Xiaozhi Cao1, Congyu Liao1, Zhixing Wang1, Huihui Ye1, Ying Chen1, Hongjian He1, Song Chen1, Hui Liu2, and Jianhui Zhong1
1Center for Brain Imaging Science and Technology, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou,Zhejiang, China, People's Republic of, 2MR Collaboration NE Asia, Siemens Healthcare, Shanghai, China, People's Republic of
The original MRF method uses one spiral interleaf acquired
within each time point to reconstruct one image, leading to dramatic
fluctuation in the signal evolution caused by undersampling error. In this
work, a sliding window is utilized to select multiple interleaves to generate
one full-sampled image for each step so
that the fluctuation in signal evolution could be significantly alleviated. Therefore
our proposed method can reach an expected result with reduced time points. The results demonstrate that the proposed method can reduce the
acquisition time from about 11s to 5.6s or even less. Purpose
To accelerate MRF acquisition, in this
study a sliding-window reconstruction strategy is proposed to improve the
quality of each image in MRF by reducing the undersampling artifacts, thus decreasing
the necessary number of time points (
For the original MRF method2, each spiral interleaf acquired
within each time point (Figure 1a) is used for reconstructing one image so that
L images are obtained and then used
for template matching pixel by pixel. Since each interleaf is highly
undersampled, the reconstructed images are seriously noisy due to the
undersampling artifacts, leading to dramatic fluctuation in the signal
evolution curve. To overcome the influence caused by that fluctuation on
template matching, the number of time points (L) must be big enough to ensure the SNR in time domain.
this work, a sliding window was utilized to select multiple interleaves, which
are acquired during different time points, to generate one image for each step
(Figure 1b). Therefore, the amount of reconstructed images became L-W+1,
where W is the number of selected interleaves.
result from combining spiral interleaves acquired with different repetition
times and flip angles forms a multi-weighted image. If the window width is
identical to the number of spiral rotating types, the reconstructed image would
be a full-sample one. In this way, the random-like
aliasing artifacts caused by undersampling error are reduced significantly, so are
the fluctuations in signal evolution curve. Since the reconstructed images are
multi-weighted, the dictionary has to be modified. Therefore, we performed a
same sliding-window summation on original dictionary (DO) to generate a new dictionary (DN), namely DNi=∑i+Wj=iDOj, to adapt to the signal evolution under new
reconstruction method. The rest part is similar as the original MRF method.
test the above strategy, we performed in-vivo
brain experiment and phantom tests, using a MRF sequence based on an inversion-prepared
FISP with TR varying from 10 to 12ms, flip angle varying from 5 to 80 degrees,
and a variable density spiral (VDS) trajectory which was zero-moment
compensated3. The spiral trajectory rotated 12 degrees for each TR
so that the number of trajectory types was 30. Similarly, W was set as 30 to
cover the full k-space. And the calculation of dictionary was based on extended
phase graph algorithm4. The range of T1 in dictionary was from 20 to
6000ms, T2 from 20 to 3000ms.
phantom of Polyvinylpyrrolidone
(PVP) solution with concentrations from 10% to 60% was utilized for phantom
T1 and T2 values were also calculated by DESPOT1 and multi-TE TSE experiments respectively
for comparisons. For in-vivo brain experiments, in addition to the conventionally
acquired data, the reference parametric mappings were obtained by a
full-sampled MRF sequence (L=1000 and
30 repetitions) with total scan time of 331s. All
measurements were made on a Siemens Prisma 3T scanner.
L=300 and
L=500 (correspond to acquisition time of 3.4s and 5.6s,
respectively), the phantom experiment (Figure 2) indicates that the results
from proposed method were closer to reference values than the original method.
And the in-vivo experiments (Figure 3) demonstrate that the sliding-window
reconstruction had a better image quality with smaller NSSE (normalized
sum-of-squares error) than the original method, especially for T2 mappings.
Discussion and Conclusion
the reconstruction of conventional MRF acquisition is based on single interleaf
acquired from each time point, fluctuation in signal evolution curve is serious
due to the undersampling artifacts. By using the sliding-window reconstruction
strategy with a window width covering the period of VDS, the k-space of each reconstructed
image is fully covered so that the fluctuation in signal evolution could be
significantly alleviated. Therefore our proposed method can reach an expected
result with reduced time points that leads to a faster acquisition.
No acknowledgement found.References
1. Pierre, E. et al,
MRM 2015, DOI: 10.1002/mrm.25776.
2. Ma, D. et al, Nature 2013;495:187-192.
3. Jiang Y. et al, MRM 2014, DOI: 10.1002/mrm.25559.
4. Weigel M. , JMRI