256 was used for
simulation. A tiny annulus and three bright adjoined pixels on the inner wall
were placed on center of the image to simulate coronary vessel wall and
plaque. Besides, two discs and one ellipse with proper gray-levels were added
to reduce the image sparsity. Fourier transformed data of the simulated image was
used as full k-space data. And then down-sampled data with different acceleration factors
were retrospectively obtained by densely sampling 24 center phase lines and
randomly down-sampling outer ones from the above data. The acceleration factors were set to 2, 4, 6 and 8.
(2) In
vivo experiment:
IRB-approved 4 healthy volunteers were
recruited for assessing the proposed method. A 3D dark-blood sequence with stack-of-stars
sampling trajectories and a partition-first tiny-golden-angle reordering was customized
for data acquisition [3,4]. The study was performed on a 3T (MAGNETOM Trio, Siemens) with
a standard 12-channel coil. Scan parameters included: 3D transversal imaging to coronary vessel, TR/TE= 3.8/1.9
ms, spatial resolution=0.83×0.83×2.0 mm3,
bandwidth=992 Hz/Pixel, partition number=12.radial views of a partition=240.
After data acquisition, the data was retrospectively
down-sampled according to acceleration factors of 2, 3 and 4, respectively.
(3) Image
In both simulation and in vivo experiment, two blocks were defined for
image reconstruction using the proposed BWTV method. The size of the central block
containing the vessel wall was empirically chosen as
81×81 in vivo data while 41×41 in simulation to make sure that the vessel wall was
included. For comparison, TV and edge-preserving TV [2] were also conducted to
reconstruct all data. The regularization parameter \lambda was respectively tuned
to achieve the best reconstruction by different methods.
Numerical simulation results were shown
in Fig. 1&2.
When a low acceleration factor of 2 was applied, the image was accurately
reconstructed by all three methods. However, as the acceleration factor
increased, the images reconstructed by TV and EPTV were quickly deteriorated,
while both the coronary vessel wall and the plaque can be well reconstructed by
BWTV even the acceleration factor is 8 (Fig. 1).
Representative in
vivo experiment results from a subject were shown in Fig. 3. The vessel wall was well
reconstructed by BWTV with acceleration factor of 4 (i.e, only 60 radial views per
partition), while the wall reconstructed by TV and EPTV had become heavily
blurry with acceleration factor of 3.
A novel method was proposed to accelerate coronary vessel wall imaging.
Both simulation and in vivo experiment results demonstrate that the
proposed BWTV method can decrease the amount of data for image reconstruction
without compromising the visualization of coronary vessel wall. Further
evaluation is required to establish its clinical value, which is our
goal in next step.
work was supported in part by NSFC (No. 81328013, No. 81120108012, No. 81571669),
and the NSF of Shenzhen (No. GJHZ20150316143320494, No. JCY20140417113430603,
No. KQCX2015033117354154).References
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